7 research outputs found

    Cell Production System Design: A Literature Review

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    Purpose In a cell production system, a number of machines that differ in function are housed in the same cell. The task of these cells is to complete operations on similar parts that are in the same group. Determining the family of machine parts and cells is one of the major design problems of production cells. Cell production system design methods include clustering, graph theory, artificial intelligence, meta-heuristic, simulation, mathematical programming. This article discusses the operation of methods and research in the field of cell production system design. Methodology: To examine these methods, from 187 articles published in this field by authoritative scientific sources, based on the year of publication and the number of restrictions considered and close to reality, which are searched using the keywords of these restrictions and among them articles Various aspects of production and design problems, such as considering machine costs and cell size and process routing, have been selected simultaneously. Findings: Finally, the distribution diagram of the use of these methods and the limitations considered by their researchers, shows the use and efficiency of each of these methods. By examining them, more efficient and efficient design fields of this type of production system can be identified. Originality/Value: In this article, the literature on cell production system from 1972 to 2021 has been reviewed

    Evolution of clustering techniques in designing cellular manufacturing systems: A state-of-art review

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    This paper presents a review of clustering and mathematical programming methods and their impacts on cell forming (CF) and scheduling problems. In-depth analysis is carried out by reviewing 105 dominant research papers from 1972 to 2017 available in the literature. Advantages, limitations and drawbacks of 11 clustering methods in addition to 8 meta-heuristics are also discussed. The domains of studied methods include cell forming, material transferring, voids, exceptional elements, bottleneck machines and uncertain product demands. Since most of the studied models are NP-hard, in each section of this research, a deep research on heuristics and metaheuristics beside the exact methods are provided. Outcomes of this work could determine some existing gaps in the knowledge base and provide directives for objectives of this research as well as future research which would help in clarifying many related questions in cellular manufacturing systems (CMS)

    Cell formation problem - A Lagrangean relaxation to mathematical programming approach and a linear performance measure

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    Two topics in the part-machine cell formation problem are discussed: In the first part, a Lagrangean relaxation in a mathematical programming model is proposed to simultaneously set machines into groups and parts into families in a cellular manufacturing system. The objective of this model is to find the optimal number of cells while minimizing inter-cellular part moves and increasing utilization of machines within the cells. The method uses a 0-1 integer programming model. The Lagrangean relaxation relaxes the model through an iterative search. In the second part, we introduce a new performance measure and compare it to some known performance measures. The new measure preserved some important features of previous performance measures and overcomes a number of drawbacks. Both the measure and the model are applied to benchmark problems as well as randomly generated problems. The new measure and model are comparable to the existing models and measures

    Computer-aided weld inspection by fuzzy modeling with selected features

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    This thesis develops a computer-aided weld inspection methodology based on fuzzy modeling with selected features. The proposed methodology employs several filter feature selection methods for selecting input variables and then builds fuzzy models with the selected features. Our fuzzy modeling method is based on a fuzzy c-means (FCM) variant for the generation of fuzzy terms sets. The implemented FCM variant differs from the original FCM method in two aspects: (1) the two end terms take the maximum and minimum domain values as their centers, and (2) all fuzzy terms are forced to be convex. The optimal number of terms and the optimal shape of the membership function associated with each term are determined based on the mean squared error criterion. The fuzzy model serves as the rule base of a fuzzy reasoning based expert system implemented. In this implementation, first the fuzzy rules are extracted from feature data one feature at a time based on the FCM variant. The total number of fuzzy rules is the product of the fuzzy terms for each feature. The performances of these fuzzy sets are then tested with unseen data in terms of accuracy rates and computational time. To evaluate the goodness of each selected feature subset, the selected combination is used as an input for the proposed fuzzy model. The accuracy of each selected feature subset along with the average error of the selected filter technique is reported. For comparison, the results of all possible combinations of the specified set of feature subsets are also obtained

    A Mathematical Approach to the Design of Cellular Manufacturing System Considering Dynamic Production Planning and Worker Assignments

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    Due to increasing international competition, shorter product life-cycles, variable demand, diverse customer needs and customized products, manufacturers are forced from mass production to the production of a large product mix. Traditional manufacturing systems, such as job shops and flow lines, cannot provide such requirements efficiently coupled with flexibility to handle these changes. Cellular Manufacturing (CM) is an alternate manufacturing system combining the high throughput rates of line layouts with the flexibility offered by functional layouts (job shops). The benefits include reduced set-up times, material handling, in-process inventory, better product quality, and faster response time. The benefits of CM can only be achieved by sufficiently incorporating the real-life structural and operational features of a manufacturing plant when creating the cellular layout. This research presents integrated CM models, with an extensive coverage of important manufacturing structural and operational features. The proposed Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems (DCMSs) model considers several manufacturing attributes such as multiperiod production planning, dynamic system relocation, duplicate machines, machine capacities, available time for workers, worker assignments, and machine breakdowns. The objective is to minimize total manufacturing cost comprised of holding cost, outsourcing cost, intercell material handling cost, maintenance and overhead cost, machine relocation cost as well as salary, hiring, and firing costs of the workers. Numerical examples are presented to show the performance of the model

