645 research outputs found

    Anticipatory Mobile Computing: A Survey of the State of the Art and Research Challenges

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    Today's mobile phones are far from mere communication devices they were ten years ago. Equipped with sophisticated sensors and advanced computing hardware, phones can be used to infer users' location, activity, social setting and more. As devices become increasingly intelligent, their capabilities evolve beyond inferring context to predicting it, and then reasoning and acting upon the predicted context. This article provides an overview of the current state of the art in mobile sensing and context prediction paving the way for full-fledged anticipatory mobile computing. We present a survey of phenomena that mobile phones can infer and predict, and offer a description of machine learning techniques used for such predictions. We then discuss proactive decision making and decision delivery via the user-device feedback loop. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of anticipatory mobile computing.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Programming frameworks for mobile sensing

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    The proliferation of smart mobile devices in people’s daily lives is making context-aware computing a reality. A plethora of sensors available in these devices can be utilized to understand users’ context better. Apps can provide more relevant data or services to the user based on improved understanding of user’s context. With the advent of cloud-assisted mobile platforms, apps can also perform collaborative computation over the sensing data collected from a group of users. However, there are still two main issues: (1) A lack of simple and effective personal sensing frameworks: existing frameworks do not provide support for real-time fusing of data from motion and visual sensors in a simple manner, and no existing framework collectively utilizes sensors from multiple personal devices and personal IoT sensors, and (2) a lack of collaborative/distributed computing frameworks for mobile users. This dissertation presents solutions for these two issues. The first issue is addressed by TagPix and Sentio, two frameworks for mobile sensing. The second issue is addressed by Moitree, a middleware for mobile distributed computing, and CASINO, a collaborative sensor-driven offloading system. TagPix is a real-time, privacy preserving photo tagging framework, which works locally on the phones and consumes little resources (e.g., battery). It generates relevant tags for landscape photos by utilizing sensors of a mobile device and it does not require any previous training or indexing. When a user aims the mobile camera to a particular landmark, the framework uses accelerometer and geomagnetic field sensor to identify in which direction the user is aiming the camera at. It then uses a landmark database and employs a smart distance estimation algorithm to identify which landmark(s) is targeted by the user. The framework then generates relevant tags for the captured photo using these information. A more versatile sensing framework can be developed using sensors from multiple devices possessed by a user. Sentio is such a framework which enables apps to seamlessly utilize the collective sensing capabilities of the user’s personal devices and of the IoT sensors located in the proximity of the user. With Sentio, an app running on any personal mobile/wearable device can access any sensor of the user in real-time using the same API, can selectively switch to the most suitable sensor of a particular type when multiple sensors of this type are available at different devices, and can build composite sensors. Sentio offers seamless connectivity to sensors even if the sensor-accessing code is offloaded to the cloud. Sentio provides these functionalities with a high-level API and a distributed middleware that handles all low-level communication and sensor management tasks. This dissertation also proposes Moitree, a middleware for the mobile cloud platforms where each mobile device is augmented by an avatar, a per-user always-on software entity that resides in the cloud. Mobile-avatar pairs participate in distributed computing as a unified computing entity. Moitree provides a common programming and execution framework for mobile distributed apps. Moitree allows the components of a distributed app to execute seamlessly over a set of mobile/avatar pairs, with the provision of offloading computation and communication to the cloud. The programming framework has two key features: user collaborations are modeled using group semantics - groups are created dynamically based on context and are hierarchical; data communication among group members is offloaded to the cloud through high-level communication channels. Finally, this dissertation presents and discusses CASINO, a collaborative sensor-driven computation offloading framework which can be used alongside Moitree. This framework includes a new scheduling algorithm which minimizes the total completion time of a collaborative computation that executes over a set of mobile/avatar pairs. Using the CASINO API, the programmers can mark their classes and functions as ”offloadable”. The framework collects profiling information (network, CPU, battery, etc.) from participating users’ mobile devices and avatars, and then schedules ”offloadable” tasks in mobiles and avatars in a way that reduces the total completion time. The scheduling problem is proven to be NP-Hard and there is no polynomial time optimization algorithm for it. The proposed algorithm can generate a schedule in polynomial time using a topological sorting and greedy technique

    Power Consumption Analysis, Measurement, Management, and Issues:A State-of-the-Art Review of Smartphone Battery and Energy Usage

