57 research outputs found

    Pinning controllability of autonomous Boolean control networks

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    Autonomous Boolean networks (ABNs), which are developed to model the Boolean networks (BNs) with regulatory delays, are well known for their advantages of characterizing the intrinsic evolution rules of biological systems such as the gene regulatory networks. As a special type of ABNs with binary inputs, the autonomous Boolean control networks (ABCNs) are introduced for designing and analyzing the therapeutic intervention strategies where the binary inputs represent whether a certain medicine is dominated or not. An important problem in the therapeutic intervention is to design a control sequence steering an ABCN from an undesirable location (implying a diseased state) to a desirable one (corresponding to a healthy state). Motivated by such background, this paper aims to investigate the reachability and controllability of ABCNs with pinning controllers. Several necessary and sufficient criteria are provided by resorting to the semi-tensor product techniques of matrices. Moreover, an effective pinning control algorithm is presented for steering an ABCN from any given states to the desired state in the shortest time period. Numerical examples are also presented to demonstrate the results obtained.This work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61329301, 61273156), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (Grant No. BK20130017), Six Talent Peaks Project for the High Level Personnel from the Jiangsu Province of China (Grant No. 2015- DZXX-003), Scientific Research Foundations of Graduate School of Southeast University (Grant No. YBJJ1560), and Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. KYZZ15 0050)

    Topological and Graph-coloring Conditions on the Parameter-independent Stability of Second-order Networked Systems

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    In this paper, we study parameter-independent stability in qualitatively heterogeneous passive networked systems containing damped and undamped nodes. Given the graph topology and a set of damped nodes, we ask if output consensus is achieved for all system parameter values. For given parameter values, an eigenspace analysis is used to determine output consensus. The extension to parameter-independent stability is characterized by a coloring problem, named the richly balanced coloring (RBC) problem. The RBC problem asks if all nodes of the graph can be colored red, blue and black in such a way that (i) every damped node is black, (ii) every black node has blue neighbors if and only if it has red neighbors, and (iii) not all nodes in the graph are black. Such a colored graph is referred to as a richly balanced colored graph. Parameter-independent stability is guaranteed if there does not exist a richly balanced coloring. The RBC problem is shown to cover another well-known graph coloring scheme known as zero forcing sets. That is, if the damped nodes form a zero forcing set in the graph, then a richly balanced coloring does not exist and thus, parameter-independent stability is guaranteed. However, the full equivalence of zero forcing sets and parameter-independent stability holds only true for tree graphs. For more general graphs with few fundamental cycles an algorithm, named chord node coloring, is proposed that significantly outperforms a brute-force search for solving the NP-complete RBC problem.Comment: 30 pages, accepted for publication in SICO

    Towards a new methodology for design, modelling, and verification of reconfigurable distributed control systems based on a new extension to the IEC 61499 standard

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    In order to meet user requirements and system environment changes, reconfigurable control systems must dynamically adapt their structure and behaviour without disrupting system operation. IEC 61499 standard provides limited support for the design and verification of such systems. In fact, handling different reconfiguration scenarios at runtime is difficult since function blocks in IEC 61499 cannot be changed at run-time. Hence, this thesis promotes an IEC 61499 extension called reconfigurable function block (RFB) that increases design readability and smoothly switches to the most appropriate behaviour when a reconfiguration event occurs. To ensure system feasibility after reconfiguration, in addition to the qualitative verification, quantitative verification based on probabilistic model checking is addressed in a new RFBA approach. The latter aims to transform the designed RFB model automatically into a generalised reconfigurable timed net condition/event system model (GRTNCES) using a newly developed environment called RFBTool. The GR-TNCES fits well with RFB and preserves its semantic. Using the probabilistic model checker PRISM, the generated GR-TNCES model is checked using defined properties specified in computation tree logic. As a result, an evaluation of system performance and an estimation of reconfiguration risks are obtained. The RFBA methodology is applied on a distributed power system case study.Dynamische Anforderungen und Umgebungen erfordern rekonfigurierbare Anlagen und Steuerungssysteme. Rekonfiguration ermöglicht es einem System, seine Struktur und sein Verhalten an interne oder externe Änderungen anzupassen. Die Norm IEC 61499 wurde entwickelt, um (verteilte) Steuerungssysteme auf Basis von Funktionsbausteinen zu entwickeln. Sie bietet jedoch wenig Unterstützung für Entwurf und Verifikation. Die Tatsache, dass eine Rekonfiguration das System-Ausführungsmodell verändert, erschwert die Entwicklung in IEC 61499 zusätzlich. Daher schlägt diese Dissertation rekonfigurierbare Funktionsbausteine (RFBs) als Erweiterung der Norm vor. Ein RFB verarbeitet über einen Master-Slave-Automaten Rekonfigurationsereignisse und löst das entsprechende Verhalten aus. Diese Hierarchie trennt das Rekonfigurationsmodell vom Steuerungsmodell und vereinfacht so den Entwurf. Die Funktionalität des Entwurfs muss verifiziert werden, damit die Ausführbarkeit des Systems nach einer Rekonfiguration gewährleistet ist. Hierzu wird das entworfene RFB-Modell automatisch in ein generalised reconfigurable timed net condition/event system übersetzt. Dieses wird mit dem Model-Checker PRISM auf qualitative und quantitative Eigenschaften überprüft. Somit wird eine Bewertung der Systemperformanz und eine Einschätzung der Rekonfigurationsrisiken erreicht. Die RFB-Methodik wurde in einem Softwarewerkzeug umgesetzt und in einer Fallstudie auf ein dezentrales Stromnetz angewendet