    Design Methodologies Towards a Sustainable Manufacturing Enterprise

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    Sustainability is increasingly becoming a crucial concern in many aspects of life. Even though, there is a relatively growing interest from both academic researchers and practitioners in various design aspects of sustainability, one can see that design issues of sustainable manufacturing systems have not received adequate attention. Through an extensive literature review on design for sustainability and sustainability issues, it is observed that, attaining sustainability in manufacturing needs a huge amount of effort and needs to take into consideration many aspects from different perspectives. These include considering the sustainability in both the closed loop supply chain (CLSC) and the manufacturing system levels simultaneously, considering Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMSs), considering reconfigurability for the production systems, considering Hybrid Manufacturing-Remanufacturing Systems as well as considering the recovery options such as recycling and remanufacturing. This research presents a simultaneous investigation of Reconfigurable Cellular Manufacturing Systems and Hybrid Manufacturing-Remanufacturing Systems (HMRSs), and proposes an integrated approach in design optimization, analysis, and process planning aspects as an attempt to address to a large number of design issues for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, while the options of remanufacturing, recycling, and disposing are introduced. Four mathematical model have been developed. Third part cellular remanufacturing systems design are considered within the first model, which is initially formulated as a mixed integer non-linear program that incorporates multi-period production planning, dynamic system reconfiguration, and workforce management with deterministic production requirements. It consists the costs of machines maintenance and overhead, relocation costs for machines installation and removal, part holding cost, workers’ costs of salary, hiring, and firing, part intercellular movement cost, machine procurement cost, internal production cost, machine operating cost, the cost of acquiring the returned products, setup cost for disassembly operations, disassembly cost, the inventory cost of the returned products, parts disposal cost. Linearization procedures are proposed to convert it into a linearized mixed integer programming formulation. This linearized mixed integer program is solved using an exact solution (ES) procedure through the simplex-based branch and cut procedure of CPLEX software. The second model considered the design of cellular hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing system, where manufacturing new products using an outsourced parts and remanufacturing using returned products are performed in the same facility by using shared resources. The overall objective of the model is to minimize the total cost of the three main categories of costs; 1) Machine cost: maintenance and overhead costs, relocation costs of installation and removal of machines, machine procurement costs, and machine operating costs, 2) Costs associated with manufacturing and remanufacturing: production costs for both new and remanufactured components, holding cost for new components, holding cost for remanufactured components, setup cost for new components, setup cost for remanufactured components, 3) Costs associated with returned products for remanufacturing: cost of acquiring the returned products, setup cost for disassembly operations, disassembly cost, and inventory cost of the returned products. Computational results and sensitivity analysis for an important design features are also reported. The third model addresses the same attributes as the second one but an important extension is the introduction of recycling (for the end-of-life parts) and disposing of the parts with no further use. In addition, the new parts production in the third model are totally depends on the recycled parts coming from the recycling center, wherein the second model it depends on the raw material purchasing from outsourcing. As the third model is the most comprehensive one, which considers a closed loop supply chain starts from a cellular hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing system and ends with the customer zone, through the introducing of different centers like, collection, disassembly, and recycling centers, and in order to have one more step toward the design of sustainable closed loop supply chain, the fourth model are formulated. The fourth model is designed to minimize the carbon foot prints and the total cost which contains the opening costs for different centers and the transportation costs between these centers Keywords: Sustainability, Sustainable manufacturing system, cellular manufacturing systems design, Reconfigurable manufacturing system, mixed integer programming, Hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing system, Closed loop supply chain, Reverse logistics, Carbon footprints, Facility location

    Flexible information management strategies in machine learning and data mining

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    In recent times, a number of data rnining and machine learning techniques have been applied successfully to discover useful knowledge from data. Of the available techniques, rule induction and data clustering are two of the most useful and popular. Knowledge discovered from rule induction techniques in the form of If-Then rules is easy for users to understand and verify, and can be employed as classification or prediction models. Data clustering techniques are used to explore irregularities in the data distribution. Although rule induction and data clustering techniques are applied successfully in several applications, assumptions and constraints in their approaches have limited their capabilities. The main aim of this work is to develop flexible management strategies for these techniques to improve their performance. The first part of the thesis introduces a new covering algorithm, called Rule Extraction System with Adaptivity, which forms the whole rule set simultaneously instead of a single rule at a time. The rule set in the proposed algorithm is managed flexibly during the learning phase. Rules can be added to or omitted from the rule set depending on knowledge at the time. In addition, facilities to process continuous attributes directly and to prune the rule set automatically are implemented in the Rule Extraction System with Adaptivity algorithm The second part introduces improvements to the K-means algorithm in data clustering. Flexible management of clusters is applied during the learning process to help the algorithm to find the optimal solution. Another flexible management strategy is used to facilitate the processing of very large data sets. Finally, an effective method to determine the most suitable number of clusters for the K-means algorithm is proposed. The method has overcome all deficiencies of K-means