27 research outputs found

    Sparsity Based Formulations For Dereverberation

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016Konser, konferans, toplantı gibi ortamlarda kaydedilen akustik işaretler, kaydın alındığı ortam nedeni ile yankıya ve gürültüye maruz kalır. Kaynak işaretinin elde edilen gözlemlerden kestirimi yankı giderme problemi olarak isimlendirilir. Bu kayıtlarda göze çarpan yankı etkileri bir süzgeç olarak zaman tanım bölgesinde modellenebilir. Yankı etkilerini modelleyen bu süzgeç oda darbe cevabı olarak isimlendirilir. Oda darbe cevabının bilindiği durumda problem gözü kapalı olmayan yankı giderme problemine dönüşür. Tez boyunca oda darbe cevabının bilindiği durumlar dikkate alınmıştır. Gözlemlenebilir ki, oda darbe cevabı kaynak ve gözlem noktalarına çok bağımlıdır. Bu nedenle oda darbe cevabının bütün uzaydaki noktalar için kestirimi çok zordur. Bu durumda oda darbe cevapları tezdeki deneylerde sentetik olarak uygulanmış veya gözlem ortamında kayıt alındığı sırada gözlemden elde edilmişlerdir. Bölüm 5, bu duruma farklı bir açıdan bakılmasının örneğidir. Bu bölümde oda darbe cevabının kısmen bilindiği ve gözlem ortamı için tek bir süzgeç tanımlanabileceği durumları göz önüne alınmıştır.Acoustic signals recorded in concerts, meetings or conferences are effected by the room impulse response and noise. Estimating the clean source signals from the observations is referred as the dereverberation problem. If the room impulse responses are known, the problem is non-blind dereverberation problem. In this thesis non-blind dereverberation problem is posed using convex penalty functions, with a convex minimization procedure. The convex minimization problems are solved using iterative methods. Through the thesis sparse nature of the time frequency spectrum is referred. In order to transform the time domain signal to a time frequency spectrum Short Time Fourier Transform is used.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Detecting phase synchronization in coupled oscillators by combining multivariate singular spectrum analysis and fast factorization of structured matrices

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    It is shown that a fast reliable block Fourier algorithm for the factorization of structured matrices improves computational efficiency of known method for detecting phase synchronization in a large system of coupled oscillators, based on multivariate singular spectrum analysis. In this paper, a novel algorithm for the detection of cluster synchronization in a system of coupled oscillators is proposed. The block Toeplitz covariance matrix of the total trajectory matrix is efficiently block-diagonalized by means of the Fast Fourier Transform by embedding it first into a block circulant matrix. The synchronization structure of the underlying multivariate data set is defined based on the 2D spatiotemporal eigenvalue spectrum. The benefits of the proposed method are illustrated by simulations of the phase synchronization effects in a chain of coupled chaotic Rössler oscillators and using multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from epilepsy patients

    Glottal-synchronous speech processing

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    Glottal-synchronous speech processing is a field of speech science where the pseudoperiodicity of voiced speech is exploited. Traditionally, speech processing involves segmenting and processing short speech frames of predefined length; this may fail to exploit the inherent periodic structure of voiced speech which glottal-synchronous speech frames have the potential to harness. Glottal-synchronous frames are often derived from the glottal closure instants (GCIs) and glottal opening instants (GOIs). The SIGMA algorithm was developed for the detection of GCIs and GOIs from the Electroglottograph signal with a measured accuracy of up to 99.59%. For GCI and GOI detection from speech signals, the YAGA algorithm provides a measured accuracy of up to 99.84%. Multichannel speech-based approaches are shown to be more robust to reverberation than single-channel algorithms. The GCIs are applied to real-world applications including speech dereverberation, where SNR is improved by up to 5 dB, and to prosodic manipulation where the importance of voicing detection in glottal-synchronous algorithms is demonstrated by subjective testing. The GCIs are further exploited in a new area of data-driven speech modelling, providing new insights into speech production and a set of tools to aid deployment into real-world applications. The technique is shown to be applicable in areas of speech coding, identification and artificial bandwidth extension of telephone speec

    An investigation of the utility of monaural sound source separation via nonnegative matrix factorization applied to acoustic echo and reverberation mitigation for hands-free telephony

