67 research outputs found

    Single-cell RNA sequencing of murine hearts for studying the development of the cardiac conduction system

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    The development of the cardiac conduction system (CCS) is essential for correct heart function. However, critical details on the cell types populating the CCS in the mammalian heart during the development remain to be resolved. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we generated a large dataset of transcriptomes of ~0.5 million individual cells isolated from murine hearts at six successive developmental corresponding to the early, middle and late stages of heart development. The dataset provides a powerful library for studying the development of the heart's CCS and other cardiac components. Our initial analysis identified distinct cell types between 20 to 26 cell types across different stages, of which ten are involved in forming the CCS. Our dataset allows researchers to reuse the datasets for data mining and a wide range of analyses. Collectively, our data add valuable transcriptomic resources for further study of cardiac development, such as gene expression, transcriptional regulation and functional gene activity in developing hearts, particularly the CCS

    Optimal experimental design for mathematical models of haematopoiesis.

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    The haematopoietic system has a highly regulated and complex structure in which cells are organized to successfully create and maintain new blood cells. It is known that feedback regulation is crucial to tightly control this system, but the specific mechanisms by which control is exerted are not completely understood. In this work, we aim to uncover the underlying mechanisms in haematopoiesis by conducting perturbation experiments, where animal subjects are exposed to an external agent in order to observe the system response and evolution. We have developed a novel Bayesian hierarchical framework for optimal design of perturbation experiments and proper analysis of the data collected. We use a deterministic model that accounts for feedback and feedforward regulation on cell division rates and self-renewal probabilities. A significant obstacle is that the experimental data are not longitudinal, rather each data point corresponds to a different animal. We overcome this difficulty by modelling the unobserved cellular levels as latent variables. We then use principles of Bayesian experimental design to optimally distribute time points at which the haematopoietic cells are quantified. We evaluate our approach using synthetic and real experimental data and show that an optimal design can lead to better estimates of model parameters

    Finding cell-specific expression patterns in the early Ciona embryo with single-cell RNA-seq

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    Single-cell RNA-seq has been established as a reliable and accessible technique enabling new types of analyses, such as identifying cell types and studying spatial and temporal gene expression variation and change at single-cell resolution. Recently, single-cell RNA-seq has been applied to developing embryos, which offers great potential for finding and characterising genes controlling the course of development along with their expression patterns. In this study, we applied single-cell RNA-seq to the 16-cell stage of the Ciona embryo, a marine chordate and performed a computational search for cell-specific gene expression patterns. We recovered many known expression patterns from our single-cell RNA-seq data and despite extensive previous screens, we succeeded in finding new cell-specific patterns, which we validated by in situ and single-cell qPCR

    Finding cell-specific expression patterns in the early Ciona embryo with single-cell RNA-seq

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    Single-cell RNA-seq has been established as a reliable and accessible technique enabling new types of analyses, such as identifying cell types and studying spatial and temporal gene expression variation and change at single-cell resolution. Recently, single-cell RNA-seq has been applied to developing embryos, which offers great potential for finding and characterising genes controlling the course of development along with their expression patterns. In this study, we applied single-cell RNA-seq to the 16-cell stage of the Ciona embryo, a marine chordate and performed a computational search for cell-specific gene expression patterns. We recovered many known expression patterns from our single-cell RNA-seq data and despite extensive previous screens, we succeeded in finding new cell-specific patterns, which we validated by in situ and single-cell qPCR

    Writ large: Genomic dissection of the effect of cellular environment on immune response

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    Cells of the immune system routinely respond to cues from their local environment and feed back to their surroundings through transient responses, choice of differentiation trajectories, plastic changes in cell state, and malleable adaptation to their tissue of residence. Genomic approaches have opened the way for comprehensive interrogation of such orchestrated responses. Focusing on genomic profiling of transcriptional and epigenetic cell states, we discuss how they are applied to investigate immune cells faced with various environmental cues. We highlight some of the emerging principles on the role of dense regulatory circuitry, epigenetic memory, cell type fluidity, and reuse of regulatory modules in achieving and maintaining appropriate responses to a changing environment.These provide a first step toward a systematic understanding of molecular circuits in complex tissues

    Basal type I interferon signaling has only modest effects on neonatal and juvenile hematopoiesis

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    Type I interferon (IFN-1) regulates gene expression and hematopoiesis both during development and in response to inflammatory stress. We previously showed that during development in mice, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and multipotent progenitors (MPPs) induce IFN-1 target genes shortly before birth. This coincides with the onset of a transition to adult hematopoiesis, and it drives the expression of genes associated with antigen presentation. However, it is not clear whether perinatal IFN-1 modulates hematopoietic output, as has been observed in contexts of inflammation. We have characterized hematopoiesis at several different stages of blood formation, from HSCs to mature blood cells, and found that loss of the IFN-1 receptor (IFNAR1) leads to depletion of several phenotypic HSC and MPP subpopulations in neonatal and juvenile mice. Committed lymphoid and myeloid progenitor populations expand simultaneously. These changes had a surprisingly little effect on the production of more differentiated blood cells. Cellular indexing of transcriptomes and epitopes by sequencing resolved the discrepancy between the extensive changes in progenitor numbers and modest changes in hematopoiesis, revealing stability in most MPP populations in Ifnar1-deficient neonates when the populations were identified based on gene expression rather than surface marker phenotype. Thus, basal IFN-1 signaling has only modest effects on hematopoiesis. Discordance between transcriptionally and phenotypically defined MPP populations may affect interpretations of how IFN-1 shapes hematopoiesis in other contexts, such as aging or inflammation

    The aberrant transcriptional program of myeloid malignancies with poor prognosis:the effects of RUNX1 and TP53 mutations in AML

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    Item does not contain fulltextGroningen University, 04 maart 2020Promotores : Vellenga, E., Schuringa, J.J. Co-promotor : Martens, J.H.A.183 p