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    The advancement and popularity of smartphones have made it an essential and all-purpose device. But lack of advancement in battery technology has held back its optimum potential. Therefore, considering its scarcity, optimal use and efficient management of energy are crucial in a smartphone. For that, a fair understanding of a smartphone's energy consumption factors is necessary for both users and device manufacturers, along with other stakeholders in the smartphone ecosystem. It is important to assess how much of the device's energy is consumed by which components and under what circumstances. This paper provides a generalized, but detailed analysis of the power consumption causes (internal and external) of a smartphone and also offers suggestive measures to minimize the consumption for each factor. The main contribution of this paper is four comprehensive literature reviews on: 1) smartphone's power consumption assessment and estimation (including power consumption analysis and modelling); 2) power consumption management for smartphones (including energy-saving methods and techniques); 3) state-of-the-art of the research and commercial developments of smartphone batteries (including alternative power sources); and 4) mitigating the hazardous issues of smartphones' batteries (with a details explanation of the issues). The research works are further subcategorized based on different research and solution approaches. A good number of recent empirical research works are considered for this comprehensive review, and each of them is succinctly analysed and discussed

    DSP.Ear: Leveraging co-processor support for continuous audio sensing on smartphones

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    The rapidly growing adoption of sensor-enabled smartphones has greatly fueled the proliferation of applications that use phone sensors to monitor user behavior. A central sensor among these is the microphone which enables, for instance, the detection of valence in speech, or the identification of speakers. Deploying multiple of these applications on a mobile device to continuously monitor the audio environment allows for the acquisition of a diverse range of sound-related contextual inferences. However, the cumulative processing burden critically impacts the phone battery. To address this problem, we propose DSP.Ear - an integrated sensing system that takes advantage of the latest low-power DSP co-processor technology in commodity mobile devices to enable the continuous and simultaneous operation of multiple established algorithms that perform complex audio inferences. The system extracts emotions from voice, estimates the number of people in a room, identifies the speakers, and detects commonly found ambient sounds, while critically incurring little overhead to the device battery. This is achieved through a series of pipeline optimizations that allow the computation to remain largely on the DSP. Through detailed evaluation of our prototype implementation we show that, by exploiting a smartphone's co-processor, DSP.Ear achieves a 3 to 7 times increase in the battery lifetime compared to a solution that uses only the phone's main processor. In addition, DSP.Ear is 2 to 3 times more power efficient than a naive DSP solution without optimizations. We further analyze a large-scale dataset from 1320 Android users to show that in about 80-90% of the daily usage instances DSP.Ear is able to sustain a full day of operation (even in the presence of other smartphone workloads) with a single battery charge.This work was supported by Microsoft Research through its PhD Scholarship Program.This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM in the proceedings of the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2668349

    Mobile Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

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    Mobile and ubiquitous devices are everywhere around us generating considerable amount of data. The concept of mobile computing and analytics is expanding due to the fact that we are using mobile devices day in and out without even realizing it. These mobile devices use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile data to be intermittently connected to the world, generating, sending and receiving data on the move. Latest mobile applications incorporating graphics, video and audio are main causes of loading the mobile devices by consuming battery, memory and processing power. Mobile Big data analytics includes for instance, big health data, big location data, big social media data, and big heterogeneous data. Healthcare is undoubtedly one of the most data-intensive industries nowadays and the challenge is not only in acquiring, storing, processing and accessing data, but also in engendering useful insights out of it. These insights generated from health data may reduce health monitoring cost, enrich disease diagnosis, therapy, and care and even lead to human lives saving. The challenge in mobile data and Big data analytics is how to meet the growing performance demands of these activities while minimizing mobile resource consumption. This thesis proposes a scalable architecture for mobile big data analytics implementing three new algorithms (i.e. Mobile resources optimization, Mobile analytics customization and Mobile offloading), for the effective usage of resources in performing mobile data analytics. Mobile resources optimization algorithm monitors the resources and switches off unused network connections and application services whenever resources are limited. However, analytics customization algorithm attempts to save energy by customizing the analytics process while implementing some data-aware techniques. Finally, mobile offloading algorithm decides on the fly whether to process data locally or delegate it to a Cloud back-end server. The ultimate goal of this research is to provide healthcare decision makers with the advancements in mobile Big data analytics and support them in handling large and heterogeneous health datasets effectively on the move

