505 research outputs found

    Spatial Hearing with Simultaneous Sound Sources: A Psychophysical Investigation

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    This thesis provides an overview of work conducted to investigate human spatial hearing in situations involving multiple concurrent sound sources. Much is known about spatial hearing with single sound sources, including the acoustic cues to source location and the accuracy of localisation under different conditions. However, more recently interest has grown in the behaviour of listeners in more complex environments. Concurrent sound sources pose a particularly difficult problem for the auditory system, as their identities and locations must be extracted from a common set of sensory receptors and shared computational machinery. It is clear that humans have a rich perception of their auditory world, but just how concurrent sounds are processed, and how accurately, are issues that are poorly understood. This work attempts to fill a gap in our understanding by systematically examining spatial resolution with multiple sound sources. A series of psychophysical experiments was conducted on listeners with normal hearing to measure performance in spatial localisation and discrimination tasks involving more than one source. The general approach was to present sources that overlapped in both frequency and time in order to observe performance in the most challenging of situations. Furthermore, the role of two primary sets of location cues in concurrent source listening was probed by examining performance in different spatial dimensions. The binaural cues arise due to the separation of the two ears, and provide information about the lateral position of sound sources. The spectral cues result from location-dependent filtering by the head and pinnae, and allow vertical and front-rear auditory discrimination. Two sets of experiments are described that employed relatively simple broadband noise stimuli. In the first of these, two-point discrimination thresholds were measured using simultaneous noise bursts. It was found that the pair could be resolved only if a binaural difference was present; spectral cues did not appear to be sufficient. In the second set of experiments, the two stimuli were made distinguishable on the basis of their temporal envelopes, and the localisation of a designated target source was directly examined. Remarkably robust localisation was observed, despite the simultaneous masker, and both binaural and spectral cues appeared to be of use in this case. Small but persistent errors were observed, which in the lateral dimension represented a systematic shift away from the location of the masker. The errors can be explained by interference in the processing of the different location cues. Overall these experiments demonstrated that the spatial perception of concurrent sound sources is highly dependent on stimulus characteristics and configurations. This suggests that the underlying spatial representations are limited by the accuracy with which acoustic spatial cues can be extracted from a mixed signal. Three sets of experiments are then described that examined spatial performance with speech, a complex natural sound. The first measured how well speech is localised in isolation. This work demonstrated that speech contains high-frequency energy that is essential for accurate three-dimensional localisation. In the second set of experiments, spatial resolution for concurrent monosyllabic words was examined using similar approaches to those used for the concurrent noise experiments. It was found that resolution for concurrent speech stimuli was similar to resolution for concurrent noise stimuli. Importantly, listeners were limited in their ability to concurrently process the location-dependent spectral cues associated with two brief speech sources. In the final set of experiments, the role of spatial hearing was examined in a more relevant setting containing concurrent streams of sentence speech. It has long been known that binaural differences can aid segregation and enhance selective attention in such situations. The results presented here confirmed this finding and extended it to show that the spectral cues associated with different locations can also contribute. As a whole, this work provides an in-depth examination of spatial performance in concurrent source situations and delineates some of the limitations of this process. In general, spatial accuracy with concurrent sources is poorer than with single sound sources, as both binaural and spectral cues are subject to interference. Nonetheless, binaural cues are quite robust for representing concurrent source locations, and spectral cues can enhance spatial listening in many situations. The findings also highlight the intricate relationship that exists between spatial hearing, auditory object processing, and the allocation of attention in complex environments

