3,907 research outputs found

    Singularity analysis via the iterated kernel method

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    We provide exact and asymptotic counting formulas for five singular lattice path models in the quarter plane. Furthermore, we prove that these models have a non D-finite generating function

    Partially directed paths in a wedge

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    The enumeration of lattice paths in wedges poses unique mathematical challenges. These models are not translationally invariant, and the absence of this symmetry complicates both the derivation of a functional recurrence for the generating function, and solving for it. In this paper we consider a model of partially directed walks from the origin in the square lattice confined to both a symmetric wedge defined by Y=±pXY = \pm pX, and an asymmetric wedge defined by the lines Y=pXY= pX and Y=0, where p>0p > 0 is an integer. We prove that the growth constant for all these models is equal to 1+21+\sqrt{2}, independent of the angle of the wedge. We derive functional recursions for both models, and obtain explicit expressions for the generating functions when p=1p=1. From these we find asymptotic formulas for the number of partially directed paths of length nn in a wedge when p=1p=1. The functional recurrences are solved by a variation of the kernel method, which we call the ``iterated kernel method''. This method appears to be similar to the obstinate kernel method used by Bousquet-Melou. This method requires us to consider iterated compositions of the roots of the kernel. These compositions turn out to be surprisingly tractable, and we are able to find simple explicit expressions for them. However, in spite of this, the generating functions turn out to be similar in form to Jacobi θ\theta-functions, and have natural boundaries on the unit circle.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to JCT

    An improvement of the product integration method for a weakly singular Hammerstein equation

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    We present a new method to solve nonlinear Hammerstein equations with weakly singular kernels. The process to approximate the solution, followed usually, consists in adapting the discretization scheme from the linear case in order to obtain a nonlinear system in a finite dimensional space and solve it by any linearization method. In this paper, we propose to first linearize, via Newton method, the nonlinear operator equation and only then to discretize the obtained linear equations by the product integration method. We prove that the iterates, issued from our method, tends to the exact solution of the nonlinear Hammerstein equation when the number of Newton iterations tends to infinity, whatever the discretization parameter can be. This is not the case when the discretization is done first: in this case, the accuracy of the approximation is limited by the mesh size discretization. A Numerical example is given to confirm the theorical result

    Elliptic polylogarithms and iterated integrals on elliptic curves II: an application to the sunrise integral

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    We introduce a class of iterated integrals that generalize multiple polylogarithms to elliptic curves. These elliptic multiple polylogarithms are closely related to similar functions defined in pure math- ematics and string theory. We then focus on the equal-mass and non-equal-mass sunrise integrals, and we develop a formalism that enables us to compute these Feynman integrals in terms of our iterated integrals on elliptic curves. The key idea is to use integration-by-parts identities to identify a set of integral kernels, whose precise form is determined by the branch points of the integral in question. These kernels allow us to express all iterated integrals on an elliptic curve in terms of them. The flexibility of our approach leads us to expect that it will be applicable to a large variety of integrals in high-energy physics.Comment: 22 page

    Regularity theory for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with cut-off

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    We develop the regularity theory of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with cut-off and hard potentials (for instance, hard spheres), by (i) revisiting the Lp-theory to obtain constructive bounds, (ii) establishing propagation of smoothness and singularities, (iii) obtaining estimates about the decay of the sin- gularities of the initial datum. Our proofs are based on a detailed study of the "regularity of the gain operator". An application to the long-time behavior is presented.Comment: 47 page

    Multi-Regge kinematics and the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points

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    We show that scattering amplitudes in planar N = 4 Super Yang-Mills in multi-Regge kinematics can naturally be expressed in terms of single-valued iterated integrals on the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points. As a consequence, scattering amplitudes in this limit can be expressed as convolutions that can easily be computed using Stokes' theorem. We apply this framework to MHV amplitudes to leading-logarithmic accuracy (LLA), and we prove that at L loops all MHV amplitudes are determined by amplitudes with up to L + 4 external legs. We also investigate non-MHV amplitudes, and we show that they can be obtained by convoluting the MHV results with a certain helicity flip kernel. We classify all leading singularities that appear at LLA in the Regge limit for arbitrary helicity configurations and any number of external legs. Finally, we use our new framework to obtain explicit analytic results at LLA for all MHV amplitudes up to five loops and all non-MHV amplitudes with up to eight external legs and four loops.Comment: 104 pages, six awesome figures and ancillary files containing the results in Mathematica forma

    On the low-x NLO evolution of 4 point colorless operators

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    The NLO evolution equations for quadrupole and double dipole operators have been obtained within the high energy operator expansion method. The corresponding quasi-conformal evolution equations for the composite operators were constructed
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