548 research outputs found

    High frequency acousto-electric microsensors for liquid analysis

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    Liquid sensors are required for a multitude of applications in the food and beverage sectors, in the pharmaceutical industry or environmental monitoring. The focus of this work is on the development of high frequency shear horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) sensors for liquid media identification and characterisation. Among the various types of surface acoustic wave modes propagating in solids, the SH-SAWs were found to be the most suitable for operation in liquids. Dual delay line and resonator sensor configurations were designed and fabricated on lithium tantalate (LiTa03) substrates; the design and the subsequent fabrication procedures of the sensors are described in detail. Furthermore, the electrical characterization of the sensors was carried out with a network analyser, and a comparative analysis was performed between sensors with different configurations. The interdigital transducers, used as the interface between the electrical and acoustic domains, presented good reflection coefficients and had near perfect matched impedances and return loss figures up to 45 dB. The insertion loss of the sensors varied with the surface conditions while it was improved by using total or partial metallization of the surface or employing grating structures on the propagation path. The SH-SAW devices were exposed to basic taste solutions and all the sensor configurations tested were able to discriminate them well. Measurements were done in both standard wired set-ups and a semi-wireless set-up, thus proving the sensor's capability for remote operation. Further investigations regarding the electronic tongue applicability of the SH-SAW sensors were conducted on a two port resonator device. The resonator was tested with six basic taste solutions, with taste solutions with varying concentrations, with binary mixtures of taste solutions and proved successful in identifying all test samples. A multivariate analysis was performed on the resonator data, and confirmed that the sensor's responses are influenced by the physical properties of the tested solutions. The multiple linear models derived are statistically significant and can explain high percentage of the data variability, offering a simplified alternative to the complex analytical models of the SH-SAW sensors. Also, a voltage modulated sensor system was proposed for smart assaying of biomaterials and its operation principle is described. The preliminary tests carried out showed a significant voltage effect on carbon nanoparticles. The voltage modulated system is proposed as an analytical microsystem for the screening of bacterial cells. All sensors in this project had no bio-chemical selective layer making them nonspecific, yet they create robust, durable and low-cost systems

    Joint microwave and infrared studies for soil moisture determination

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    The feasibility of using a combined microwave-thermal infrared system to determine soil moisture content is addressed. Of particular concern are bare soils. The theoretical basis for microwave emission from soils and the transport of heat and moisture in soils is presented. Also, a description is given of the results of two field experiments held during vernal months in the San Joaquin Valley of California

    Magnetic resonance thermometry: methodology, pitfalls and practical solutions

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    Clinically established thermal therapies such as thermoablative approaches or adjuvant hyperthermia treatment rely on accurate thermal dose information for the evaluation and adaptation of the thermal therapy. Intratumoural temperature measurements have been correlated successfully with clinical end points. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most suitable technique for non-invasive thermometry avoiding complications related to invasive temperature measurements. Since the advent of MR thermometry two decades ago, numerous MR thermometry techniques have been developed, continuously increasing accuracy and robustness for in vivo applications. While this progress was primarily focused on relative temperature mapping, current and future efforts will likely close the gap towards quantitative temperature readings. These efforts are essential to benchmark thermal therapy efficiency, to understand temperature-related biophysical and physiological processes and to use these insights to set new landmarks for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. With that in mind, this review summarises and discusses advances in MR thermometry, providing practical considerations, pitfalls and technical obstacles constraining temperature measurement accuracy, spatial and temporal resolution in vivo. Established approaches and current trends in thermal therapy hardware are surveyed with respect to potential benefits for MR thermometry

    Evaluating Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics using Ground-Penetrating Radar

