8 research outputs found

    Architecture and Methods for Innovative Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Nowadays wireless sensor netwoks (WSN) technology, wireless communications and digital electronics have made it realistic to produce a large scale miniaturized devices integrating sensing, processing and communication capabilities. The focus of this paper is to present an innovative mobile platform for heterogeneous sensor networks, combined with adaptive methods to optimize the communication architecture for novel potential applications in multimedia and entertainment. In fact, in the near future, some of the applications foreseen for WSNs will employ multi-platform systems with a high number of different devices, which may be completely different in nature, size, computational and energy capabilities, etc. Nowadays, in addition, data collection could be performed by UAV platforms which can be a sink for ground sensors layer, acting essentially as a mobile gateway. In order to maximize the system performances and the network lifespan, the authors propose a recently developed hybrid technique based on evolutionary algorithms. The goal of this procedure is to optimize the communication energy consumption in WSN by selecting the optimal multi-hop routing schemes, with a suitable hybridization of different routing criteria. The proposed approach can be potentially extended and applied to ongoing research projects focused on UAV-based sensing with WSN augmentation and real-time processing for immersive media experiences

    Evolutionary techniques for sensor networks energy optimization in marine environmental monitoring

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    The sustainable management of coastal and offshore ecosystems, such as for example coral reef environments, requires the collection of accurate data across various temporal and spatial scales. Accordingly, monitoring systems are seen as central tools for ecosystem-based environmental management, helping on one hand to accurately describe the water column and substrate biophysical properties, and on the other hand to correctly steer sustainability policies by providing timely and useful information to decision-makers. A robust and intelligent sensor network that can adjust and be adapted to different and changing environmental or management demands would revolutionize our capacity to wove accurately model, predict, and manage human impacts on our coastal, marine, and other similar environments. In this paper advanced evolutionary techniques are applied to optimize the design of an innovative energy harvesting device for marine applications. The authors implement an enhanced technique in order to exploit in the most effective way the uniqueness and peculiarities of two classical optimization approaches, Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithms. Here, this hybrid procedure is applied to a power buoy designed for marine environmental monitoring applications in order to optimize the recovered energy from sea-wave, by selecting the optimal device configuration

    Unmanned aerial vehicle based wireless sensor network for marine-coastal environment monitoring

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    Marine environments are delicate ecosystems which directly influence local climates, flora, fauna, and human activities. Their monitorization plays a key role in their preservation, which is most commonly done through the use of environmental sensing buoy networks. These devices transmit data by means of satellite communications or close-range base stations, which present several limitations and elevated infrastructure costs. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are another alternative for remote environmental monitoring which provide new types of data and ease of use. These aircraft are mainly used in video capture related applications, in its various light spectrums, and do not provide the same data as sensing buoys, nor can they be used for such extended periods of time. The aim of this research is to provide a flexible, easy to deploy and cost-effectiveWireless Sensor Network (WSN) for monitoring marine environments. This proposal uses a UAV as a mobile data collector, low-power long-range communications and sensing buoys as part of a single WSN. A complete description of the design, development, and implementation of the various parts of this system is presented, as well as its validation in a real-world scenario

    Towards the use of unmanned aerial systems for providing sustainable services in smart cities

