38 research outputs found

    Difficult-path branch prediction using subordinate microthreads

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    Trace-level speculative multithreaded architecture

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    This paper presents a novel microarchitecture to exploit trace-level speculation by means of two threads working cooperatively in a speculative and non-speculative way respectively. The architecture presents two main benefits: (a) no significant penalties are introduced in the presence of a misspeculation and (b) any type of trace predictor can work together with this proposal. In this way, aggressive trace predictors can be incorporated since misspeculations do not introduce significant penalties. We describe in detail TSMA (trace-level speculative multithreaded architecture) and present initial results to show the benefits of this proposal. We show how simple trace predictors achieve significant speed-up in the majority of cases. Results of a simple trace speculation mechanism show an average speed-up of 16%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Compiler analysis for trace-level speculative multithreaded architectures

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    Trace-level speculative multithreaded processors exploit trace-level speculation by means of two threads working cooperatively. One thread, called the speculative thread, executes instructions ahead of the other by speculating on the result of several traces. The other thread executes speculated traces and verifies the speculation made by the first thread. In this paper, we propose a static program analysis for identifying candidate traces to be speculated. This approach identifies large regions of code whose live-output values may be successfully predicted. We present several heuristics to determine the best opportunities for dynamic speculation, based on compiler analysis and program profiling information. Simulation results show that the proposed trace recognition techniques achieve on average a speed-up close to 38% for a collection of SPEC2000 benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Object oriented execution model (OOM)

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    This paper considers implementing the Object Oriented Programming Model directly in the hardware to serve as a base to exploit object-level parallelism, speculation and heterogeneous computing. Towards this goal, we present a new execution model called Object Oriented execution Model - OOM - that implements the OO Programming Models. All OOM hardware structures are objects and the OOM Instruction Set directly utilizes objects while hiding other complex hardware structures. OOM maintains all high-level programming language information until execution time. This enables efficient extraction of available parallelism in OO serial code at execution time with minimal compiler support. Our results show that OOM utilizes the available parallelism better than the OoO (Out-of-Order) modelPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An Investigation of thread scheduling heuristics for a simultaneous multithreaded processor

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    Over the years, the von Neumann model of computing has undergone many enhancements. These changes include an improved memory hierarchy, multiple instruction issue and branch predic tion. Since the model\u27s introduction, the performance of processors has increased at a much greater rate than that of memory. Several modifications to hide this ever widening gap in performance are being examined in current research. A very promising one is the Simultaneous Multithreaded processor. This architecture strives to further reduce the effects of long latency instructions, such as memory accesses, by allowing multiple threads of execution to be active in the processor at the same time. With the introduction of multiple active threads in a single processor, several new aspects of processor operation can have a sizeable effect on performance. One such aspect is how to choose from which thread to fetch instructions during the next cycle. For this project, three different classes of fetch scheduling mechanisms were defined and exam ples of each were either studied or proposed. The proposed mechanisms were then tested using a set of four sample programs by adding the mechanisms to a Simultaneous Multithreading sim ulator based on the Simple Scalar tool set from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With the proper configuration, each of the proposed mechanisms improved the performance of the simulated architecture. However, the best increase in performance was produced by the Event History Table. It achieved an IPC of 2.0995 for two threads while overriding the primary scheduling mechanism only 0.070% of the time

    Dynamically allocating processor resources between nearby and distant ILP

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    Journal ArticleModern superscalar processors use wide instruction issue widths and out-of-order execution in order to increase instruction-level parallelism (ILP). Because instructions must be committed in order so as to guarantee precise exceptions, increasing ILP implies increasing the sizes of structures such as the register file, issue queue, and reorder buffer. Simultaneously, cycle time constraints limit the sizes of these structures, resulting in conflicting design requirements. In this paper, we present a novel microarchitecture designed to overcome the limitations of a register file size dictated by cycle time constraints. Available registers are dynamically allocated between the primary program thread and a future thread. The future thread executes instructions when the primary thread is limited by resource availability. The future thread is not constrained by in-order commit requirements. It is therefore able to examine a much larger instruction window and jump far ahead to execute ready instructions. Results are communicated back to the primary thread by warming up the register file, instruction cache, data cache, and instruction reuse buffer, and by resolving branch mispredicts early. The proposed microarchitecture is able to get an overall speedup of 1.17 over the base processor for our benchmark set, with speedups of up to 1.64

    Introducing runahead threads

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    Simultaneous Multithreading processors share their resources among multiple threads in order to improve performance. However, a resource control policy is needed to avoid resource conflicts and prevent some threads from monopolizing them. On the contrary, resource conflicts would cause other threads to suffer from resource starvation degrading the overall performance. This situation is especially sensitive for memory bounded threads, because they hold an important amount of resources while long latency accesses are being served. Several fetch policies and resource control techniques have been proposed to overcome these problems by limiting the per-thread resource utilization. Nevertheless, this limitation is harmful for memory bounded threads because it restricts the memory level parallelism available that hides the long latency memory accesses. In this paper, we propose Runahead threads on SMT scenarios as a valuable solution for both exploiting the memory-level parallelism and reducing the resource contention. This approach switches a memory-bounded eager resource thread to a speculative light thread, avoiding critical resource blocking among multiple threads. Furthermore, it improves the thread-level parallelism by removing long-latency memory operations from the instruction window, releasing busy resources. We compare an SMT architecture using Runahead threads (SMTRA) to both state-of-the-art static fetch and dynamic resource control policies. Our results show that the SMTRA combination performs better, in terms of throughput and fairness, than any of the other policies.Postprint (published version

    Energy-Effectiveness of Pre-Execution and Energy-Aware P-Thread Selection

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    Pre-execution removes the microarchitectural latency of problem loads from a program’s critical path by redundantly executing copies of their computations in parallel with the main program. There have been several proposed pre-execution systems, a quantitative framework (PTHSEL) for analytical pre-execution thread (p-thread) selection, and even a research prototype. To date, however, the energy aspects of pre-execution have not been studied. Cycle-level performance and energy simulations on SPEC2000 integer benchmarks that suffer from L2 misses show that energy-blind pre-execution naturally has a linear latency/energy trade-off, improving performance by 13.8% while increasing energy consumption by 11.9%. To improve this trade-off, we propose two extensions to PTHSEL. First, we replace the flat cycle-for-cycle load cost model with a model based on a critical-path estimation. This extension increases p-thread efficiency in an energy-independent way. Second, we add a parameterized energy model to PTHSEL (forming PTHSEL+E) that allows it to actively select p-threads that reduce energy rather than (or in combination with) execution latency. Experiments show that PTHSEL+E manipulates preexecution’s latency/energy more effectively. Latency targeted selection benefits from the improved load cost model: its performance improvements grow to an average of 16.4% while energy costs drop to 8.7%. ED targeted selection produces p-threads that improve performance by only 12.9%, but ED by 8.8%. Targeting p-thread selection for energy reduction, results in energy-free pre-execution, with average speedup of 5.4%, and a small decrease in total energy consumption (0.7%)