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    Near-surface sediments in the vadose zone play a fundamental role in the hydrologic system. The shallow vadose zone can act as a buffer to delay or attenuate surface contaminants before they reach the water table. It also acts as a temporary soil moisture reservoir for plant and atmospheric uptake, and regulates the seasonal groundwater recharge process. Over the past few decades, geophysical methods have received unprecedented attention as an effective vadose zone characterization tool offering a range of non-invasive to minimally invasive techniques with the capacity to provide detailed soil moisture information at depths typically unattainable using conventional point-measurement sensors. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has received much of this attention due to its high sensitivity to the liquid water phase in geologic media. While much has been learned about GPR soil moisture monitoring and characterization techniques, it has not been evaluated across highly dynamic natural soil conditions. Consequently, GPR’s capacity to characterize a complete range of naturally occurring vadose zone conditions including wetting/drying and freeze/thaw cycles, is not yet fully understood. Further, the nature of GPR response during highly dynamic moisture periods has not been thoroughly investigated. The objective of this thesis is to examine the capacity of various surface GPR techniques and methodologies for the characterization of soil moisture dynamics in the upper few meters of vadose zone, and to develop measurement strategies capable of providing quantitative information about the current and future state of the shallow hydrologic system. To achieve this, an exhaustive soil moisture monitoring campaign employing a range of GPR antenna frequencies and survey acquisition geometries was initiated at three different agricultural field sites located in southern Ontario, Canada, between May 2006 and October 2008. This thesis represents the first attempt to evaluate multiple annual cycles of soil conditions and associated hydrological processes using high-frequency GPR measurements. Summaries of the seven major works embodied in this thesis are provided below. Direct ground wave (DGW) measurements obtained with GPR have been used in a number of previous studies to monitor volumetric water content changes in the root zone; however, these studies have involved controlled field experiments or measurements collected across limited ranges in soil moisture. To further investigate the capacity of the DGW method, multi-frequency (i.e., 225 MHz, 450 MHz and 900 MHz) common-midpoint (CMP) measurements were used to monitor a complete annual cycle of soil water content variations at three sites with different soil textures (i.e., sand, sandy loam and silt loam). CMP surveys permitted characterization of the nature and evolution of the near-surface electromagnetic wavefields, and their subsequent impact on DGW velocity measurements. GPR results showed significant temporal variations in both the near-surface wavefield and multi-frequency DGW velocities corresponding to both seasonal and shorter term variations in soil conditions. While all of the measurement sites displayed similar temporal responses, the rate and magnitude of these velocity variations corresponded to varying soil water contents which were primarily controlled by the soil textural properties. Overall, the DGW measurements obtained using higher frequency antennas were less impacted by near-surface wavefield interference due to their shorter signal pulse duration. The estimation of soil water content using GPR velocity requires an appropriate petrophysical relationship between the dielectric permittivity and volumetric water content of the soil. The ability of various empirical relationships, volumetric mixing formulae and effective medium approximations were evaluated to predict near-surface volumetric soil water content using high-frequency DGW velocity measurements obtained from CMP soundings. Measurements were collected using 225, 450 and 900 MHz antennas across sand, sandy loam and silt loam soil textures over a complete annual cycle of soil conditions. A lack of frequency dependence in the results indicated that frequency dispersion had minimal impact on the data set. However, the accuracy of soil water content predictions obtained from the various relationships ranged considerably. The best fitting relationships did exhibit some degree of textural bias that should be considered in the choice of petrophysical relationship for a given data set. Further improvements in water content estimates were obtained using a field calibrated third-order polynomial relationship and three-phase volumetric mixing formula. While DGW measurements provide valuable information within the root zone, the characterization of vertical moisture distribution and dynamics requires a different approach. A common approach utilizes normal-moveout (NMO) velocity analysis of CMP sounding data. To further examine this approach, an extensive field study using multi-frequency (i.e., 225 MHz, 450 MHz, 900 MHz) CMP soundings was conducted to monitor a complete annual cycle of vertical soil moisture conditions at the sand, sandy loam and silt loam sites. The use of NMO velocity analysis was examined for monitoring highly dynamic vertical soil moisture conditions consisting of wetting/drying and freeze/thaw cycles with varying degrees of magnitude and vertical velocity gradient. NMO velocity analysis was used to construct interval-velocity-depth models at a fixed location collected every 1 to 4 weeks. Time-lapse models were combined to construct temporal interval-velocity fields, which were converted into soil moisture content. These moisture fields were used to characterize the vertical distribution, and dynamics of soil moisture in the upper few meters of vadose zone. Although the use of multiple antenna frequencies provided varying investigation depths and vertical resolving capabilities, optimal characterization of soil moisture conditions was obtained with 900 MHz antennas. The integration of DGW and NMO velocity data from a single CMP sounding could be used to assess the nature of shallow soil moisture coupling with underlying vadose zone conditions; however, a more quantitative analyses of the surface moisture dynamics would