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    La sostenibilidad está en el centro de muchos campos de aplicación en los que el uso de los sistemas aéreos no tripulados (SUA) es cada vez más importante (por ejemplo, la agricultura, la detección y predicción de incendios, la vigilancia ambiental, la cartografía, etc.). Sin embargo, su uso y evolución están muy condicionados por el campo de aplicación específico para el que están diseñados y, por lo tanto, no pueden ser fácilmente reutilizados entre los diferentes campos de aplicación. Desde este punto de vista, al no ser polivalentes, podemos decir que no son totalmente sostenibles. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el objetivo de este trabajo es doble: por un lado, identificar el conjunto de características que debe proporcionar un UAS para ser considerado sostenible y demostrar que no hay ningún UAS que satisfaga todas estas características; por otra parte, presentar una arquitectura abierta y sostenible de los UAS que pueda utilizarse para construir UAS a petición para proporcionar las características necesarias en cada campo de aplicación. Dado que esta arquitectura se basa principalmente en la adaptabilidad del software y el hardware, contribuye a la sostenibilidad técnica de las ciudades.Sustainability is at the heart of many application fields where the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) is becoming more and more important (e.g., agriculture, fire detection and prediction, environmental surveillance, mapping, etc.). However, their usage and evolution are highly conditioned by the specific application field they are designed for, and thus, they cannot be easily reused among different application fields. From this point of view, being that they are not multipurpose, we can say that they are not fully sustainable. Bearing this in mind, the objective of this paper is two-fold: on the one hand, to identify the whole set of features that must be provided by a UAS to be considered sustainable and to show that there is no UAS satisfying all these features; on the other hand, to present an open and sustainable UAS architecture that may be used to build UAS on demand to provide the features needed in each application field. Since this architecture is mainly based on software and hardware adaptability, it contributes to the technical sustainability of cities.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fondos FEDER. Proyecto TIN2015-69957-R (I+D+i) • Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Ayuda GR15098 y IB16055 • Parcialmente financiado por Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program. Proyecto 0045-4IE-4-PpeerReviewe

    Redes autónomas e inteligentes para la monitorización de variables ambientales

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    El entendimiento de nuestro entorno, ya sea urbano o natural, es un tema de constante interés en la sociedad, tanto por razones de mejora de calidad de vida como preservación ecológica. En las últimas décadas, la tecnología ha sido la principal aliada para lograr este objetivo, siendo uno de los principales contribuyentes las redes de sensores inalámbricos, o WSN por sus siglas en inglés. No obstante, sigue existiendo una fuerte necesidad de monitorización en distintas temáticas, además que los avances tecnológicos recientes permiten profundizar en el conocimiento en algunas áreas de estudio. En este sentido, este trabajo pretende evaluar la tecnología de WSN reciente con el fin de diseñar y desarrollar sistemas que aporten soluciones a problemáticas reales. Por consiguiente, con el conocimiento obtenido a partir de lo anterior, se busca también contribuir a las WSN en un sentido científico literario. Dicho lo anterior, la presente tesis realiza aportaciones en dos campos: el tecnológico y el metodológico. Desde una perspectiva técnica, se presenta la implementación de un sistema autónomo para monitorización en viviendas y un sistema de monitorización no supervisado para zonas ecológicas marinas protegidas. El primero busca cubrir una necesidad de estimación del consumo energético-térmico de los sistemas de calefacción, con el cual poder gestionar de mejor manera este recurso. Para ello se desarrolló el prototipo de un nodo sensor WiFi de bajo consumo energético, capaz de sustentar su demanda de potencia con una etapa de energy harvesting termoeléctrico. Se utilizó este enfoque para poder ofrecer una solución intuitiva con poca interacción por parte de los usuarios. Con respecto al segundo, se pretende proveer una alternativa a los sistemas de monitorización de líneas costeras, donde se busca realizar análisis de corrientes marinas superficiales y variables físicas del entorno. Para este desarrollo fue necesario que el sistema pudiese ser desplegado de la manera más sencilla posible, minimizando el impacto en el entorno dada su clasificación como parque nacional protegido. Por estos motivos se diseñó, desarrolló e implementó una red de boyas de deriva asistida por dron, donde las primeras actuaban como nodos sensores y el dron ejercía como recolector de datos remoto, utilizando un protocolo de comunicaciones inalámbrico basado en la modulación LoRa.En tema de aportaciones metodológicas, se realizó una recopilación literaria de métricas para el análisis, selección y diseño de una WSN, con el afán de definir el impacto que estas presentan en dicha labor. Esto a su vez propició el desarrollo de una propuesta de metodología aplicable a nuevas implementaciones o sistemas activos con posibles mejoras. La metodología se realizó con el objetivo de proveer una serie de directrices claras al momento de diseñar una WSN, buscando también cubrir los aspectos más relevantes de estas mismas, es decir, la parte de hardware, red y requerimientos de una aplicación. Aunado a lo anterior, se ejemplifica el uso de dicha metodología, aplicada a tres escenarios tecnológicos distintos, para demostrar la relevancia de un diseño apropiado de una WSN.<br /