    Mobile Autonomous Sensing Unit (MASU): a framework that supports distributed pervasive data sensing

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    Pervasive data sensing is a major issue that transverses various research areas and application domains. It allows identifying people’s behaviour and patterns without overwhelming the monitored persons. Although there are many pervasive data sensing applications, they are typically focused on addressing specific problems in a single application domain, making them difficult to generalize or reuse. On the other hand, the platforms for supporting pervasive data sensing impose restrictions to the devices and operational environments that make them unsuitable for monitoring loosely-coupled or fully distributed work. In order to help address this challenge this paper present a framework that supports distributed pervasive data sensing in a generic way. Developers can use this framework to facilitate the implementations of their applications, thus reducing complexity and effort in such an activity. The framework was evaluated using simulations and also through an empirical test, and the obtained results indicate that it is useful to support such a sensing activity in loosely-coupled or fully distributed work scenarios.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    ZOE: A cloud-less dialog-enabled continuous sensing wearable exploiting heterogeneous computation

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    The wearable revolution, as a mass-market phenomenon, has finally arrived. As a result, the question of how wearables should evolve over the next 5 to 10 years is assuming an increasing level of societal and commercial importance. A range of open design and system questions are emerging, for instance: How can wearables shift from being largely health and fitness focused to tracking a wider range of life events? What will become the dominant methods through which users interact with wearables and consume the data collected? Are wearables destined to be cloud and/or smartphone dependent for their operation? Towards building the critical mass of understanding and experience necessary to tackle such questions, we have designed and implemented ZOE – a match-box sized (49g) collar- or lapel-worn sensor that pushes the boundary of wearables in an important set of new directions. First, ZOE aims to perform multiple deep sensor inferences that span key aspects of everyday life (viz. personal, social and place information) on continuously sensed data; while also offering this data not only within conventional analytics but also through a speech dialog system that is able to answer impromptu casual questions from users. (Am I more stressed this week than normal?) Crucially, and unlike other rich-sensing or dialog supporting wearables, ZOE achieves this without cloud or smartphone support – this has important side-effects for privacy since all user information can remain on the device. Second, ZOE incorporates the latest innovations in system-on-a-chip technology together with a custom daughter-board to realize a three-tier low-power processor hierarchy. We pair this hardware design with software techniques that manage system latency while still allowing ZOE to remain energy efficient (with a typical lifespan of 30 hours), despite its high sensing workload, small form-factor, and need to remain responsive to user dialog requests.This work was supported by Microsoft Research through its PhD Scholarship Program. We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers and our shepherd, Jeremy Gummeson, for helping us improve the paper.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM at http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2742647.2742672

    LEO: Scheduling sensor inference algorithms across heterogeneous mobile processors and network resources

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    Mobile apps that use sensors to monitor user behavior often employ resource heavy inference algorithms that make computational offloading a common practice. However, existing schedulers/off loaders typically emphasize one primary offloading aspect without fully exploring complementary goals (e.g., heterogeneous resource management with only partial visibility into underlying algorithms, or concurrent sensor app execution on a single resource) and as a result, may overlook performance benefits pertinent to sensor processing. We bring together key ideas scattered in existing offloading solutions to build LEO - a scheduler designed to maximize the performance for the unique workload of continuous and intermittent mobile sensor apps without changing their inference accuracy. LEO makes use of domain specific signal processing knowledge to smartly distribute the sensor processing tasks across the broader range of heterogeneous computational resources of high-end phones (CPU, co-processor, GPU and the cloud). To exploit short-lived, but substantial optimization opportunities, and remain responsive to the needs of near real-time apps such as voice-based natural user interfaces, LEO runs as a service on a low-power co-processor unit (LPU) to perform both frequent and joint schedule optimization for concurrent pipelines. Depending on the workload and network conditions, LEO is between 1:6 and 3 times more energy efficient than conventional cloud offloading with CPU-bound sensor sampling. In addition, even if a general-purpose scheduler is optimized directly to leverage an LPU, we find LEO still uses only a fraction (< 1=7) of the energy overhead for scheduling and is up to 19% more energy efficient for medium to heavy workloads
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