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    In this thesis we investigate the applicability and utility of Monaural Sound Source Separation (MSSS) via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for various problems related to audio for hands-free telephony. We first investigate MSSS via NMF as an alternative acoustic echo reduction approach to existing approaches such as Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). To this end, we present the single-channel acoustic echo problem as an MSSS problem, in which the objective is to extract the users signal from a mixture also containing acoustic echo and noise. To perform separation, NMF is used to decompose the near-end microphone signal onto the union of two nonnegative bases in the magnitude Short Time Fourier Transform domain. One of these bases is for the spectral energy of the acoustic echo signal, and is formed from the in- coming far-end user’s speech, while the other basis is for the spectral energy of the near-end speaker, and is trained with speech data a priori. In comparison to AEC, the speaker extraction approach obviates Double-Talk Detection (DTD), and is demonstrated to attain its maximal echo mitigation performance immediately upon initiation and to maintain that performance during and after room changes for similar computational requirements. Speaker extraction is also shown to introduce distortion of the near-end speech signal during double-talk, which is quantified by means of a speech distortion measure and compared to that of AEC. Subsequently, we address Double-Talk Detection (DTD) for block-based AEC algorithms. We propose a novel block-based DTD algorithm that uses the available signals and the estimate of the echo signal that is produced by NMF-based speaker extraction to compute a suitably normalized correlation-based decision variable, which is compared to a fixed threshold to decide on doubletalk. Using a standard evaluation technique, the proposed algorithm is shown to have comparable detection performance to an existing conventional block-based DTD algorithm. It is also demonstrated to inherit the room change insensitivity of speaker extraction, with the proposed DTD algorithm generating minimal false doubletalk indications upon initiation and in response to room changes in comparison to the existing conventional DTD. We also show that this property allows its paired AEC to converge at a rate close to the optimum. Another focus of this thesis is the problem of inverting a single measurement of a non- minimum phase Room Impulse Response (RIR). We describe the process by which percep- tually detrimental all-pass phase distortion arises in reverberant speech filtered by the inverse of the minimum phase component of the RIR; in short, such distortion arises from inverting the magnitude response of the high-Q maximum phase zeros of the RIR. We then propose two novel partial inversion schemes that precisely mitigate this distortion. One of these schemes employs NMF-based MSSS to separate the all-pass phase distortion from the target speech in the magnitude STFT domain, while the other approach modifies the inverse minimum phase filter such that the magnitude response of the maximum phase zeros of the RIR is not fully compensated. Subjective listening tests reveal that the proposed schemes generally produce better quality output speech than a comparable inversion technique

    An investigation of the utility of monaural sound source separation via nonnegative matrix factorization applied to acoustic echo and reverberation mitigation for hands-free telephony

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    In this thesis we investigate the applicability and utility of Monaural Sound Source Separation (MSSS) via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for various problems related to audio for hands-free telephony. We first investigate MSSS via NMF as an alternative acoustic echo reduction approach to existing approaches such as Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). To this end, we present the single-channel acoustic echo problem as an MSSS problem, in which the objective is to extract the users signal from a mixture also containing acoustic echo and noise. To perform separation, NMF is used to decompose the near-end microphone signal onto the union of two nonnegative bases in the magnitude Short Time Fourier Transform domain. One of these bases is for the spectral energy of the acoustic echo signal, and is formed from the in- coming far-end user’s speech, while the other basis is for the spectral energy of the near-end speaker, and is trained with speech data a priori. In comparison to AEC, the speaker extraction approach obviates Double-Talk Detection (DTD), and is demonstrated to attain its maximal echo mitigation performance immediately upon initiation and to maintain that performance during and after room changes for similar computational requirements. Speaker extraction is also shown to introduce distortion of the near-end speech signal during double-talk, which is quantified by means of a speech distortion measure and compared to that of AEC. Subsequently, we address Double-Talk Detection (DTD) for block-based AEC algorithms. We propose a novel block-based DTD algorithm that uses the available signals and the estimate of the echo signal that is produced by NMF-based speaker extraction to compute a suitably normalized correlation-based decision variable, which is compared to a fixed threshold to decide on doubletalk. Using a standard evaluation technique, the proposed algorithm is shown to have comparable detection performance to an existing conventional block-based DTD algorithm. It is also demonstrated to inherit the room change insensitivity of speaker extraction, with the proposed DTD algorithm generating minimal false doubletalk indications upon initiation and in response to room changes in comparison to the existing conventional DTD. We also show that this property allows its paired AEC to converge at a rate close to the optimum. Another focus of this thesis is the problem of inverting a single measurement of a non- minimum phase Room Impulse Response (RIR). We describe the process by which percep- tually detrimental all-pass phase distortion arises in reverberant speech filtered by the inverse of the minimum phase component of the RIR; in short, such distortion arises from inverting the magnitude response of the high-Q maximum phase zeros of the RIR. We then propose two novel partial inversion schemes that precisely mitigate this distortion. One of these schemes employs NMF-based MSSS to separate the all-pass phase distortion from the target speech in the magnitude STFT domain, while the other approach modifies the inverse minimum phase filter such that the magnitude response of the maximum phase zeros of the RIR is not fully compensated. Subjective listening tests reveal that the proposed schemes generally produce better quality output speech than a comparable inversion technique

