179,975 research outputs found

    Network Information Flow in Small World Networks

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    Recent results from statistical physics show that large classes of complex networks, both man-made and of natural origin, are characterized by high clustering properties yet strikingly short path lengths between pairs of nodes. This class of networks are said to have a small-world topology. In the context of communication networks, navigable small-world topologies, i.e. those which admit efficient distributed routing algorithms, are deemed particularly effective, for example in resource discovery tasks and peer-to-peer applications. Breaking with the traditional approach to small-world topologies that privileges graph parameters pertaining to connectivity, and intrigued by the fundamental limits of communication in networks that exploit this type of topology, we investigate the capacity of these networks from the perspective of network information flow. Our contribution includes upper and lower bounds for the capacity of standard and navigable small-world models, and the somewhat surprising result that, with high probability, random rewiring does not alter the capacity of a small-world network.Comment: 23 pages, 8 fitures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, November 200

    Small-world networks, distributed hash tables and the e-resource discovery problem

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    Resource discovery is one of the most important underpinning problems behind producing a scalable, robust and efficient global infrastructure for e-Science. A number of approaches to the resource discovery and management problem have been made in various computational grid environments and prototypes over the last decade. Computational resources and services in modern grid and cloud environments can be modelled as an overlay network superposed on the physical network structure of the Internet and World Wide Web. We discuss some of the main approaches to resource discovery in the context of the general properties of such an overlay network. We present some performance data and predicted properties based on algorithmic approaches such as distributed hash table resource discovery and management. We describe a prototype system and use its model to explore some of the known key graph aspects of the global resource overlay network - including small-world and scale-free properties

    An Overview of Search Strategies in Distributed Environments

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    [EN] Distributed systems are populated by a large number of heterogeneous entities that join and leave the systems dynamically. These entities act as clients and providers and interact with each other in order to get a resource or to achieve a goal. To facilitate the collaboration between entities the system should provide mechanisms to manage the information about which entities or resources are available in the system at a certain moment, as well as how to locate them in an e cient way. However, this is not an easy task in open and dynamic environments where there are changes in the available resources and global information is not always available. In this paper, we present a comprehensive vision of search in distributed environments. This review does not only considers the approaches of the Peer-to-Peer area, but also the approaches from three more areas: Service-Oriented Environments, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complex Networks. In these areas, the search for resources, services, or entities plays a key role for the proper performance of the systems built on them. The aim of this analysis is to compare approaches from these areas taking into account the underlying system structure and the algorithms or strategies that participate in the search process.Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grants TIN2009-13839-C03-01, CSD2007-0022 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), PROMETEO 2008/051, PAID-06-11-2048, and FPU grant AP-2008-00601 awarded to E. del Val.Del Val Noguera, E.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Botti, V. (2013). An Overview of Search Strategies in Distributed Environments. Knowledge Engineering Review. 1-33. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0269888913000143S133Sigdel K. , Bertels K. , Pourebrahimi B. , Vassiliadis S. , Shuai L. 2005. A framework for adaptive matchmaking in distributed computing. In Proceedings of GRID Workshop.Prabhu S. 2007. 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    Large-Scale Distributed Internet-based Discovery Mechanism for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation

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    Scarcity of frequencies and the demand for more bandwidth is likely to increase the need for devices that utilize the available frequencies more efficiently. Radios must be able to dynamically find other users of the frequency bands and adapt so that they are not interfered, even if they use different radio protocols. As transmitters far away may cause as much interference as a transmitter located nearby, this mechanism can not be based on location alone. Central databases can be used for this purpose, but require expensive infrastructure and planning to scale. In this paper, we propose a decentralized protocol and architecture for discovering radio devices over the Internet. The protocol has low resource requirements, making it suitable for implementation on limited platforms. We evaluate the protocol through simulation in network topologies with up to 2.3 million nodes, including topologies generated from population patterns in Norway. The protocol has also been implemented as proof-of-concept in real Wi-Fi routers.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE DySPAN 201

    Adaptive service discovery on service-oriented and spontaneous sensor systems

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    Service-oriented architecture, Spontaneous networks, Self-organisation, Self-configuration, Sensor systems, Social patternsNatural and man-made disasters can significantly impact both people and environments. Enhanced effect can be achieved through dynamic networking of people, systems and procedures and seamless integration of them to fulfil mission objectives with service-oriented sensor systems. However, the benefits of integration of services will not be realised unless we have a dependable method to discover all required services in dynamic environments. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive and Efficient Peer-to-peer Search (AEPS) approach for dependable service integration on service-oriented architecture based on a number of social behaviour patterns. In the AEPS network, the networked nodes can autonomously support and co-operate with each other in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner to quickly discover and self-configure any services available on the disaster area and deliver a real-time capability by self-organising themselves in spontaneous groups to provide higher flexibility and adaptability for disaster monitoring and relief