27 research outputs found

    Design Methodologies and Architecture Solutions for High-Performance Interconnects

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    ABSTRACT In Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) technologies, interconnects play a crucial role in the correct functionality and largely impact the performance of complex System-on-Chip (SoC) designs. For technologies of 0.25µm and below, wiring capacitance dominates gate capacitance, thus rapidly increasing the interconnect-induced delay. Moreover, the coupling capacitance becomes a significant portion of the on-chip total wiring capacitance, and coupling between adjacent wires cannot be considered as a second-order effect any longer. As a consequence, the traditional top-down design methodology is ineffective, since the actual wiring delays can be computed only after layout parasitic extraction, when the physical design is completed. Fixing all the timing violations often requires several time-consuming iterations of logical and physical design, and it is essentially a trial-and-error approach. Increasingly tighter time-to-market requirements dictate that interconnect parasitics must be taken into account during all phases of the design flow, at different level of abstractions. However, given the aggressive technology scaling trends and the growing design complexity, this approach will only temporarily ameliorate the interconnect problem. We believe that in order to achieve gigascale designs in the nanometer regime, a novel design paradigm, based on new forms of regularity and newly created IP (Intellectual Property) blocks must be developed, to provide a direct path from system-level architectural exploration to physical implementation

    Synthesis of Clock Trees with Useful Skew based on Sparse-Graph Algorithms

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    Computer-aided design (CAD) for very large scale integration (VLSI) involve

    Synthesis Methodologies for Robust and Reconfigurable Clock Networks

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    In today\u27s aggressively scaled technology nodes, billions of transistors are packaged into a single integrated circuit. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools are needed to automatically assemble the transistors into a functioning system. One of the most important design steps in the physical synthesis is the design of the clock network. The clock network delivers a synchronizing clock signal to each sequential element. The clock signal is required to be delivered meeting timing constraints under variations and in multiple operating modes. Synthesizing such clock networks is becoming increasingly difficult with the complex power management methodologies and severe manufacturing variations. Clock network synthesis is an important problem because it has a direct impact on the functional correctness, the maximum operating frequency, and the overall power consumption of each synchronous integrated circuit. In this dissertation, we proposed synthesis methodologies for robust and reconfigurable clock networks. We have made three contributions to this topic. First, we have proposed a clock network optimization framework that can achieve better timing quality than previous frameworks. Our proposed framework improves timing quality by reducing the propagation delay on critical paths in a clock network using buffer sizing and layer assignment. Second, we have proposed a clock tree synthesis methodology that integrates the clock tree synthesis with the clock tree optimization. The methodology improves timing quality by avoiding to synthesize clock trees with topologies that are sensitive to variations. Third, we have proposed a clock network that can reconfigure the topology based on the active mode of operation. Lastly, we conclude the dissertation with future research directions

    Enhancing Power Efficient Design Techniques in Deep Submicron Era

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    Excessive power dissipation has been one of the major bottlenecks for design and manufacture in the past couple of decades. Power efficient design has become more and more challenging when technology scales down to the deep submicron era that features the dominance of leakage, the manufacture variation, the on-chip temperature variation and higher reliability requirements, among others. Most of the computer aided design (CAD) tools and algorithms currently used in industry were developed in the pre deep submicron era and did not consider the new features explicitly and adequately. Recent research advances in deep submicron design, such as the mechanisms of leakage, the source and characterization of manufacture variation, the cause and models of on-chip temperature variation, provide us the opportunity to incorporate these important issues in power efficient design. We explore this opportunity in this dissertation by demonstrating that significant power reduction can be achieved with only minor modification to the existing CAD tools and algorithms. First, we consider peak current, which has become critical for circuit's reliability in deep submicron design. Traditional low power design techniques focus on the reduction of average power. We propose to reduce peak current while keeping the overhead on average power as small as possible. Second, dual Vt technique and gate sizing have been used simultaneously for leakage savings. However, this approach becomes less effective in deep submicron design. We propose to use the newly developed process-induced mechanical stress to enhance its performance. Finally, in deep submicron design, the impact of on-chip temperature variation on leakage and performance becomes more and more significant. We propose a temperature-aware dual Vt approach to alleviate hot spots and achieve further leakage reduction. We also consider this leakage-temperature dependency in the dynamic voltage scaling approach and discover that a commonly accepted result is incorrect for the current technology. We conduct extensive experiments with popular design benchmarks, using the latest industry CAD tools and design libraries. The results show that our proposed enhancements are promising in power saving and are practical to solve the low power design challenges in deep submicron era

    Broadening the Scope of Multi-Objective Optimizations in Physical Synthesis of Integrated Circuits.

