8,627 research outputs found

    The geometry of optimal control problems on some six dimensional lie groups

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    This paper examines optimal solutions of control systems with drift defined on the orthonormal frame bundle of particular Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature. The manifolds considered here are the space forms Euclidean space E3 , the spheres S3 and the hyperboloids H3 with the corresponding frame bundles equal to the Euclidean group of motions SE(3), the rotation group SO(4) and the Lorentz group SO(1,3). The optimal controls of these systems are solved explicitly in terms of elliptic functions. In this paper, a geometric interpretation of the extremal solutions is given with particular emphasis to a singularity in the explicit solutions. Using a reduced form of the Casimir functions the geometry of these solutions are illustrated

    Non-minimality of corners in subriemannian geometry

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    We give a short solution to one of the main open problems in subriemannian geometry. Namely, we prove that length minimizers do not have corner-type singularities. With this result we solve Problem II of Agrachev's list, and provide the first general result toward the 30-year-old open problem of regularity of subriemannian geodesics.Comment: 11 pages, final versio

    Singular solutions of a modified two-component Camassa-Holm equation

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    The Camassa-Holm equation (CH) is a well known integrable equation describing the velocity dynamics of shallow water waves. This equation exhibits spontaneous emergence of singular solutions (peakons) from smooth initial conditions. The CH equation has been recently extended to a two-component integrable system (CH2), which includes both velocity and density variables in the dynamics. Although possessing peakon solutions in the velocity, the CH2 equation does not admit singular solutions in the density profile. We modify the CH2 system to allow dependence on average density as well as pointwise density. The modified CH2 system (MCH2) does admit peakon solutions in velocity and average density. We analytically identify the steepening mechanism that allows the singular solutions to emerge from smooth spatially-confined initial data. Numerical results for MCH2 are given and compared with the pure CH2 case. These numerics show that the modification in MCH2 to introduce average density has little short-time effect on the emergent dynamical properties. However, an analytical and numerical study of pairwise peakon interactions for MCH2 shows a new asymptotic feature. Namely, besides the expected soliton scattering behavior seen in overtaking and head-on peakon collisions, MCH2 also allows the phase shift of the peakon collision to diverge in certain parameter regimes.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    On Regularity of Abnormal Subriemannian Geodesics

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    We prove the smoothness of abnormal minimizers of subriemannian manifolds of step 3 with a nilpotent basis. We prove that rank 2 Carnot groups of step 4 admit no strictly abnormal minimizers. For any subriemannian manifolds of step less than 7, we show all abnormal minimizers have no corner type singularities, which partly generalize the main result of Leonardi-Monti.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial computation error in (F_t^1)_sta

    Examples of integrable sub-Riemannian geodesic flows

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    Motivated by a paper of Bolsinov and Taimanov DG/9911193 we consider non-holonomic situation and exhibit examples of sub-Riemannian metrics with integrable geodesic flows and positive topological entropy. Moreover the Riemannian examples are obtained as "holonomization" of sub-Riemannian ones. A feature of non-holonomic situation is non-compactness of the phase space. We also exhibit a Liouvulle-integrable Hamiltonian system with topological entropy of all integrals positive.Comment: 21 pages; Answer to the self-posed question is added: Is it possible to construct Liouville-integrable Hamiltonian system with positive topological entropies of all integrals? Yes and we present an exampl

    Nonisotropic 3-level Quantum Systems: Complete Solutions for Minimum Time and Minimum Energy

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    We apply techniques of subriemannian geometry on Lie groups and of optimal synthesis on 2-D manifolds to the population transfer problem in a three-level quantum system driven by two laser pulses, of arbitrary shape and frequency. In the rotating wave approximation, we consider a nonisotropic model i.e. a model in which the two coupling constants of the lasers are different. The aim is to induce transitions from the first to the third level, minimizing 1) the time of the transition (with bounded laser amplitudes), 2) the energy of lasers (with fixed final time). After reducing the problem to real variables, for the purpose 1) we develop a theory of time optimal syntheses for distributional problem on 2-D-manifolds, while for the purpose 2) we use techniques of subriemannian geometry on 3-D Lie groups. The complete optimal syntheses are computed.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure