4,184 research outputs found

    Shake well before use: Authentication based on Accelerometer Data

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    Small, mobile devices without user interfaces, such as Bluetooth headsets, often need to communicate securely over wireless networks. Active attacks can only be prevented by authenticating wireless communication, which is problematic when devices do not have any a priori information about each other. We introduce a new method for device-to-device authentication by shaking devices together. This paper describes two protocols for combining cryptographic authentication techniques with known methods of accelerometer data analysis to the effect of generating authenticated, secret keys. The protocols differ in their design, one being more conservative from a security point of view, while the other allows more dynamic interactions. Three experiments are used to optimize and validate our proposed authentication method

    Safe Routing Approach by Identifying and Subsequently Eliminating the Attacks in MANET

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    Wireless networks that are decentralized and communicate without using existing infrastructure are known as mobile ad-hoc networks. The most common sorts of threats and attacks can affect MANETs. Therefore, it is advised to utilize intrusion detection, which controls the system to detect additional security issues. Monitoring is essential to avoid attacks and provide extra protection against unauthorized access. Although the current solutions have been designed to defeat the attack nodes, they still require additional hardware, have considerable delivery delays, do not offer high throughput or packet delivery ratios, or do not do so without using more energy. The capability of a mobile node to forward packets, which is dependent on the platform's life quality, may be impacted by the absence of the network node power source. We developed the Safe Routing Approach (SRA), which uses behaviour analysis to track and monitor attackers who discard packets during the route discovery process. The attacking node recognition system is made for irregular routing node detection to protect the controller network's usual properties from becoming recognized as an attack node. The suggested method examines the nearby attack nodes and conceals the trusted node in the routing pathway. The path is instantly assigned after the initial discovery of trust nodes based on each node's strength value. It extends the network's life span and reduces packet loss. In terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), energy consumption, network performance, and detection of attack nodes, the suggested approach is contrasted with AIS, ZIDS, and Improved AODV. The findings demonstrate that the recommended strategy performs superior in terms of PDR, residual energy, and network throughput

    End to End Reliability without Unicast Acknowledgements over Vehicular Networks

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    The Future Cities Project (http://futurecities.up.pt/) has turned the city of Porto (Portugal) into an urban-scale living lab, where researchers, companies and startups can develop and test technologies, products and services. One of its largest infrastructures is the UrbanSense testbed, consisting of 25 environmental sensing units installed around the city, and another the BusNet, a vehicular ad-hoc network installed in over 400 STCP buses together with 55 Road Side Units (RSU), operated by the UP spin-off Veniam. The data gathered by UrbanSense is carried by BusNet to a storage facility. Because BusNet does not support unicast addressing, there i currently on means to provide end-to-end reliability to the communication, leading to data losses. The goal of this thesis is to explore possibilities to address this problem, designing an application level protocol that provides reliability to the data transfer without requiring unicast addressing. Instead, the protocol should leverage the knowledge about bus routes and geographic location of sensing nodes to target the delivery of the acknowledgements

    A false injection-resilient scheme to monitor time-variant phenomenon in wireless sensor networks

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    Being a promising technology which is envisioned to pervade numerous aspects of human life, wireless sensor networks are attracting remarkable attention in research community. The typical wireless sensors are small low-power, resource-constrained devices subject to functional failures which could be due to power loss or even malicious attacks on the devices. As the projected applications for wireless sensor networks range from smart applications such as traffic monitoring to critical military applications such as measuring levels of gas concentration in battle fields, security in sensor networks becomes a prime concern. In sensitive applications, it becomes imperative to continuously monitor the transient state of the system rather than steady state observations and take requisite preventive and corrective actions, if necessary. Also, the network is prone to attack by adversaries who intend to disrupt the functioning of the system by compromising the sensor nodes and injecting false data into the network. So it is important to shield the sensor network from false data injection attacks. Through this work, we prove that in the presence of adversaries, it would be difficult to correctly observe the transient phenomenon if sensors report just their readings. We develop a novel robust statistical framework to monitor correctly the transient phenomenon while limiting the impact of false data injection. In this framework, each sensor does a lightweight computation and reports a statistical digest in addition to the current sensed reading. Through a series of carefully-designed inter-sensor statistical tests on both the readings and digests, we are able to achieve our goal of preserving the transient phenomenon. We show a concrete realization of our statistical framework by developing a secure statistical scheme, called SSTF, to effectively monitor the transient phenomenon while being immune to false data injection attacks. SSTF is a two-tier system and the kernel of SSTF is our statistical framework, which is employed atop an enhanced version of the IHHAS security scheme. We present detailed theoretical analysis and in-depth simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of SSTF