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    In modern VLSI design, physical synthesis tools are primarily responsible for satisfying chip-performance constraints by invoking a broad range of circuit optimizations, such as buffer insertion, logic restructuring, gate sizing and relocation. This process is known as timing closure. Our research seeks more powerful and efficient optimizations to improve the state of the art in modern chip design. In particular, we integrate timing-driven relocation, retiming, logic cloning, buffer insertion and gate sizing in novel ways to create powerful circuit transformations that help satisfy setup-time constraints. State-of-the-art physical synthesis optimizations are typically applied at two scales: i) global algorithms that affect the entire netlist and ii) local transformations that focus on a handful of gates or interconnections. The scale of modern chip designs dictates that only near-linear-time optimization algorithms can be applied at the global scope — typically limited to wirelength-driven placement and legalization. Localized transformations can rely on more time-consuming optimizations with accurate delay models. Few techniques bridge the gap between fully-global and localized optimizations. This dissertation broadens the scope of physical synthesis optimization to include accurate transformations operating between the global and local scales. In particular, we integrate groups of related transformations to break circular dependencies and increase the number of circuit elements that can be jointly optimized to escape local minima. Integrated transformations in this dissertation are developed by identifying and removing obstacles to successful optimizations. Integration is achieved through mapping multiple operations to rigorous mathematical optimization problems that can be solved simultaneously. We achieve computational scalability in our techniques by leveraging analytical delay models and focusing optimization efforts on carefully selected regions of the chip. In this regard, we make extensive use of a linear interconnect-delay model that accounts for the impact of subsequent repeated insertion. Our integrated transformations are evaluated on high-performance circuits with over 100,000 gates. Integrated optimization techniques described in this dissertation ensure graceful timing-closure process and impact nearly every aspect of a typical physical synthesis flow. They have been validated in EDA tools used at IBM for physical synthesis of high-performance CPU and ASIC designs, where they significantly improved chip performance.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78744/1/iamyou_1.pd

    Timing Closure in Chip Design

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    Achieving timing closure is a major challenge to the physical design of a computer chip. Its task is to find a physical realization fulfilling the speed specifications. In this thesis, we propose new algorithms for the key tasks of performance optimization, namely repeater tree construction; circuit sizing; clock skew scheduling; threshold voltage optimization and plane assignment. Furthermore, a new program flow for timing closure is developed that integrates these algorithms with placement and clocktree construction. For repeater tree construction a new algorithm for computing topologies, which are later filled with repeaters, is presented. To this end, we propose a new delay model for topologies that not only accounts for the path lengths, as existing approaches do, but also for the number of bifurcations on a path, which introduce extra capacitance and thereby delay. In the extreme cases of pure power optimization and pure delay optimization the optimum topologies regarding our delay model are minimum Steiner trees and alphabetic code trees with the shortest possible path lengths. We presented a new, extremely fast algorithm that scales seamlessly between the two opposite objectives. For special cases, we prove the optimality of our algorithm. The efficiency and effectiveness in practice is demonstrated by comprehensive experimental results. The task of circuit sizing is to assign millions of small elementary logic circuits to elements from a discrete set of logically equivalent, predefined physical layouts such that power consumption is minimized and all signal paths are sufficiently fast. In this thesis we develop a fast heuristic approach for global circuit sizing, followed by a local search into a local optimum. Our algorithms use, in contrast to existing approaches, the available discrete layout choices and accurate delay models with slew propagation. The global approach iteratively assigns slew targets to all source pins of the chip and chooses a discrete layout of minimum size preserving the slew targets. In comprehensive experiments on real instances, we demonstrate that the worst path delay is within 7% of its lower bound on average after a few iterations. The subsequent local search reduces this gap to 2% on average. Combining global and local sizing we are able to size more than 5.7 million circuits within 3 hours. For the clock skew scheduling problem we develop the first algorithm with a strongly polynomial running time for the cycle time minimization in the presence of different cycle times and multi-cycle paths. In practice, an iterative local search method is much more efficient. We prove that this iterative method maximizes the worst slack, even when restricting the feasible schedule to certain time intervals. Furthermore, we enhance the iterative local approach to determine a lexicographically optimum slack distribution. The clock skew scheduling problem is then generalized to allow for simultaneous data path optimization. In fact, this is a time-cost tradeoff problem. We developed the first combinatorial algorithm for computing time-cost tradeoff curves in graphs that may contain cycles. Starting from the lowest-cost solution, the algorithm iteratively computes a descent direction by a minimum cost flow computation. The maximum feasible step length is then determined by a minimum ratio cycle computation. This approach can be used in chip design for several optimization tasks, e.g. threshold voltage optimization or plane assignment. Finally, the optimization routines are combined into a timing closure flow. Here, the global placement is alternated with global performance optimization. Netweights are used to penalize the length of critical nets during placement. After the global phase, the performance is improved further by applying more comprehensive optimization routines on the most critical paths. In the end, the clock schedule is optimized and clocktrees are inserted. Computational results of the design flow are obtained on real-world computer chips