require definitive knowledge of GPR sampling depth. Although surface techniques have been used by a number of previous researchers to characterize soil moisture content in the vadose zone, limited temporal sampling and low resolution near the surface in these studies impeded the quantitative analysis of vertical soil moisture distribution and its associated dynamics within the shallow subsurface. To further examine the capacity of surface GPR, an extensive 26 month field study was undertaken using concurrent high-frequency (i.e., 900 MHz) reflection profiling and CMP soundings to quantitatively monitor soil moisture distribution and dynamics within a sandy vadose zone environment. An analysis on the concurrent use of reflection and CMP measurements was conducted over two contrasting annual cycles of soil conditions. Reflection profiles provided high resolution traveltime data between four stratigraphic reflection events while cumulative results of the CMP sounding data set produced precise depth estimates for those reflecting interfaces, which were used to convert interval traveltime data into soil water content estimates. The downward propagation of episodic infiltration events associated with seasonal and transient conditions were well resolved by the GPR data. The GPR data also revealed variations in the nature of these infiltration events between contrasting annual cycles. The use of CMP soundings also permitted the determination of DGW velocities, which enabled better characterization of short-duration wetting/drying and freezing/thawing processes. This higher resolution information can be used to examine the nature of the coupling between shallow and deep moisture conditions. High-resolution surface GPR measurements were used to examine vertical soil moisture distribution and its associated dynamics within the shallow subsurface over a 26 month period. While the apparent ability of surface GPR methods to give high quality estimates of soil moisture distribution in the upper 3 meters of the vadose zone was demonstrated, the nature of these GPR-derived moisture data needed to be assessed in the context of other hydrological information. As a result, GPR soil moisture estimates were compared with predictions obtained from a well-accepted hydrological modeling package, HYDRUS-1D (Simunek et al., 2008). The nature of transient infiltration pulses, evapotranspiration episodes, and deep drainage patterns were examined by comparing them with vertical soil moisture flow simulations. Using laboratory derived soil hydraulic property information from soil samples and a number of simplifying assumptions about the system, very good agreement was achieved between measured and simulated soil moisture conditions without model calibration. The overall good agreement observed between forward simulations and field measurements over the vertical profile validated the capacity of surface GPR to provide detailed information about hydraulic state conditions in the upper few meters of vadose zone. A unique DGW propagation phenomenon was observed during early soil frost formation. High-frequency DGW measurements were used to monitor the seasonal development of a thin, high velocity frozen soil layer over a wet low velocity unfrozen substratum. During the freezing process, the progressive attenuation of a low velocity DGW and the subsequent development of a high velocity DGW were observed. Numerical simulations using GPRMAX2D (Giannopoulos, 2005) showed that low velocity DGW occurring after freezing commenced was due to energy leaking across the frozen layer from the spherical body wave in the unfrozen half space. This leaky phase progressively dissipated until the frozen layer reached a thickness equivalent to one quarter of the dominant wavelength in the frozen ground. The appearance of the high velocity DGW was governed by its destructive interference with the reflection events from the base of the frozen layer. This interference obscured the high velocity DGW until the frozen layer thickness reached one half of the dominant wavelength in the frozen ground. While GPR has been extensively used to study frozen soil conditions in alpine environments, its capacity to characterize highly dynamic shallow freeze-thaw processes typically observed in temperate environments is not well understood. High-frequency reflection profiles and CMP soundings were used to monitor the freezing and thawing process during the winter seasonal period at the sand and silt loam sites. Reflection profiles revealed the long-term development of a very shallow (<0.5 m) soil frost zone overlying unfrozen wet substratum. During the course of the winter season, long-term traveltime analysis yielded physical properties of the frozen and unfrozen layers as well as the spatial distribution of the base of the soil frost zone. Short-term shallow thawing events overlying frozen substratum formed a dispersive waveguide for both the CMP and reflection profile surveys. Inversion of the dispersive wavefields for the CMP data yielded physical property estimates for the thawed and frozen soils and thawed layer thickness. It was shown that GPR can be used to monitor very shallow freezing and thawing events by responding to changes in the relative dielectric permittivity of the soil water phase. The works embodied in this thesis demonstrate the effectiveness of high-frequency GPR as a non-invasive soil moisture monitoring tool under a full range of naturally occurring moisture conditions with the temporal and vertical resolution necessary to quantitatively examine shallow vadose zone moisture dynamics. Because this study encompassed an unprecedented range of naturally occurring soil conditions, including numerous short and long duration wetting/drying and freezing/thawing cycles, complex geophysical responses were observed during highly dynamic soil moisture processes. Analysis and interpretation of these geophysical responses yielded both qualitative and quantitative information about the state of the hydrologic system, and hence, provided a non-invasive means of characterizing soil moisture processes in shallow vadose zone environments. In the future, these GPR soil moisture monitoring strategies should be incorporated into advanced land-surface hydrological modeling studies to improve our understanding of shallow hydrologic systems and its impacts on groundwater resources