    Hybrid routing and bridging strategies for large scale mobile ad hoc networks

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    Multi-hop packet radio networks (or mobile ad-hoc networks) are an ideal technology to establish instant communication infrastructure for military and civilian applications in which both hosts and routers are mobile. In this dissertation, a position-based/link-state hybrid, proactive routing protocol (Position-guided Sliding-window Routing - PSR) that provides for a flat, mobile ad-hoc routing architecture is described, analyzed and evaluated. PSR is based on the superposition of link-state and position-based routing, and it employs a simplified way of localizing routing overhead, without having to resort to complex, multiple-tier routing organization schemes. A set of geographic routing zones is defined for each node, where the purpose of the ith routing zone is to restrict propagation of position updates, advertising position differentials equal to the radius of the (i-i )th routing zone. Thus, the proposed protocol controls position-update overhead generation and propagation by making the overhead generation rate and propagation distance directly proportional to the amount of change in a node\u27s geographic position. An analytical model and framework is provided, in order to study the various design issues and trade-offs of PSR routing mechanism, discuss their impact on the protocol\u27s operation and effectiveness, and identify optimal values for critical design parameters, under different mobility scenarios. In addition an in-depth performance evaluation, via modeling and simulation, was performed in order to demonstrate PSR\u27s operational effectiveness in terms of scalability, mobility support, and efficiency. Furthermore, power and energy metrics, such as path fading and battery capacity considerations, are integrated into the routing decision (cost function) in order to improve PSR\u27s power efficiency and network lifetime. It is demonstrated that the proposed routing protocol is ideal for deployment and implementation especially in large scale mobile ad hoc networks. Wireless local area networks (WLAN) are being deployed widely to support networking needs of both consumer and enterprise applications, and IEEE 802.11 specification is becoming the de facto standard for deploying WLAN. However IEEE 802.11 specifications allow only one hop communication between nodes. A layer-2 bridging solution is proposed in this dissertation, to increase the range of 802.11 base stations using ad hoc networking, and therefore solve the hotspot communication problem, where a large number of mobile users require Internet access through an access point. In the proposed framework nodes are divided into levels based on their distance (hops) from the access point. A layer-2 bridging tree is built based on the level concept, and a node in certain level only forwards packets to nodes in its neighboring level. The specific mechanisms for the forwarding tree establishment as well as for the data propagation are also introduced and discussed. An analytical model is also presented in order to analyze the saturation throughput of the proposed mechanism, while its applicability and effectiveness is evaluated via modeling and simulation. The corresponding numerical results demonstrate and confirm the significant area coverage extension that can be achieved by the solution, when compared with the conventional 802.1 lb scheme. Finally, for implementation purposes, a hierarchical network structure paradigm based on the combination of these two protocols and models is introduced

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    The IEEE bibliographic database contains a number of proven duplications with indication of the original paper(s) copied. This corpus is used to test a method for the detection of hidden intertextuality (commonly named "plagiarism"). The intertextual distance, combined with the sliding window and with various classification techniques, identifies these duplications with a very low risk of error. These experiments also show that several factors blur the identity of the scientific author, including variable group authorship and the high levels of intertextuality accepted, and sometimes desired, in scientific papers on the same topic
