15,893 research outputs found

    Network Topology and Time Criticality Effects in the Modularised Fleet Mix Problem

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    In this paper, we explore the interplay between network topology and time criticality in a military logistics system. A general goal of this work (and previous work) is to evaluate land transportation requirements or, more specifically, how to design appropriate fleets of military general service vehicles that are tasked with the supply and re-supply of military units dispersed in an area of operation. The particular focus of this paper is to gain a better understanding of how the logistics environment changes when current Army vehicles with fixed transport characteristics are replaced by a new generation of modularised vehicles that can be configured task-specifically. The experimental work is conducted within a well developed strategic planning simulation environment which includes a scenario generation engine for automatically sampling supply and re-supply missions and a multi-objective meta-heuristic search algorithm (i.e. Evolutionary Algorithm) for solving the particular scheduling and routing problems. The results presented in this paper allow for a better understanding of how (and under what conditions) a modularised vehicle fleet can provide advantages over the currently implemented system

    Development and demonstration of an on-board mission planner for helicopters

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    Mission management tasks can be distributed within a planning hierarchy, where each level of the hierarchy addresses a scope of action, and associated time scale or planning horizon, and requirements for plan generation response time. The current work is focused on the far-field planning subproblem, with a scope and planning horizon encompassing the entire mission and with a response time required to be about two minutes. The far-feld planning problem is posed as a constrained optimization problem and algorithms and structural organizations are proposed for the solution. Algorithms are implemented in a developmental environment, and performance is assessed with respect to optimality and feasibility for the intended application and in comparison with alternative algorithms. This is done for the three major components of far-field planning: goal planning, waypoint path planning, and timeline management. It appears feasible to meet performance requirements on a 10 Mips flyable processor (dedicated to far-field planning) using a heuristically-guided simulated annealing technique for the goal planner, a modified A* search for the waypoint path planner, and a speed scheduling technique developed for this project

    A Cost Assessment of the Dayton Public Schools Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The routing and scheduling problem involves both constructing efficient routes to deliver goods or services to and from customers from a single depot or set of depots, as well as scheduling particular vehicles to these routes such that customers receive their goods within a specified time window. There have been several different methods developed to reduce the costs incurred in transporting goods or services (i.e. students) to customers (i.e. schools). This problem may be used to model many circumstances in logistics and public transportation. Several school districts do not utilize operations research techniques to minimize, as much as possible, the costs associated with the operation of its pupil transportation system. In contrast, Dayton Public Schools (DPS) employs the optimization software package VersaTrans to minimize its transportation expenses. However, due to the importance it has placed on customer satisfaction, DPS has ultimately been reduced to door-to-door pickups. This, combined with an open enrollment policy and higher fuel prices, has resulted in an explosion of transportation related costs. Though DPS has made many great strides to gain control of its spending, due primarily to better management, there is still much to accomplish. This thesis seeks to utilize the VersaTrans routing software available to the Dayton Public School district to construct efficient routes that are feasible under a consolidated bell schedule so that both bus usage and route times are minimized

    GIS and Network Analysis

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    Both geographic information systems (GIS) and network analysis are burgeoning fields, characterised by rapid methodological and scientific advances in recent years. A geographic information system (GIS) is a digital computer application designed for the capture, storage, manipulation, analysis and display of geographic information. Geographic location is the element that distinguishes geographic information from all other types of information. Without location, data are termed to be non-spatial and would have little value within a GIS. Location is, thus, the basis for many benefits of GIS: the ability to map, the ability to measure distances and the ability to tie different kinds of information together because they refer to the same place (Longley et al., 2001). GIS-T, the application of geographic information science and systems to transportation problems, represents one of the most important application areas of GIS-technology today. While traditional GIS formulation's strengths are in mapping display and geodata processing, GIS-T requires new data structures to represent the complexities of transportation networks and to perform different network algorithms in order to fulfil its potential in the field of logistics and distribution logistics. This paper addresses these issues as follows. The section that follows discusses data models and design issues which are specifically oriented to GIS-T, and identifies several improvements of the traditional network data model that are needed to support advanced network analysis in a ground transportation context. These improvements include turn-tables, dynamic segmentation, linear referencing, traffic lines and non-planar networks. Most commercial GIS software vendors have extended their basic GIS data model during the past two decades to incorporate these innovations (Goodchild, 1998). The third section shifts attention to network routing problems that have become prominent in GIS-T: the travelling salesman problem, the vehicle routing problem and the shortest path problem with time windows, a problem that occurs as a subproblem in many time constrained routing and scheduling issues of practical importance. Such problems are conceptually simple, but mathematically complex and challenging. The focus is on theory and algorithms for solving these problems. The paper concludes with some final remarks.