    A new approach to data integration in Archaeological geophysics

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    Microwave remote sensing and its application to soil moisture detection

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Experimental measurements were utilized to demonstrate a procedure for estimating soil moisture, using a passive microwave sensor. The investigation showed that 1.4 GHz and 10.6 GHz can be used to estimate the average soil moisture within two depths; however, it appeared that a frequency less than 10.6 GHz would be preferable for the surface measurement. Average soil moisture within two depths would provide information on the slope of the soil moisture gradient near the surface. Measurements showed that a uniform surface roughness similar to flat tilled fields reduced the sensitivity of the microwave emission to soil moisture changes. Assuming that the surface roughness was known, the approximate soil moisture estimation accuracy at 1.4 GHz calculated for a 25% average soil moisture and an 80% degree of confidence, was +3% and -6% for a smooth bare surface, +4% and -5% for a medium rough surface, and +5.5% and -6% for a rough surface

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance

    Beam scanning by liquid-crystal biasing in a modified SIW structure

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    A fixed-frequency beam-scanning 1D antenna based on Liquid Crystals (LCs) is designed for application in 2D scanning with lateral alignment. The 2D array environment imposes full decoupling of adjacent 1D antennas, which often conflicts with the LC requirement of DC biasing: the proposed design accommodates both. The LC medium is placed inside a Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) modified to work as a Groove Gap Waveguide, with radiating slots etched on the upper broad wall, that radiates as a Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA). This allows effective application of the DC bias voltage needed for tuning the LCs. At the same time, the RF field remains laterally confined, enabling the possibility to lay several antennas in parallel and achieve 2D beam scanning. The design is validated by simulation employing the actual properties of a commercial LC medium

    Atmospheric remote sensing and radiopropagation: from numerical modeling to spaceborne and terrestrial applications

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    The remote sensing of electromagnetic wave properties is probably the most viable and fascinating way to observe and study physical media, comprising our planet and its atmosphere, at the same time ensuring a proper continuity in the observations. Applications are manifold and the scientific community has been importantly studying and investing on new technologies, which would let us widen our knowledge of what surrounds us. This thesis aims at showing some novel techniques and corresponding applications in the field of the atmospheric remote sensing and radio-propagation, at both microwave and optical wavelengths. The novel Sun-tracking microwave radiometry technique is shown. The antenna noise temperature of a ground-based microwave radiometer is measured by alternately pointing toward-the-Sun and off-the-Sun while tracking it along its diurnal ecliptic. During clear sky the brightness temperature of the Sun disk emission at K and Ka frequency bands and in the under-explored millimeter-wave V and W bands can be estimated by adopting different techniques. Parametric prediction models for retrieving all-weather atmospheric extinction from ground-based microwave radiometers are tested and their accuracy evaluated. Moreover, a characterization of suspended clouds in terms of atmospheric path attenuation is presented, by exploiting a stochastic approach used to model the time evolution of the cloud contribution. A model chain for the prediction of the tropospheric channel for the downlink of interplanetary missions operating above Ku band is proposed. On top of a detailed description of the approach, the chapter presents the validation results and examples of the model-chain online operation. Online operation has already been tested within a feasibility study applied to the BepiColombo mission to Mercury operated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and by exploiting the Hayabusa-2 mission Ka-band data by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), thanks to the ESA cross-support service. A preliminary (and successful) validation of the model-chain has been carried out by comparing the simulated signal-to-noise ratio with the one received from Hayabusa-2. At the next ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2019, Agenda Item 1.13 will address the identification and the possible additional allocation of radio-frequency spectrum to serve the future development of systems supporting the fifth generation of cellular mobile communications (5G). The potential impact of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) deployments is shown in terms of received radio frequency interference by ESA’s telecommunication links. Received interference can derive from several radio-propagation mechanisms, which strongly depend on atmospheric conditions, radio frequency, link availability, distance and path topography; at any time a single mechanism, or more than one may be present. Results are shown in terms of required separation distances, i.e. the minimum distance between the earth station and the IMT station ensuring that the protection criteria for the earth station are met
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