    Robust Multichannel Microphone Beamforming

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    In this thesis, a method for the design and implementation of a spatially robust multichannel microphone beamforming system is presented. A set of spatial correlation functions are derived for 2D and 3D far-field/near-field scenarios based on von Mises(-Fisher), Gaussian, and uniform source location distributions. These correlation functions are used to design spatially robust beamformers and blocking beamformers (nullformers) designed to enhance or suppress a known source, where the target source location is not perfectly known due to either an incorrect location estimate or movement of the target while the beamformers are active. The spatially robust beam/null-formers form signal and interferer plus noise references which can be further processed via a blind source separation algorithm to remove mutual components - removing the interference and sensor noise from the signal path and vice versa. The noise reduction performance of the combined beamforming and blind source separation system approaches that of a perfect information MVDR beamformer under reverberant conditions. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can be implemented on low-power hardware with good performance on hardware similar to current mobile platforms using a four-element microphone array

    Model-based Analysis and Processing of Speech and Audio Signals

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    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Rake, Peel, Sketch:The Signal Processing Pipeline Revisited

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    The prototypical signal processing pipeline can be divided into four blocks. Representation of the signal in a basis suitable for processing. Enhancement of the meaningful part of the signal and noise reduction. Estimation of important statistical properties of the signal. Adaptive processing to track and adapt to changes in the signal statistics. This thesis revisits each of these blocks and proposes new algorithms, borrowing ideas from information theory, theoretical computer science, or communications. First, we revisit the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) for the case of a signal sparse in the transformed domain, namely that has only K †N non-zero coefficients. We show that an efficient algorithm exists that can compute these coefficients in O(K log2(K) log2(N/K)) and using only O(K log2(N/K)) samples. This algorithm relies on a fast hashing procedure that computes small linear combinations of transformed domain coefficients. A bipartite graph is formed with linear combinations on one side, and non-zero coefficients on the other. A peeling decoder is then used to recover the non-zero coefficients one by one. A detailed analysis of the algorithm based on error correcting codes over the binary erasure channel is given. The second chapter is about beamforming. Inspired by the rake receiver from wireless communications, we recognize that echoes in a room are an important source of extra signal diversity. We extend several classic beamforming algorithms to take advantage of echoes and also propose new optimal formulations. We explore formulations both in time and frequency domains. We show theoretically and in numerical simulations that the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio increases proportionally to the number of echoes used. Finally, beyond objective measures, we show that echoes also directly improve speech intelligibility as measured by the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) metric. Next, we attack the problem of direction of arrival of acoustic sources, to which we apply a robust finite rate of innovation reconstruction framework. FRIDA â the resulting algorithm â exploits wideband information coherently, works at very low signal-to-noise ratio, and can resolve very close sources. The algorithm can use either raw microphone signals or their cross- correlations. While the former lets us work with correlated sources, the latter creates a quadratic number of measurements that allows to locate many sources with few microphones. Thorough experiments on simulated and recorded data shows that FRIDA compares favorably with the state-of-the-art. We continue by revisiting the classic recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive filter with ideas borrowed from recent results on sketching least squares problems. The exact update of RLS is replaced by a few steps of conjugate gradient descent. We propose then two different precondi- tioners, obtained by sketching the data, to accelerate the convergence of the gradient descent. Experiments on artificial as well as natural signals show that the proposed algorithm has a performance very close to that of RLS at a lower computational burden. The fifth and final chapter is dedicated to the software and hardware tools developed for this thesis. We describe the pyroomacoustics Python package that contains routines for the evaluation of audio processing algorithms and reference implementations of popular algorithms. We then give an overview of the microphone arrays developed