22 research outputs found

    Reachable but not receptive: enhancing smartphone interruptibility prediction by modelling the extent of user engagement with notifications

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    Smartphone notifications frequently interrupt our daily lives, often at inopportune moments. We propose the decision-on-information-gain model, which extends the existing data collection convention to capture a range of interruptibility behaviour implicitly. Through a six-month in-the-wild study of 11,346 notifications, we find that this approach captures up to 125% more interruptibility cases. Secondly, we find different correlating contextual features for different behaviour using the approach and find that predictive models can be built with >80% precision for most users. However we note discrepancies in performance across labelling, training, and evaluation methods, creating design considerations for future systems

    Managing Smartphone Interruptions through Adaptive Modes and Modulation of Notifications

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    Smartphones are capable of alerting their users to different kinds of digital interruption using different modalities and with varying modulation. Smart notification is the capability of a smartphone for selecting the user's preferred kind of alert in particular situations using the full vocabulary of notification modalities and modulations. It therefore goes well beyond attempts to predict if or when to silence a ringing phone call. We demonstrate smart notification for messages received from a document retrieval system while the user is attending a meeting. The notification manager learns about their notification preferences from users' judgements about videos of meetings. It takes account of the relevance of the interruption to the meeting, whether the user is busy and the sensed location of the smartphone. Through repeated training, the notification manager learns to reliably predict the preferred notification modes for users and this learning continues to improve with use

    Why are smartphones disruptive? An empirical study of smartphone use in real-life contexts

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    Notifications are one of the core functionalities of smartphones. Previous research suggests they can be a major disruption to the professional and private lives of users. This paper presents evidence from a mixed-methods study using first-person wearable video cameras, comprising 200 h of audio-visual first-person, and self-confrontation interview footage with 1130 unique smartphone interactions (N = 37 users), to situate and analyse the disruptiveness of notifications in real-world contexts. We show how smartphone interactions are driven by a complex set of routines and habits users develop over time. We furthermore observe that while the duration of interactions varies, the intervals between interactions remain largely invariant across different activity and location contexts, and for being alone or in the company of others. Importantly, we find that 89% of smartphone interactions are initiated by users, not by notifications. Overall this suggests that the disruptiveness of smartphones is rooted within learned user behaviours, not devices

    Decomposing responses to mobile notifications

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    Notifications from mobile devices frequently prompt us with information, either to merely inform us or to elicit a reaction. This has led to increasing research interest in considering an individual’s interruptibility prior to issuing notifications, in order for them to be positively received. To achieve this, predictive models need to be built from previous response behaviour where the individual’s interruptibility is known. However, there are several degrees of freedom in achieving this, from different definitions in what it means to be interruptible and a notification to be successful, to various methods for collecting data, and building predictive models. The primary focus of this thesis is to improve upon the typical convention used for labelling interruptibility, an area which has had limited direct attention. This includes the proposal of a flexible framework, called the decision-on-information-gain model, which passively observes response behaviour in order to support various interruptibility definitions. In contrast, previous studies have largely surrounded the investigation of influential contextual factors on predicting interruptibility, using a broad labelling convention that relies on notifications being responded to fully and potentially a survey needing to be completed. The approach is supported through two in-the-wild studies of Android notifications, one with 11,000 notifications across 90 users, and another with 32,000,000 across 3000 users. Analysis of these datasets shows that: a) responses to notifications is a decisionmaking process, whereby individuals can be reachable but not receptive to their content, supporting the premise of the approach; b) the approach is implementable on typical Android devices and capable of adapting to different notification designs and user preferences; and c) the different labels produced by the model are predictable using data sources that do not require invasive permissions or persistent background monitoring; however there are notable performance differences between different machine learning strategies for training and evaluation

    Is identifying boredom the answer to controlling the bombardment of notifications on mobile devices?

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    Mobile notifications have become ubiquitous in modern life, yet excessive volumes contribute to interruption overload. This paper investigates intelligent notification management leveraging user context. A three-stage methodology employed a focus group, survey, and in-the-wild data collection app. The focus group (n=12) provided preliminary insights into notification perceptions during boredom which informed survey design. The survey (n=106) probed usage habits across times, days, and app categories. The SeektheNotification app gathered real-world notification data from 20 Android users over 3 months.Analysis revealed social and personal apps dominate notification volumes (91% combined). Shorter response delays occurred on weekends and after 12 pm, suggesting heightened user receptivity during boredom. Random Forest classification achieved 88% accuracy, outperforming 13 other algorithms, underscoring machine learning’s potential for context-aware notification systems.Our exploratory findings indicate notifications could be optimized by considering situational factors like boredom. Further research should expand context beyond boredom and employ advanced deep learning techniques. This preliminary study demonstrates the promise of leveraging user psychology and machine intelligence to develop smarter interruption management systems to combat notification overload

    Learning in mobile context-aware applications

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    This thesis explores and proposes solutions to the challenges in deploying context-aware systems that make decisions or take actions based on the predictions of a machine learner over long periods of time. In particular, this work focuses on mobile context-aware applications which are intrinsically personal, requiring a specific solution for each individual that takes into account user preferences and changes in user behaviour as time passes. While there is an abundance of research on mobile context-aware applications which employ machine learning, most does not address the three core challenges required to be deployable over indefinite periods of time. Namely, (1) user-friendly and longitudinal collection and labelling of data, (2) measuring a user’s experienced performance and (3) adaptation to changes in a user’s behaviour, also known as concept drift. This thesis addresses these challenges by introducing (1) an infer-and-confirm data collection strategy which passively collects data and infers data labels using the user’s natural response to target events, (2) a weighted accuracy measure Aw as the objective function for underlying machine learners in mobile context-aware applications and (3) two training instance selection algorithms, Training Grid and Training Clusters which only forget data points in areas of the data space where newer evidence is available, moving away from the traditional time window based techniques. We also propose a new way of measuring concept drift indicating which type of concept drift adaption strategy is likely to be beneficial for any given dataset. This thesis also shows the extent to which the requirements posed by the use of machine learning in deployable mobile context-aware applications influences its overall design by evaluating a mobile context-aware application prototype called RingLearn, which was developed to mitigate disruptive incoming calls. Finally, we benchmark our training instance selection algorithms over 8 data corpuses including the RingLearn corpus collected over 16 weeks and the Device Analyzer corpus which logs several years of smartphone usage for a large set of users. Results show that our algorithms perform at least as well as state-of-the-art solutions and many times significantly better with performance delta ranging from -0.2% to +11.3% compared to the best existing solutions over our experiments.Open Acces