10 research outputs found

    Testiranje algoritmov za iskanje singularnih točk

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    Analiza prstnih odtisov tipično temelji na položaju in vzorcih zaznanih singularnih točk na sliki prstnega odtisa. Vsak prstni odtis ponavadi vsebuje dve vrsti singularnih točk: jedra in delte. Zaradi tega singularne točke določajo topološko strukturo prstnega odtisa (tip prstnega odtisa) in vplivajo na orientacijsko polje. Število in lokacija singularnih točk imata pomembno vlogo pri klasifikaciji prstnih odtisov (pet razredov), s čimer se optimizira iskanje po velikih bazah prstnih odtisov. V tem prispevku si bomo ogledali test, s katerim bomo ugotovili učinkovitost obstoječega algoritma za iskanje singularnih točk, podali pa bomo tudi nekaj splošnih ugotovitev ter napotkov za testiranje tovrstnih algoritmov

    Testiranje algoritmov za iskanje singularnih točk

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    Analiza prstnih odtisov tipično temelji na položaju in vzorcih zaznanih singularnih točk na sliki prstnega odtisa. Vsak prstni odtis ponavadi vsebuje dve vrsti singularnih točk: jedra in delte. Zaradi tega singularne točke določajo topološko strukturo prstnega odtisa (tip prstnega odtisa) in vplivajo na orientacijsko polje. Število in lokacija singularnih točk imata pomembno vlogo pri klasifikaciji prstnih odtisov (pet razredov), s čimer se optimizira iskanje po velikih bazah prstnih odtisov. V tem prispevku si bomo ogledali test, s katerim bomo ugotovili učinkovitost obstoječega algoritma za iskanje singularnih točk, podali pa bomo tudi nekaj splošnih ugotovitev ter napotkov za testiranje tovrstnih algoritmov

    Multi-Modal Biometrics: Applications, Strategies and Operations

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    The need for adequate attention to security of lives and properties cannot be over-emphasised. Existing approaches to security management by various agencies and sectors have focused on the use of possession (card, token) and knowledge (password, username)-based strategies which are susceptible to forgetfulness, damage, loss, theft, forgery and other activities of fraudsters. The surest and most appropriate strategy for handling these challenges is the use of naturally endowed biometrics, which are the human physiological and behavioural characteristics. This paper presents an overview of the use of biometrics for human verification and identification. The applications, methodologies, operations, integration, fusion and strategies for multi-modal biometric systems that give more secured and reliable human identity management is also presented

    An accurate fingerprint reference point determination method based on curvature estimation of separated ridges

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    This paper presents an effective method for the detection of a fingerprint’s reference point by analyzing fingerprint ridges’ curvatures. The proposed approach is a multi-stage system. The first step extracts the fingerprint ridges from an image and transforms them into chains of discrete points. In the second step, the obtained chains of points are processed by a dedicated algorithm to detect corners and other points of highest curvature on their planar surface. In a series of experiments we demonstrate that the proposed method based on this algorithm allows effective determination of fingerprint reference points. Furthermore, the proposed method is relatively simple and achieves better results when compared with the approaches known from the literature. The reference point detection experiments were conducted using publicly available fingerprint databases FVC2000, FVC2002, FVC2004 and NIST