7 research outputs found

    Penalized single-index quantile regression

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).The single-index (SI) regression and single-index quantile (SIQ) estimation methods product linear combinations of all the original predictors. However, it is possible that there are many unimportant predictors within the original predictors. Thus, the precision of parameter estimation as well as the accuracy of prediction will be effected by the existence of those unimportant predictors when the previous methods are used. In this article, an extension of the SIQ method of Wu et al. (2010) has been proposed, which considers Lasso and Adaptive Lasso for estimation and variable selection. Computational algorithms have been developed in order to calculate the penalized SIQ estimates. A simulation study and a real data application have been used to assess the performance of the methods under consideration

    Regularization methods for Sliced Inverse Regression

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    International audienceSliced Inverse Regression (SIR) is an effective method for dimension reduction in high-dimensional regression problems. The original method, however, requires the inversion of the predictors covariance matrix. In case of collinearity between these predictors or small sample sizes compared to the dimension, the inversion is not possible and a regularization technique has to be used. Our approach is based on a Fisher Lecture given by R.D. Cook where it is shown that SIR axes can be interpreted as solutions of an inverse regression problem. We propose to introduce a Gaussian prior distribution on the unknown parameters of the inverse regression problem in order to regularize their estimation. We show that some existing SIR regularizations can enter our framework, which permits a global understanding of these methods. Three new priors are proposed leading to new regularizations of the SIR method. A comparison on simulated data as well as an application to the estimation of Mars surface physical properties from hyperspectral images are provided

    Sliced Inverse Regression for datastreams: An introduction

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    DoctoralIn this tutorial, we focus on data arriving sequentially by block in a stream. A semiparametric regression model involving a common EDR (Effective Dimension Reduction) direction β is assumed in each block. Our goal is to estimate this direction at each arrival of a new block. A simple direct approach consists of pooling all the observed blocks and estimating the EDR direction by the SIR (Sliced Inverse Regression) method. But in practice, some disadvantages become apparent such as the storage of the blocks and the running time for high dimensional data. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose an adaptive SIR estimator of β. The proposed approach is faster both in terms of computational complexity and running time, and provides data storage benefits. A graphical tool is provided in order to detect changes in the underlying model such as a drift in the EDR direction or aberrant blocks in the data stream. This is a joint work with Marie Chavent, Vanessa Kuentz-Simonet, Benoit Liquet,Thi Mong Ngoc Nguyen and Jérôme Saracco

    Some statistical methods for dimension reduction

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel UniversityThe aim of the work in this thesis is to carry out dimension reduction (DR) for high dimensional (HD) data by using statistical methods for variable selection, feature extraction and a combination of the two. In Chapter 2, the DR is carried out through robust feature extraction. Robust canonical correlation (RCCA) methods have been proposed. In the correlation matrix of canonical correlation analysis (CCA), we suggest that the Pearson correlation should be substituted by robust correlation measures in order to obtain robust correlation matrices. These matrices have been employed for producing RCCA. Moreover, the classical covariance matrix has been substituted by robust estimators for multivariate location and dispersion in order to get RCCA. In Chapter 3 and 4, the DR is carried out by combining the ideas of variable selection using regularisation methods with feature extraction, through the minimum average variance estimator (MAVE) and single index quantile regression (SIQ) methods, respectively. In particular, we extend the sparse MAVE (SMAVE) reported in (Wang and Yin, 2008) by combining the MAVE loss function with different regularisation penalties in Chapter 3. An extension of the SIQ of Wu et al. (2010) by considering different regularisation penalties is proposed in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, the DR is done through variable selection under Bayesian framework. A flexible Bayesian framework for regularisation in quantile regression (QR) model has been proposed. This work is different from Bayesian Lasso quantile regression (BLQR), employing the asymmetric Laplace error distribution (ALD). The error distribution is assumed to be an infinite mixture of Gaussian (IMG) densities

    Estimation non paramétrique pour les processus markoviens déterministes par morceaux

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    M.H.A. Davis a introduit les processus markoviens déterministes par morceaux (PDMP) comme une classe générale de modèles stochastiques non diffusifs, donnant lieu à des trajectoires déterministes ponctuées, à des instants aléatoires, par des sauts aléatoires. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons et analysons des estimateurs non paramétriques des lois conditionnelles des deux aléas intervenant dans la dynamique de tels processus. Plus précisément, dans le cadre d'une observation en temps long de la trajectoire d'un PDMP, nous présentons des estimateurs de la densité conditionnelle des temps inter-sauts et du noyau de Markov qui gouverne la loi des sauts. Nous établissons des résultats de convergence pour nos estimateurs. Des simulations numériques pour différentes applications illustrent nos résultats. Nous proposons également un estimateur du taux de saut pour des processus de renouvellement, ainsi qu'une méthode d'approximation numérique pour un modèle de régression semi-paramétrique.Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes (PDMP s) have been introduced by M.H.A. Davis as a general family of non-diffusion stochastic models, involving deterministic motion punctuated by random jumps at random times. In this thesis, we propose and analyze nonparametric estimation methods for both the features governing the randomness of such a process. More precisely, we present estimators of the conditional density of the inter-jumping times and of the transition kernel for a PDMP observed within a long time interval. We establish some convergence results for both the proposed estimators. In addition, numerical simulations illustrate our theoretical results. Furthermore, we propose an estimator for the jump rate of a nonhomogeneous renewal process and a numerical approximation method based on optimal quantization for a semiparametric regression model.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sliced Inverse Regression In Reference Curves Estimation

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    In order to obtain reference curves for data sets when the covariate is multidimensional, we propose in this paper a new procedure based on dimension-reduction and nonparametric estimation of conditional quantiles. This semiparametric approach combines sliced inverse regression (SIR) and a kernel estimation of conditional quantiles. The asymptotic convergence of the derived estimator is shown. By a simulation study, we compare this procedure to the classical kernel nonparametric one for different dimensions of the covariate. The semiparametric estimator shows the best performance. The usefulness of this estimation procedure is illustrated on a real data set collected in order to establish reference curves for biophysical properties of the skin of healthy French women