9 research outputs found

    Smart Cameras with onboard Signcryption for Securing IoT Applications

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    Cameras are expected to become key sensor devices for various internet of things (IoT) applications. Since cameras often capture highly sensitive information, security is a major concern. Our approach towards data security for smart cameras is rooted on protecting the captured images by signcryption based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Signcryption achieves resource-efficiency by performing data signing and encryption in a single step. By running the signcryption on the sensing unit, we can relax some security assumptions for the camera host unit which typically runs a complex software stack. We introduce our system architecture motivated by a typical case study for camera-based IoT applications, evaluate security properties and present performance results of an ARM-based implementatio

    A Comprehensive Collection and Analysis Model for the Drone Forensics Field

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are adaptable and rapid mobile boards that can be applied to several purposes, especially in smart cities. These involve traffic observation, environmental monitoring, and public safety. The need to realize effective drone forensic processes has mainly been reinforced by drone-based evidence. Drone-based evidence collection and preservation entails accumulating and collecting digital evidence from the drone of the victim for subsequent analysis and presentation. Digital evidence must, however, be collected and analyzed in a forensically sound manner using the appropriate collection and analysis methodologies and tools to preserve the integrity of the evidence. For this purpose, various collection and analysis models have been proposed for drone forensics based on the existing literature; several models are inclined towards specific scenarios and drone systems. As a result, the literature lacks a suitable and standardized drone-based collection and analysis model devoid of commonalities, which can solve future problems that may arise in the drone forensics field. Therefore, this paper has three contributions: (a) studies the machine learning existing in the literature in the context of handling drone data to discover criminal actions, (b) highlights the existing forensic models proposed for drone forensics, and (c) proposes a novel comprehensive collection and analysis forensic model (CCAFM) applicable to the drone forensics field using the design science research approach. The proposed CCAFM consists of three main processes: (1) acquisition and preservation, (2) reconstruction and analysis, and (3) post-investigation process. CCAFM contextually leverages the initially proposed models herein incorporated in this study. CCAFM allows digital forensic investigators to collect, protect, rebuild, and examine volatile and nonvolatile items from the suspected drone based on scientific forensic techniques. Therefore, it enables sharing of knowledge on drone forensic investigation among practitioners working in the forensics domain

    Traffic Characterization of an Internet of Things(IOT) Network Architecture

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    Internet of things (IoT) is an evolving paradigm that is currently getting more attention and rapidly gaining importance. The basic idea of IoT is to connect everyone and everything to the Internet for information exchange. It is essential to develop a clear understanding of characteristics of IoT traffic sources as well as to find a traffic model that efficiently characterizes the statistical behavior of IoT traffic. Since many IoT devices generate relatively small sized data, we are particularly interested in an IoT network architecture where data from a number of different IoT devices are aggregated at an IoT gateway. We focus on characterizing the IoT aggregated traffic pattern for three common IoT applications with real-time and non-real-time quality of service (QoS) requirements. These applications include healthcare, smart cities, and video surveillance. Our study is based on generating a real IoT traffic trace in a lab by using various sensors and devices in the aforementioned applications. The generated traffic trace is transmitted wirelessly over the air using Wi-Fi technology to an IoT gateway. The input network traffic to this gateway is characterized. In the experiments, the amount of input traffic to the gateway is varied and different traffic patterns for each of the selected applications are examined. Statistical tests and parameters are used to determine the best matching packet inter-arrival time distribution for different traffic penetrations. Moreover, we also examine packet size distributions. Based on our empirical data, the experimental results indicate that IoT packet inter-arrival time follows a Pareto distribution. However, it can be better modeled as a Weibull distribution in some traffic patterns. Our experimental results also reveal that the packet size distribution of different penetrations of the studied IoT applications is not in a good match with the commonly used Geometric distribution. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of traffic characterization on the performance of the considered IoT network architecture for a certain availability of network resources using computer simulations