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation solves the collision avoidance problem for single- and multi-robot systems where dynamic effects are significant. In many robotic systems (e.g., highly maneuverable and agile unmanned aerial vehicles) the dynamics cannot be ignored and collision avoidance schemes based on kinematic models can result in collisions or provide limited performance, especially at high operating speeds. Herein, real-time, model-based collision avoidance algorithms that explicitly consider the robots' dynamics and perform real-time input changes to alter the trajectory and steer the robot away from potential collisions are developed, implemented, and verified in simulations and physical experiments. Such algorithms are critical in applications where a high degree of autonomy and performance are needed, for example in robot-assisted first response where aerial and/or mobile ground robots are required to maneuver quickly through cluttered and dangerous environments in search of survivors. Firstly, the research extends reciprocal collision avoidance to robots with dynamics by unifying previous approaches to reciprocal collision avoidance under a single, generalized representation using control obstacles. In fact, it is shown how velocity obstacles, acceleration velocity obstacles, continuous control obstacles, and linear quadratic regulator (LQR)-obstacles are special instances of the generalized framework. Furthermore, an extension of control obstacles to general reciprocal collision avoidance for nonlinear, nonhomogeneous systems where the robots may have different state spaces and different nonlinear equations of motion from one another is described. Both simulations and physical experiments are provided for a combination of differential-drive, differential-drive with a trailer, and car-like robots to demonstrate that the approach is capable of letting a nonhomogeneous group of robots with nonlinear equations of motion safely avoid collisions at real-time computation rates. Secondly, the research develops a stochastic collision avoidance algorithm for a tele-operated unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that considers uncertainty in the robot's dynamics model and the obstacles' position as measured from sensors. The model-based automatic collision avoidance algorithm is implemented on a custom-designed quadcopter UAV system with on-board computation and the sensor data are processed using a split-and-merge segmentation algorithm and an approximate Minkowski difference. Flight tests are conducted to validate the algorithm's capabilities for providing tele-operated collision-free operation. Finally, a set of human subject studies are performed to quantitatively compare the performance between the model-based algorithm, the basic risk field algorithm (a variant on potential field), and full manual control. The results show that the model-based algorithm performs significantly better than manual control in both the number of collisions and the UAV's average speed, both of which are extremely vital, for example, for UAV-assisted search and rescue applications. Compared to the potential-field-based algorithm, the model-based algorithm allowed the pilot to operate the UAV with higher average speeds

    El patrimonio cultural en los programas marco de investigación de la Unión Europea: análisis y tendencias

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    Esta investigación analiza los proyectos europeos de investigación financiados a través de los programas marco de la Unión Europea, que tienen por temática principal el patrimonio cultural. Pretende por lo tanto entender qué tipo de proyectos se han financiado dentro de la disciplina y cuál ha sido su evolución temática a lo largo del tiempo y para ello, emplea técnicas de análisis de datos y procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP) para extraer información de las principales fuentes de información, y procesarla con el fin de aportar luz a la pregunta de investigación: ¿qué temáticas, dentro del ámbito del patrimonio cultural, abordan los proyectos europeos de investigación? Partiendo de el contexto político y legal en el que se financian estos proyectos, el trabajo desarrolla una metodología para identificar, procesar y analizar los datos asociados a los proyectos europeos de investigación sobre patrimonio cultural, metodología que sirve posteriormente para analizar y describir las características y tendencias del conjunto de proyectos. Finaliza la investigación, identificando y describiendo brevemente las políticas actuales que puedan tener una influencia sobre la definición de las temáticas de los proyectos del ámbito del patrimonio cultural en el futuro próximo.This research analyses European research projects funded through the European Union's Framework Programmes, whose main thematic area is cultural heritage. It therefore aims to understand what kind of projects have been funded within the discipline and what their thematic evolution has been over time, using data analysis and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract information from the main sources of information and process it in order to shed light on the research question: what themes, within the field of cultural heritage, do European research projects address? Starting from the political and legal context in which these projects are funded, we will develop a methodology to identify, process and analyse the data associated with European cultural heritage research projects, a methodology that will help us to analyse and describe the characteristics and trends of the projects as a whole. We will conclude the research by briefly referencing current policies that may influence the definition of project's topics in the field of cultural heritage in the near future.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster de Arquitectura y Patrimonio Históric