    Spatial Hearing with Simultaneous Sound Sources: A Psychophysical Investigation

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    This thesis provides an overview of work conducted to investigate human spatial hearing in situations involving multiple concurrent sound sources. Much is known about spatial hearing with single sound sources, including the acoustic cues to source location and the accuracy of localisation under different conditions. However, more recently interest has grown in the behaviour of listeners in more complex environments. Concurrent sound sources pose a particularly difficult problem for the auditory system, as their identities and locations must be extracted from a common set of sensory receptors and shared computational machinery. It is clear that humans have a rich perception of their auditory world, but just how concurrent sounds are processed, and how accurately, are issues that are poorly understood. This work attempts to fill a gap in our understanding by systematically examining spatial resolution with multiple sound sources. A series of psychophysical experiments was conducted on listeners with normal hearing to measure performance in spatial localisation and discrimination tasks involving more than one source. The general approach was to present sources that overlapped in both frequency and time in order to observe performance in the most challenging of situations. Furthermore, the role of two primary sets of location cues in concurrent source listening was probed by examining performance in different spatial dimensions. The binaural cues arise due to the separation of the two ears, and provide information about the lateral position of sound sources. The spectral cues result from location-dependent filtering by the head and pinnae, and allow vertical and front-rear auditory discrimination. Two sets of experiments are described that employed relatively simple broadband noise stimuli. In the first of these, two-point discrimination thresholds were measured using simultaneous noise bursts. It was found that the pair could be resolved only if a binaural difference was present; spectral cues did not appear to be sufficient. In the second set of experiments, the two stimuli were made distinguishable on the basis of their temporal envelopes, and the localisation of a designated target source was directly examined. Remarkably robust localisation was observed, despite the simultaneous masker, and both binaural and spectral cues appeared to be of use in this case. Small but persistent errors were observed, which in the lateral dimension represented a systematic shift away from the location of the masker. The errors can be explained by interference in the processing of the different location cues. Overall these experiments demonstrated that the spatial perception of concurrent sound sources is highly dependent on stimulus characteristics and configurations. This suggests that the underlying spatial representations are limited by the accuracy with which acoustic spatial cues can be extracted from a mixed signal. Three sets of experiments are then described that examined spatial performance with speech, a complex natural sound. The first measured how well speech is localised in isolation. This work demonstrated that speech contains high-frequency energy that is essential for accurate three-dimensional localisation. In the second set of experiments, spatial resolution for concurrent monosyllabic words was examined using similar approaches to those used for the concurrent noise experiments. It was found that resolution for concurrent speech stimuli was similar to resolution for concurrent noise stimuli. Importantly, listeners were limited in their ability to concurrently process the location-dependent spectral cues associated with two brief speech sources. In the final set of experiments, the role of spatial hearing was examined in a more relevant setting containing concurrent streams of sentence speech. It has long been known that binaural differences can aid segregation and enhance selective attention in such situations. The results presented here confirmed this finding and extended it to show that the spectral cues associated with different locations can also contribute. As a whole, this work provides an in-depth examination of spatial performance in concurrent source situations and delineates some of the limitations of this process. In general, spatial accuracy with concurrent sources is poorer than with single sound sources, as both binaural and spectral cues are subject to interference. Nonetheless, binaural cues are quite robust for representing concurrent source locations, and spectral cues can enhance spatial listening in many situations. The findings also highlight the intricate relationship that exists between spatial hearing, auditory object processing, and the allocation of attention in complex environments

    Informed Sound Source Localization for Hearing Aid Applications

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    Sensory Communication

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, an introduction, reports on nine research projects and a list of publications.National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00117National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00270National Institutes of Health Grant 1 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00100National Institutes of Health Grant FV00428National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00126U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant AFOSR 90-200U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-90-J-1935National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R29 DC0062

    Acoustic source separation based on target equalization-cancellation

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    Normal-hearing listeners are good at focusing on the target talker while ignoring the interferers in a multi-talker environment. Therefore, efforts have been devoted to build psychoacoustic models to understand binaural processing in multi-talker environments and to develop bio-inspired source separation algorithms for hearing-assistive devices. This thesis presents a target-Equalization-Cancellation (target-EC) approach to the source separation problem. The idea of the target-EC approach is to use the energy change before and after cancelling the target to estimate a time-frequency (T-F) mask in which each entry estimates the strength of target signal in the original mixture. Once the mask is calculated, it is applied to the original mixture to preserve the target-dominant T-F units and to suppress the interferer-dominant T-F units. On the psychoacoustic modeling side, when the output of the target-EC approach is evaluated with the Coherence-based Speech Intelligibility Index (CSII), the predicted binaural advantage closely matches the pattern of the measured data. On the application side, the performance of the target-EC source separation algorithm was evaluated by psychoacoustic measurements using both a closed-set speech corpus and an open-set speech corpus, and it was shown that the target-EC cue is a better cue for source separation than the interaural difference cues

    Detecting multiple, simultaneous talkers through localising speech recorded by ad-hoc microphone arrays

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to detecting multiple, simultaneous talkers in multi-party meetings using localisation of active speech sources recorded with an ad-hoc microphone array. Cues indicating the relative distance between sources and microphones are derived from speech signals and room impulse responses recorded by each of the microphones distributed at unknown locations within a room. Multiple active sources are localised by analysing a surface formed from these cues and derived at different locations within the room. The number of localised active sources per each frame or utterance is then counted to estimate when multiple sources are active. The proposed approach does not require prior information about the number and locations of sources or microphones. Synchronisation between microphones is also not required. A meeting scenario with competing speakers is simulated and results show that simultaneously active sources can be detected with an average accuracy of 75% and the number of active sources counted accurately 65% of the time

    Predicting and auralizing acoustics in classrooms

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    Although classrooms have fairly simple geometries, this type of room is known to cause problems when trying to predict their acoustics using room acoustics computer modeling. Some typical features from a room acoustics point of view are: Parallel walls, low ceilings (the rooms are flat), uneven distribution of absorption, and most of the floor being covered with furniture which at long distances act as scattering elements, and at short distance provide strong specular components. The importance of diffraction and scattering is illustrated in numbers and by means of auralization, using ODEON 8 Beta
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