    Search graph structure and its implications for multi-graph constrained routing and scheduling problems

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    Multi-graphs where several edges connect a pair of nodes are an important modelling approach for many real-world optimisation problems. The multi-graph structure is often based on infrastructure and available connections between nodes. In this study, we conduct case studies for a special type of constrained routing and scheduling problems. Using the airport ground movement problem as an example, we analyse how the number of parallel edges and their costs in multi-graph structure influence the quality of obtained solutions found by the routing algorithm. The results show that the number of parallel edges not only affects the computational complexity but also the number of trade-off solutions and the quality of the found solutions. An indicator is further proposed which can estimate when the multi-graph would benefit from a higher number of parallel edges. Furthermore, we show that including edges with dominated costs in the multi-graph can also improve the results in the presence of time window constraints. The findings pave the way to an informed approach to multi-graph creation for similar problems based on multi-graphs

    Scheduling for Timely Passenger Delivery in a Large Scale Ride Sharing System

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    Taxi ride sharing is one of the most promising solutions to urban transportation issues, such as traffic congestion, gas insufficiency, air pollution, limited parking space and unaffordable parking charge, taxi shortage in peak hours, etc. Despite the enormous demands of such service and its exciting social benefits, there is still a shortage of successful automated operations of ride sharing systems around the world. Two of the bottlenecks are: (1) on-time delivery is not guaranteed; (2) matching and scheduling drivers and passengers is a NP-hard problem, and optimization based models do not support real time scheduling on large scale systems. This thesis tackles the challenge of timely delivery of passengers in a large scale ride sharing system, where there are hundreds and even thousands of passengers and drivers to be matched and scheduled. We first formulate it as a mixed linear integer programming problem, which obtains the theoretical optimum, but at an unacceptable runtime cost even for a small system. We then introduce our greedy agglomeration and Monte Carlo simulation based algorithm. The effectiveness and efficiency of the new algorithm are fully evaluated: (1) Comparison with solving optimization model is conducted on small ride sharing cases. The greedy agglomerative algorithm can always achieve the same optimal solutions that the optimization model offers, but is three orders of magnitude faster. (2) Case studies on large scale systems are also included to validate its performance. (3) The proposed greedy algorithm is straightforward for parallelization to utilize distributed computing resources. (4) Two important details are discussed: selection of the number of Monte Carlo simulations and proper calculation of delays in the greedy agglomeration step. We find out from experiments that the sufficient number of simulations to achieve a “sufficiently optimal solution” is linearly related to the product of the number of vehicles and the number of passengers. Experiments also show that enabling margins and counting early delivery as negative delay leads to more accurate solutions than counting delay only

    Service scheduling and vehicle routing problem to minimise the risk of missing appointments

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    This research studies a workforce scheduling and vehicle routing problem where technicians drive a vehicle to customer locations to perform service tasks. The service times and travel times are subject to stochastic events. There is an agreed time window for starting each service task. The risk of missing the time window for a task is defined as the probability that the technician assigned to the task arrives at the customer site later than the time window. The problem is to generate a schedule that minimises the maximum of risks and the sum of risks of all the tasks considering the effect of skill levels and task priorities. A new approach is taken to build schedules that minimise the risks of missing appointments as well as the risks of technicians not being able to complete their daily tours on time.We first analyse the probability distribution of the arrival time to any customer location considering the distributions of activities prior to this arrival. Based on the analysis, an efficient estimation method for calculating the risks is proposed, which is highly accurate and this is verified by comparing the results of the estimation method with a numerical integral method.We then develop three new workforce scheduling and vehicle routing models that minimise the risks with different considerations such as an identical standard deviation of the duration for all uncertain tasks in the linear risk minimisation model, and task priorities in the priority task risk minimisation model. A simulated annealing algorithm is implemented for solving the models at the start of the day and for re-optimisation during the day. Computational experiments are carried out to compare the results of the risk minimisation models with those of the traditional travel cost model. The performance is measured using risks and robustness. Simulation is used to compare the numbers of missed appointments and test the effect of re-optimisation.The results of the experiments demonstrate that the new models significantly reduce the risks and generate schedules with more contingency time allowances. Simulation results also show that re-optimisation reduces the number of missed appointments significantly. The risk calculation methods and risk minimisation algorithm are applied to a real-world problem in the telecommunication sector.</div

    The trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption in airport ground movement

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    Environmental impact is a very important agenda item in many sectors nowadays, which the air transportation sector is also trying to reduce as much as possible. One area which has remained relatively unexplored in this context is the ground movement problem for aircraft on the airport’s surface. Aircraft have to be routed from a gate to a runway and vice versa and it is still unknown whether fuel burn and environmental impact reductions will best result from purely minimising the taxi times or whether it is also important to avoid multiple acceleration phases. This paper presents a newly developed multi-objective approach for analysing the trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption during taxiing. The approach consists of a combination of a graph-based routing algorithm and a population adaptive immune algorithm to discover different speed profiles of aircraft. Analysis with data from a European hub airport has highlighted the impressive performance of the new approach. Furthermore, it is shown that the trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption is very sensitive to the fuel-related objective function which is used