    Stability Analysis and Control of Several Classes of Logical Dynamic Systems and the Applications in Game Theory

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    With the rapid development of complex networks, logical dynamic systems have been commonly used mathematical models for simulating Genetic Regulatory Networks (GRNs) and Networked Evolutionary Games (NEGs), which have attracted considerable attention from biology, economy and many other fields. By resorting to the Semi-Tensor Product (STP) of matrices, logical dynamic systems can be equivalently converted into discrete time linear systems with algebraic forms. Based on that, this thesis analyzes the stability and studies the control design problems of several classes of logical dynamic systems. Moreover, the obtained results are applied to investigate the control and optimization problems of NEGs. The main results of this thesis are the following. • The stability and event-triggered control for a class of k-Valued Logical Networks (KVLNs) with time delays are studied. First, some necessary and sufficient con- ditions are obtained to detect the stability of Delayed k-Valued Logical Networks (DKVLNs). Second, the global stabilization problem under event-triggered control is considered, and some necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the sta- bilization of Delayed k-Valued Logical Control Networks (DKVLCNs). Moreover, an algorithm is proposed to construct all the event-triggered state feedback controllers via antecedence solution technique. • The robust control invariance and robust set stabilization problems for a class of Mix- Valued Logical Control Networks (MVLCNs) with disturbances are studied. First, a calculation method for the Largest Robust Control Invariant Set (LRCIS) contained in a given set is introduced. Second, based on the Robust Control Invariant Subset (RCIS) obtained, the robust set stabilization of MVLCNs is discussed, and some new results are presented. Furthermore, the design algorithm of time-optimal state feedback stabilizers via antecedence solution technique is derived. • The robust set stability and robust set stabilization problems for a class of Probabilis- tic Boolean Control Networks (PBCNs) with disturbances are studied. An algorithm to determine the Largest Robust Invariant Set (LRIS) with probability 1 of a given set for a Probabilistic Boolean Network (PBN) is proposed, and the necessary and sufficient conditions to detect whether the PBN is globally finite-time stable to this invariant set with probability 1 are established. Then, the PBNs with control inputs are considered, and an algorithm for LRCIS with probability 1 is provided, based on which, some necessary and sufficient conditions for finite-time robust set stabiliza- tion with probability 1 of PBCNs are presented. Furthermore, the design scheme of time-optimal state feedback stabilizers via antecedence solution technique is derived. • The stabilization and set stabilization problems for a class of Switched Boolean Con- trol Networks (SBCNs) with periodic switching signal are studied. First, algebraic forms are constructed for SBCNs with periodic switching signal. Second, based on the algebraic formulations, the stabilization and set stabilization of SBCNs with peri- odic switching signal are discussed, and some new results are presented. Furthermore, constructive procedure of open loop controllers is given, and the design algorithms of switching-signal-dependent state feedback controllers via antecedence solution tech- nique are derived. • The dynamics and control problems for a class of NEGs with time-invariant delay in strategies are studied. First, algebraic forms are constructed for Delayed Networked Evolutionary Games (DNEGs). Second, based on the algebraic formulations, some necessary and sufficient conditions for the global convergence of desired strategy pro- file under a state feedback event-triggered controller are presented. Furthermore, the constructive procedure and the number of all valid event-triggered state feedback controllers are derived, which can make the game converge globally. • The evolutionary dynamics and optimization problems of the networked evolutionary boxed pig games with the mechanism of passive reward and punishment are studied. First, an algorithm is provided to construct the algebraic formulation for the dynamics of this kind of games. Then, the impact of reward and punishment parameters on the final cooperation level of the whole network is discussed

    Topological and Graph-Coloring Conditions on the Parameter-Independent Stability of Second-Order Networked Systems

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    In this paper, we study parameter-independent stability in qualitatively heterogeneous passive networked systems containing damped and undamped nodes. Given the graph topology and a set of damped nodes, we ask if output consensus is achieved for all system parameter values. For given parameter values, an eigenspace analysis is used to determine output consensus. The extension to parameter-independent stability is characterized by a coloring problem, named the richly balanced coloring (RBC) problem. The RBC problem asks if all nodes of the graph can be colored red, blue, and black in such a way that (i) every damped node is black, (ii) every black node has blue neighbors if and only if it has red neighbors, and (iii) not all nodes in the graph are black. Such a colored graph is referred to as a richly balanced colored graph. Parameter-independent stability is guaranteed if there does not exist a richly balanced coloring. The RBC problem is shown to cover another well-known graph coloring scheme known as zero forcing sets. That is, if the damped nodes form a zero forcing set in the graph, then a richly balanced coloring does not exist, and thus parameter-independent stability is guaranteed. However, the full equivalence of zero forcing sets and parameter-independent stability holds true only for tree graphs. For more general graphs with few fundamental cycles, an algorithm, named chord node coloring, is proposed that significantly outperforms a brute-force search for solving the NP-complete RBC problem
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