44 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of the Integration of Industry 4.0 with Quality-related Operational Excellence Methodologies

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    This study examines the common themes for integrating Industry 4.0 with quality-related Operational Excellence methodologies to provide a comprehensive overview of ‘what’ and ‘how’ to combine them in an initial integration process. In addition, the gaps in the present literature are aggregated, and a research plan for the future is proposed. The study is based on a systematic review of 37 papers published in academic journals between 2015 and 2021. Unlike previous reviews, this study concentrates on the ‘what’ and ‘how’ level of Total Quality Management, Lean Six Sigma, and Business Process Management as quality-related Operational Excellence methodologies integrated with Industry 4.0 to provide a practical perspective when executing their integration and implementation. Findings indicate a strong technical and data-driven integration focus across the three themes. Furthermore, modes of action as moderators of success were derived as initial variables to be included in quality-driven Industry 4.0 transitions. Identifying gaps in the present literature and defining a research agenda centred on operational principles opens up opportunities for future study with significant practical value

    Leveraging lean in the office: Lean office needs a novel and differentiated approach

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    Lean Six Sigma tools have been increasingly employed also in the service industry, however with different success as field studies have shown. The reason not only has to be attributed to a poor Change Management, but can also be attributed to the intrinsic characteristics of the Lean techniques, which have been tailored to sustain a stable customer-takted pull-manufacturing principle. An office workplace shows significant differences to a procedural shop floor environment, as it comprises both, procedural and relational processes. The office environment, therefore, cannot be described by a purely transactional shop floor model—it necessitates a separate model, with a differenciated approach, which covers the procedural as well as the relational aspects of office tasks. Also the different characteristics of the transaction object as well as the operation transformation and process governance do not allow an un-adapted application of Toyota’s comprehensive Lean toolset. The approach of Lean for the office environment needs a reinterpretation of the Lean logic and TPS Lean tools for the procedural part as well. Therefore, different and adapted approaches and tools are clearly necessary. The paper shows the objectives and principles of Lean and why Lean manufacturing is also interesting to be applied in the office environment. The differences between office and production jobs are detailed and introduce the problem of lean application in the office. The particular characteristics of the office environment are discussed and enable to enter into the Relational Office Model. Furthermore, we explain the paradigm shift which is necessary to take full benefit of the Lean approach in the office environment, however without presenting the reinterpreted office Lean toolset due to space reasons. This will be the topic of a next paper.ISSN:1940-9893ISSN:1940-990

    Avaliação da automatização de processos de negácio em serviços partilhados

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    Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública – Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.Com a implementação de serviços partilhados na Administração Pública Portuguesa, foi necessário encontrar formas eficientes responder às necessidades dos Organismos, bem como potenciar estratégias dos próprios serviços partilhados. A automatização de processos assente numa arquitectura SOA, visou dar resposta a estas necessidades. No entanto, para avaliar os efectivos ganhos decorrentes da automatização, é necessário traduzi-los em benefícios mensuráveis. Este artigo centra-se na proposta de um modelo de avaliação de benefícios que visa responder a estas necessidades

    Business Process Modeling Notations Techniques: A Comparative Study Using AHP

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    The rapid evolution of information systems has triggered drastic changes in business schemes. This phenomenon has led to the rise of Business Process Management. Business Process Management consists of the concepts, methods, techniques and software tools that assist the life cycle of business processes. The implementation of BPM solutions is not an easy task due to the existence of different Business Process Modelling (BPM) techniques. Thus, organizations seek for BPM to make informed decisions about the appropriate technique that fits their needs. In this research, we proposed a new comparison model for selecting the most appropriate Modelling technique using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Technique, which is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Precisely, we compare four BPM techniques: BPMN, RAD, IDEF3 and EPC in term of three main criteria which are: Direct Representation, Automation, and Open standards. The results show a ranking list of the selected techniques. According to our analysis, BPMN represents the best technique compared with the designated criteria, followed by Event-driven Process Chain, then RAD and finally IDEF3

    The application of a phenomenological framework to assess user experience with museum technologies