    Trusted Cameras on Mobile Devices Based on SRAM Physically Unclonable Functions

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    Nowadays, there is an increasing number of cameras placed on mobile devices connected to the Internet. Since these cameras acquire and process sensitive and vulnerable data in applications such as surveillance or monitoring, security is essential to avoid cyberattacks. However, cameras on mobile devices have constraints in size, computation and power consumption, so that lightweight security techniques should be considered. Camera identification techniques guarantee the origin of the data. Among the camera identification techniques, Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) allow generating unique, distinctive and unpredictable identifiers from the hardware of a device. PUFs are also very suitable to obfuscate secret keys (by binding them to the hardware of the device) and generate random sequences (employed as nonces). In this work, we propose a trusted camera based on PUFs and standard cryptographic algorithms. In addition, a protocol is proposed to protect the communication with the trusted camera, which satisfies authentication, confidentiality, integrity and freshness in the data communication. This is particularly interesting to carry out camera control actions and firmware updates. PUFs from Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are selected because cameras typically include SRAMs in its hardware. Therefore, additional hardware is not required and security techniques can be implemented at low cost. Experimental results are shown to prove how the proposed solution can be implemented with the SRAM of commercial Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) chips included in the communication module of the camera. A proof of concept shows that the proposed solution can be implemented in low-cost cameras.Espa帽a, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n TEC2014-57971-R TEC2017-83557-

    A Privacy-Preserving Filter for Oblique Face Images Based on Adaptive Hopping Gaussian Mixtures

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    A Generic Approach for the Automated Notarization of Cloud Configurations Using Blockchain-Based Trust.

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    Debido a su escalabilidad, las aplicaciones en la nube tienen una importante ventaja de costes para las empresas. En consecuencia, las empresas quieren tanto externalizar sus datos como obtener servicios de la nube. Sin embargo, dado que la mayor铆a de las empresas tienen pol铆ticas internas y requisitos de cumplimiento para operar y utilizar aplicaciones de software, el uso de aplicaciones en la nube crea un nuevo desaf铆o para las empresas. La inclusi贸n de aplicaciones en la nube equivale a la subcontrataci贸n de servicios en el sentido de que las empresas deben confiar en que el proveedor de aplicaciones en la nube aplicar谩 los requisitos de cumplimiento interno en las aplicaciones adoptadas. La investigaci贸n ha demostrado que la confianza y el riesgo est谩n estrechamente relacionados y son factores clave que influyen en la utilizaci贸n de aplicaciones en la nube. Esta tesis pretende desarrollar una arquitectura en la nube que aborde este reto, trasladando la confianza en las configuraciones de cumplimiento del proveedor de aplicaciones en la nube a la cadena de bloques. As铆, este trabajo pretende reducir el riesgo de adopci贸n de las aplicaciones en la nube debido a los requisitos de cumplimiento. En esta tesis, la investigaci贸n de la ciencia del dise帽o se utiliza para crear la arquitectura para trasladar la confianza mencionada a la cadena de bloques. Un grupo de discusi贸n determin贸 el alcance del trabajo. La base de conocimientos de este trabajo se construy贸 utilizando inteligencia artificial y una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura, y la arquitectura presentada se desarroll贸 y prototip贸 utilizando el m茅todo de desarrollo r谩pido de aplicaciones. Se utilizaron entrevistas guiadas semiestructuradas de m茅todo mixto para evaluar el enfoque de la arquitectura presentada y valorar las cualidades de reducci贸n del riesgo de adopci贸n. La tesis demostr贸 que la arquitectura de software desarrollada pod铆a trasladar la confianza del proveedor de la nube a la cadena de bloques. La evaluaci贸n de la arquitectura de software propuesta demostr贸 adem谩s que el riesgo de adopci贸n debido a las configuraciones de la nube basadas en el cumplimiento pod铆a reducirse de "alto" a "bajo" utilizando la tecnolog铆a blockchain. Esta tesis presenta una arquitectura que desplaza la confianza para la implementaci贸n de configuraciones basadas en el cumplimiento de la normativa desde el proveedor de la nube a la cadena de bloques. Adem谩s, muestra que el cambio de confianza puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de adopci贸n de las aplicaciones en la nube.Administraci贸n y Direcci贸n de Empresa