33 research outputs found

    Mining Association Rules Events over Data Streams

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    Data streams have gained considerable attention in data analysis and data mining communities because of the emergence of a new classes of applications, such as monitoring, supply chain execution, sensor networks, oilfield and pipeline operations, financial marketing and health data industries. Telecommunication advancements have provided us with easy access to stream data produced by various applications. Data in streams differ from static data stored in data warehouses or database. Data streams are continuous, arrive at high-speeds and change through time. Traditional data mining algorithms assume presence of data in conventional storage means where data mining is performed centrally with the luxury of accessing the data multiple times, using powerful processors, providing offline output with no time constraints. Such algorithms are not suitable for dynamic data streams. Stream data needs to be mined promptly as it might not be feasible to store such volume of data. In addition, streams reflect live status of the environment generating it, so prompt analysis may provide early detection of faults, delays, performance measurements, trend analysis and other diagnostics. This thesis focuses on developing a data stream association rule mining algorithm among co-occurring events. The proposed algorithm mines association rules over data streams incrementally in a centralized setting. We are interested in association rules that meet a provided minimum confidence threshold and have a lift value greater than 1. We refer to such association rules as strong rules. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms is efficient and effective in extracting association rules from data streams, thus having a faster processing time and better memory management

    Collaborative Planning and Event Monitoring Over Supply Chain Network

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    The shifting paradigm of supply chain management is manifesting increasing reliance on automated collaborative planning and event monitoring through information-bounded interaction across organizations. An end-to-end support for the course of actions is turning vital in faster incident response and proactive decision making. Many current platforms exhibit limitations to handle supply chain planning and monitoring in decentralized setting where participants may divide their responsibilities and share computational load of the solution generation. In this thesis, we investigate modeling and solution generation techniques for shared commodity delivery planning and event monitoring problems in a collaborative setting. In particular, we first elaborate a new model of Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) to jointly serve customer demands using multiple vehicles followed by a heuristic technique to search near-optimal solutions for such problem instances. Secondly, we propose two distributed mechanisms, namely: Passive Learning and Active Negotiation, to find near-optimal MDVRP solutions while executing the heuristic algorithm at the participant's side. Thirdly, we illustrate a collaboration mechanism to cost-effectively deploy execution monitors over supply chain network in order to collect in-field plan execution data. Finally, we describe a distributed approach to collaboratively monitor associations among recent events from an incoming stream of plan execution data. Experimental results over known datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches to handle medium and large problem instances. The work has also produced considerable knowledge on the collaborative transportation planning and execution event monitoring

    Analyzing frequent patterns in data streams using a dynamic compact stream pattern algorithm

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    As a result of modern technology and the advancement in communication, a large amount of data streams are continually generated from various online applications, devices and sources. Mining frequent patterns from these streams of data is now an important research topic in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. The traditional approach of mining data may not be appropriate for a large volume of data stream environment where the data volume is quite large and unbounded. They have the limitation of extracting recent change of knowledge in an adaptive mode from the data stream. Many algorithms and models have been developed to address the challenging task of mining data from an infinite influx of data generated from various points over the internet. The objective of this thesis is to introduce the concept of Dynamic Compact Pattern Stream tree (DCPS-tree) algorithm for mining recent data from the continuous data stream. Our DCPS-tree will dynamically achieves frequency descending prefix tree structure with only a single-pass over the data by applying tree restructuring techniques such as Branch sort method (BSM). This will cause any low frequency pattern to be maintained at the leaf nodes level and any high frequency components at a higher level. As a result of this, there will be a considerable mining time reduction on the datase