    Fast algorithms for retiming large digital circuits

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    The increasing complexity of VLSI systems and shrinking time to market requirements demand good optimization tools capable of handling large circuits. Retiming is a powerful transformation that preserves functionality, and can be used to optimize sequential circuits for a wide range of objective functions by judiciously relocating the memory elements. Leiserson and Saxe, who introduced the concept, presented algorithms for period optimization (minperiod retiming) and area optimization (minarea retiming). The ASTRA algorithm proposed an alternative view of retiming using the equivalence between retiming and clock skew optimization;The first part of this thesis defines the relationship between the Leiserson-Saxe and the ASTRA approaches and utilizes it for efficient minarea retiming of large circuits. The new algorithm, Minaret, uses the same linear program formulation as the Leiserson-Saxe approach. The underlying philosophy of the ASTRA approach is incorporated to reduce the number of variables and constraints in this linear program. This allows minarea retiming of circuits with over 56,000 gates in under fifteen minutes;The movement of flip-flops in control logic changes the state encoding of finite state machines, requiring the preservation of initial (reset) states. In the next part of this work the problem of minimizing the number of flip-flops in control logic subject to a specified clock period and with the guarantee of an equivalent initial state, is formulated as a mixed integer linear program. Bounds on the retiming variables are used to guarantee an equivalent initial state in the retimed circuit. These bounds lead to a simple method for calculating an equivalent initial state for the retimed circuit;The transparent nature of level sensitive latches enables level-clocked circuits to operate faster and require less area. However, this transparency makes the operation of level-clocked circuits very complex, and optimization of level-clocked circuits is a difficult task. This thesis also presents efficient algorithms for retiming large level-clocked circuits. The relationship between retiming and clock skew optimization for level-clocked circuits is defined and utilized to develop efficient retiming algorithms for period and area optimization. Using these algorithms a circuit with 56,000 gates could be retimed for minimum period in under twenty seconds and for minimum area in under 1.5 hours

    Energy-Efficient Digital Circuit Design using Threshold Logic Gates

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    abstract: Improving energy efficiency has always been the prime objective of the custom and automated digital circuit design techniques. As a result, a multitude of methods to reduce power without sacrificing performance have been proposed. However, as the field of design automation has matured over the last few decades, there have been no new automated design techniques, that can provide considerable improvements in circuit power, leakage and area. Although emerging nano-devices are expected to replace the existing MOSFET devices, they are far from being as mature as semiconductor devices and their full potential and promises are many years away from being practical. The research described in this dissertation consists of four main parts. First is a new circuit architecture of a differential threshold logic flipflop called PNAND. The PNAND gate is an edge-triggered multi-input sequential cell whose next state function is a threshold function of its inputs. Second a new approach, called hybridization, that replaces flipflops and parts of their logic cones with PNAND cells is described. The resulting \hybrid circuit, which consists of conventional logic cells and PNANDs, is shown to have significantly less power consumption, smaller area, less standby power and less power variation. Third, a new architecture of a field programmable array, called field programmable threshold logic array (FPTLA), in which the standard lookup table (LUT) is replaced by a PNAND is described. The FPTLA is shown to have as much as 50% lower energy-delay product compared to conventional FPGA using well known FPGA modeling tool called VPR. Fourth, a novel clock skewing technique that makes use of the completion detection feature of the differential mode flipflops is described. This clock skewing method improves the area and power of the ASIC circuits by increasing slack on timing paths. An additional advantage of this method is the elimination of hold time violation on given short paths. Several circuit design methodologies such as retiming and asynchronous circuit design can use the proposed threshold logic gate effectively. Therefore, the use of threshold logic flipflops in conventional design methodologies opens new avenues of research towards more energy-efficient circuits.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Architectural Exploration of KeyRing Self-Timed Processors

