6 research outputs found

    Tekoäly, koneoppiminen ja teknologinen murros:: Kohti datatoimijuutta ja tulevaisuuden design-taitoja

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    Tekoälyn ja erityisesti uudet koneoppimisen tekniikat ovat teknologisen murroksen keskeisiä ajureita. Tänä päivänä koneoppiminen on myös yhä enemmän sulautumassa osaksi kehollista ja materiaalista maailmaa sekä vuorovaikutusta. Antureiden, verkkoyhteyksien ja tietokoneohjelmistojen kautta rakennukset, esineet ja tekstiilit ovat muuttumassa älykkäiden esineiden ja toimintojen verkostoiksi. Virtuaalisen, materiaalisen ja kehollisuuden uudenlainen kohtaaminen tarjoaa myös ennennäkemättömiä mahdollisuuksia sekä haasteita koneoppimisen sekä datalähtöisen suunnittelun ja innovoinnin tukemiseen kouluopetuksessa. Tämän artikkelin tavoitteena on rakentaa näkökulmia datatoimijuuteen sekä datalähtöiseen design-ajatteluun koneoppimisen muovaamassa maailmassa.  Artikkeli esittelee digitaalisen, materiaalisen sekä kehollisuuden uudenlaisia mahdollisuuksia sekä riskejä, joka tuo koneoppimisen ajamaan murrokseen liittyviä näkökulmia osaksi käsityön ja teknologiakasvatuksen tulevaisuudesta käytävää tieteellistä ja julkista keskustelua.   Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and technological transformation: Towards data agency and design skills for the future Abstract Artificial intelligence, and especially new machine learning technologies, are key drivers of technological breakthroughs. Today, machine learning is also increasingly merging into the physical and material world as well as into social interaction. Buildings, artifacts, and textiles are transforming into networks of smart objects and activities through sensors, network connectivity, and computer software.  These novel encounters of virtual, material, and bodily interactions also offer unprecedented opportunities and challenges to enhance understandings of machine learning and data-driven design in school education. This article aims to build perspectives on data agency and data-driven design needed in the age of machine learning. It also provides perspectives on the blurring boundaries of virtual, material, and physical worlds and in a manner that brings the breakthrough of machine learning into the scientific and public discussion about the future of craft and technology education. Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, data-driven design, technology education, skills for the futur

    Visual Management in production management: a literature synthesis

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    Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to holistically discuss, explore and synthesise the key literature on Visual Management, an important, yet highly fragmented subject that is frequently referred in lean production accounts. Research Methodology - An extensive literature review was conducted to classify the current literature, to explore the different aspects and limitations of the current discussions on the subject, to clarify in what ways Visual Management benefits manifest themselves in a workplace and to identify the future research focus. Findings- Visual Management is an important close-range communication strategy based on cognitively effective information conveyance. This strategy has been frequently discussed in the production management literature. However, (a) the literature is fragmented as to the roles of Visual Management in a production setting, (b) the body of literature lacks integrated focus and cohesion with an abundance of related terminology from scholarly works and consultant books, (c) a practical VM tools taxonomy and a visual workplace implementation framework were presented (d) there is poor clarity with regards to the functions (benefits) that Visual Management may provide within organisations; nine conceptual Visual Management functions were proposed (e) a wide array of future research directions related to Visual Management was identified. Originality/Value- This paper synthesises the key literature related to Visual Management, providing a conceptual picture of the current knowledge

    Smart artefacts as affordances for awareness in distributed teams

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    This book examines how the computer, as we currently know it, will be replaced by a new generation of technologies, moving computing off the desktop and ultimately integrating it with real world objects and everyday environments. Computing thus becomes an inseparable part of our everyday activities while simultaneously disappearing into the background. It becomes a ubiquitous utility taking on a role similar to electricity: an enabling but invisible and pervasive medium revealing its functionality on request in an unobtrusive way and supporting people’s everyday activities. The chapters, written by members of the Steering Group of the EU-funded Disappearing Computer research initiative, address the issues and challenges in this area

    Smart Artefacts as Affordances for Awareness in Distributed Teams

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    The manifolds of spaces and places we are entering, populating, transiently crossing and eventually leaving (only to immerse in another subsequent context) as part of our daily activities in our personal, public and professional lives are undergoing a dramatic change. Although this change is taking place we are aware of it only in a limited fashion due to its unobtrusive character as illustrated in the statement by Streitz and Nixon (2005): “It seems like a paradox but it will soon become reality: The rate at which computers disappear will be matched by the rate at which information technology will increasingly permeate our environment and our lives”