    Dwarf: A Complete System for Analyzing High-Dimensional Data Sets

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    The need for data analysis by different industries, including telecommunications, retail, manufacturing and financial services, has generated a flurry of research, highly sophisticated methods and commercial products. However, all of the current attempts are haunted by the so-called "high-dimensionality curse"; the complexity of space and time increases exponentially with the number of analysis "dimensions". This means that all existing approaches are limited only to coarse levels of analysis and/or to approximate answers with reduced precision. As the need for detailed analysis keeps increasing, along with the volume and the detail of the data that is stored, these approaches are very quickly rendered unusable. I have developed a unique method for efficiently performing analysis that is not affected by the high-dimensionality of data and scales only polynomially -and almost linearly- with the dimensions without sacrificing any accuracy in the returned results. I have implemented a complete system (called "Dwarf") and performed an extensive experimental evaluation that demonstrated tremendous improvements over existing methods for all aspects of performing analysis -initial computation, storing, querying and updating it. I have extended my research to the "data-streaming" model where updates are performed on-line, exacerbating any concurrent analysis but has a very high impact on applications like security, network management/monitoring router traffic control and sensor networks. I have devised streaming algorithms that provide complex statistics within user-specified relative-error bounds over a data stream. I introduced the class of "distinct implicated statistics", which is much more general than the established class of "distinct count" statistics. The latter has been proved invaluable in applications such as analyzing and monitoring the distinct count of species in a population or even in query optimization. The "distinct implicated statistics" class provides invaluable information about the correlations in the stream and is necessary for applications such as security. My algorithms are designed to use bounded amounts of memory and processing -so that they can even be implemented in hardware for resource-limited environments such as network-routers or sensors- and also to work in "noisy" environments, where some data may be flawed either implicitly due to the extraction process or explicitly

    Conditional heavy hitters : detecting interesting correlations in data streams

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    The notion of heavy hitters—items that make up a large fraction of the population—has been successfully used in a variety of applications across sensor and RFID monitoring, network data analysis, event mining, and more. Yet this notion often fails to capture the semantics we desire when we observe data in the form of correlated pairs. Here, we are interested in items that are conditionally frequent: when a particular item is frequent within the context of its parent item. In this work, we introduce and formalize the notion of conditional heavy hitters to identify such items, with applications in network monitoring and Markov chain modeling. We explore the relationship between conditional heavy hitters and other related notions in the literature, and show analytically and experimentally the usefulness of our approach. We introduce several algorithm variations that allow us to efficiently find conditional heavy hitters for input data with very different characteristics, and provide analytical results for their performance. Finally, we perform experimental evaluations with several synthetic and real datasets to demonstrate the efficacy of our methods and to study the behavior of the proposed algorithms for different types of data

    Modelling Web Usage in a Changing Environment

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    Eiben, A.E. [Promotor]Kowalczyk, W. [Copromotor

    PRESS: A Novel Framework of Trajectory Compression in Road Networks

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    Location data becomes more and more important. In this paper, we focus on the trajectory data, and propose a new framework, namely PRESS (Paralleled Road-Network-Based Trajectory Compression), to effectively compress trajectory data under road network constraints. Different from existing work, PRESS proposes a novel representation for trajectories to separate the spatial representation of a trajectory from the temporal representation, and proposes a Hybrid Spatial Compression (HSC) algorithm and error Bounded Temporal Compression (BTC) algorithm to compress the spatial and temporal information of trajectories respectively. PRESS also supports common spatial-temporal queries without fully decompressing the data. Through an extensive experimental study on real trajectory dataset, PRESS significantly outperforms existing approaches in terms of saving storage cost of trajectory data with bounded errors.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Database Streaming Compression on Memory-Limited Machines

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    Dynamic Huffman compression algorithms operate on data-streams with a bounded symbol list. With these algorithms, the complete list of symbols must be contained in main memory or secondary storage. A horizontal format transaction database that is streaming can have a very large item list. Many nodes tax both the processing hardware primary memory size, and the processing time to dynamically maintain the tree. This research investigated Huffman compression of a transaction-streaming database with a very large symbol list, where each item in the transaction database schema’s item list is a symbol to compress. The constraint of a large symbol list is, in this research, equivalent to the constraint of a memory-limited machine. A large symbol set will result if each item in a large database item list is a symbol to compress in a database stream. In addition, database streams may have some temporal component spanning months or years. Finally, the horizontal format is the format most suited to a streaming transaction database because the transaction IDs are not known beforehand This research prototypes an algorithm that will compresses a transaction database stream. There are several advantages to the memory limited dynamic Huffman algorithm. Dynamic Huffman algorithms are single pass algorithms. In many instances a second pass over the data is not possible, such as with streaming databases. Previous dynamic Huffman algorithms are not memory limited, they are asymptotic to O(n), where n is the number of distinct item IDs. Memory is required to grow to fit the n items. The improvement of the new memory limited Dynamic Huffman algorithm is that it would have an O(k) asymptotic memory requirement; where k is the maximum number of nodes in the Huffman tree, k \u3c n, and k is a user chosen constant. The new memory limited Dynamic Huffman algorithm compresses horizontally encoded transaction databases that do not contain long runs of 0’s or 1’s