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    RÉSUMÉ Les dernières décennies ont vu l’augmentation des performances des processeurs contraintes par les limites imposées par la consommation d’énergie des systèmes électroniques : des très basses consommations requises pour les objets connectés, aux budgets de dépenses électriques des serveurs, en passant par les limitations thermiques et la durée de vie des batteries des appareils mobiles. Cette forte demande en processeurs efficients en énergie, couplée avec les limitations de la réduction d’échelle des transistors—qui ne permet plus d’améliorer les performances à densité de puissance constante—, conduit les concepteurs de circuits intégrés à explorer de nouvelles microarchitectures permettant d’obtenir de meilleures performances pour un budget énergétique donné. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette tendance en proposant une nouvelle microarchitecture de processeur, appelée KeyRing, conçue avec l’intention de réduire la consommation d’énergie des processeurs. La fréquence d’opération des transistors dans les circuits intégrés est proportionnelle à leur consommation dynamique d’énergie. Par conséquent, les techniques de conception permettant de réduire dynamiquement le nombre de transistors en opération sont très largement adoptées pour améliorer l’efficience énergétique des processeurs. La technique de clock-gating est particulièrement usitée dans les circuits synchrones, car elle réduit l’impact de l’horloge globale, qui est la principale source d’activité. La microarchitecture KeyRing présentée dans cette thèse utilise une méthode de synchronisation décentralisée et asynchrone pour réduire l’activité des circuits. Elle est dérivée du processeur AnARM, un processeur développé par Octasic sur la base d’une microarchitecture asynchrone ad hoc. Bien qu’il soit plus efficient en énergie que des alternatives synchrones, le AnARM est essentiellement incompatible avec les méthodes de synthèse et d’analyse temporelle statique standards. De plus, sa technique de conception ad hoc ne s’inscrit que partiellement dans les paradigmes de conceptions asynchrones. Cette thèse propose une approche rigoureuse pour définir les principes généraux de cette technique de conception ad hoc, en faisant levier sur la littérature asynchrone. La microarchitecture KeyRing qui en résulte est développée en association avec une méthode de conception automatisée, qui permet de s’affranchir des incompatibilités natives existant entre les outils de conception et les systèmes asynchrones. La méthode proposée permet de pleinement mettre à profit les flots de conception standards de l’industrie microélectronique pour réaliser la synthèse et la vérification des circuits KeyRing. Cette thèse propose également des protocoles expérimentaux, dont le but est de renforcer la relation de causalité entre la microarchitecture KeyRing et une réduction de la consommation énergétique des processeurs, comparativement à des alternatives synchrones équivalentes.----------ABSTRACT Over the last years, microprocessors have had to increase their performances while keeping their power envelope within tight bounds, as dictated by the needs of various markets: from the ultra-low power requirements of the IoT, to the electrical power consumption budget in enterprise servers, by way of passive cooling and day-long battery life in mobile devices. This high demand for power-efficient processors, coupled with the limitations of technology scaling—which no longer provides improved performances at constant power densities—, is leading designers to explore new microarchitectures with the goal of pulling more performances out of a fixed power budget. This work enters into this trend by proposing a new processor microarchitecture, called KeyRing, having a low-power design intent. The switching activity of integrated circuits—i.e. transistors switching on and off—directly affects their dynamic power consumption. Circuit-level design techniques such as clock-gating are widely adopted as they dramatically reduce the impact of the global clock in synchronous circuits, which constitutes the main source of switching activity. The KeyRing microarchitecture presented in this work uses an asynchronous clocking scheme that relies on decentralized synchronization mechanisms to reduce the switching activity of circuits. It is derived from the AnARM, a power-efficient ARM processor developed by Octasic using an ad hoc asynchronous microarchitecture. Although it delivers better power-efficiency than synchronous alternatives, it is for the most part incompatible with standard timing-driven synthesis and Static Timing Analysis (STA). In addition, its design style does not fit well within the existing asynchronous design paradigms. This work lays the foundations for a more rigorous definition of this rather unorthodox design style, using circuits and methods coming from the asynchronous literature. The resulting KeyRing microarchitecture is developed in combination with Electronic Design Automation (EDA) methods that alleviate incompatibility issues related to ad hoc clocking, enabling timing-driven optimizations and verifications of KeyRing circuits using industry-standard design flows. In addition to bridging the gap with standard design practices, this work also proposes comprehensive experimental protocols that aims to strengthen the causal relation between the reported asynchronous microarchitecture and a reduced power consumption compared with synchronous alternatives. The main achievement of this work is a framework that enables the architectural exploration of circuits using the KeyRing microarchitecture