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    Six Sigma is a methodology that uses data and statistical analyses on business processes to measure and improve the conduct and the output of production and service-oriented processes. Derived from a variety of quality management and industrial engineering approaches, it has emerged into one of the most popular process re-design methodologies. This paper complements the rich body of knowledge on Six Sigma methods and techniques with insights into the actual adoption of Six Sigma. Sunstate Financials 1 is one of Australia\u27s leading financial organizations. Having recognized the advantages of Six Sigma, Sunstate Financials started their Six Sigma journey in 2001. The peak of Six Sigma deployment at Sunstate Financials lasted for approximately 2 years. Almost every person in the company was aware of the Six Sigma methodology, and many projects commenced under the Six Sigma banner. Although the use of Six Sigma has shown dramatic process improvements and cost reductions, Six Sigma is no longer in use at Sunstate Financials. This teaching case explores the Six Sigma experiences of one of Australia’s leading financial service providers, and why this methodology failed as a sustainable long term approach. It describes the key issues of Six Sigma and provides valuable lessons learnt

    A Method and Tool for Predictive Event-Driven Process Analytics

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    Business value can be lost if a decision maker’s action distance to the observation of a business event is too high. So far, two classes of information systems, which promise to assist decision makers, have been discussed independently from each other only: business intelligence systems that query historic business event data in order to prepare predictions of future process behavior and real-time monitoring systems. This paper suggests using real-time data for predictions following an event-driven approach. A predictive event-driven process analytics (edPA) method is presented which integrates aspects from business activity monitoring and process intelligence. Needs for procedure integration, metric quality, and the inclusion of actionable improvements are outlined. The method is implemented in the form of a software prototype and evaluated

    Process analysis using business process management: a case study on incident management

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    Business process management is widely used to improve companies’ competitive level. Incident management is a critical process as it supports the main services of an organization. Its speed and accuracy are paramount to companies. This research aims at analysing an incident management process of a global company and produce managerial recommendations on how to improve its performance. A case study approach is conducted. Process analysis is conducted based in interviews, direct observation, and focus group to assure data triangulation. Process improvement is based on the goals of the process and managerial recommendations are provided to support that improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Gestão por processos : aplicação em microempresa do setor gráfico

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    Devido ao forte crescimento de novas tecnologias, a revisão de muitos processos de negócio faz-se fundamental. Logo, o Business Process Management (BPM) vem ocupando importante espaço na gestão das organizações. Este artigo tem como objetivo estudar a eficiência de um processo de uma empresa do setor gráfico localizada na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS, bem como propor melhorias para este processo visando atingir melhores resultados através da sua padronização. Para isto, seis fases foram resumidas da literatura e aplicadas: (i) contextualização da empresa; (ii) preparação para o mapeamento; (iii) mapeamento; (iv) melhorias; (v) monitoramento; (vi) mudança de cultura. A partir da modelagem e análise do processo foi possível identificar os pontos que mais causam atraso, desperdício de material e dependência de outro setor que não está diretamente ligado ao processo de selecionado. Como resultado, foram obtidas melhorias e padronização do processo estudado, aprimorando a robustez e a agilidade do mesmo, contribuindo para o início de uma cultura de gestão por processos na empresa.The purpose of this paper is to study the efficiency of a printing company process. Therefore, it was suggested improvements for these processes to achieve better results through its standardization. For this purpose, the project was divided in six phases that were summarized from de literature and applied: (i) company contextualization; (ii) preparation for mapping; (iii) mapping; (iv) improvements; (v) monitoring; (vi) culture change. From this process model and analysis was possible to identify areas that cause the highest delay, waste of material and dependence on another sector that is not directly connected to the printing process. As result, improvements and standardization 2 of the lawsuits were obtained, improving the robustness and agility thereof. This research also contributed to start a process management culture in the enterprise

    Melhoria do desempenho de atendimento de uma multinacional pelo uso do BPM

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    Para que uma corporação atenda as expectativas dos clientes e consiga fidelizá-los, é importante que conheça os seus processos internos, quais são os setores que os afetam e como medir se seus resultados contemplam as metas estabelecidas pelo planejamento estratégico proposto pela diretoria. Mais do que isso, é necessário diluir os indicadores dos macroprocessos até atingir os níveis básicos das funcionalidades da empresa para que as melhorias sejam de fácil implantação e perceptíveis quando medidas. Este estudo visa analisar as mudanças feitas para que o processo de atendimento ao mercado externo, do setor administrativo de vendas de peças de reposição de uma multinacional, tivesse desempenho melhor em 2017 quando comparado ao ano anterior. Para isso, o processo foi mapeado e as ações tomadas foram elencadas com o intuito de visualizar as tendências de mudanças identificadas pelo indicador após serem instauradas