202 research outputs found

    Projector-Based Augmentation

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    Projector-based augmentation approaches hold the potential of combining the advantages of well-establishes spatial virtual reality and spatial augmented reality. Immersive, semi-immersive and augmented visualizations can be realized in everyday environments – without the need for special projection screens and dedicated display configurations. Limitations of mobile devices, such as low resolution and small field of view, focus constrains, and ergonomic issues can be overcome in many cases by the utilization of projection technology. Thus, applications that do not require mobility can benefit from efficient spatial augmentations. Examples range from edutainment in museums (such as storytelling projections onto natural stone walls in historical buildings) to architectural visualizations (such as augmentations of complex illumination simulations or modified surface materials in real building structures). This chapter describes projector-camera methods and multi-projector techniques that aim at correcting geometric aberrations, compensating local and global radiometric effects, and improving focus properties of images projected onto everyday surfaces

    Real-Time Adaptive Radiometric Compensation

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    Recent radiometric compensation techniques make it possible to project images onto colored and textured surfaces. This is realized with projector-camera systems by scanning the projection surface on a per-pixel basis. With the captured information, a compensation image is calculated that neutralizes geometric distortions and color blending caused by the underlying surface. As a result, the brightness and the contrast of the input image is reduced compared to a conventional projection onto a white canvas. If the input image is not manipulated in its intensities, the compensation image can contain values that are outside the dynamic range of the projector. They will lead to clipping errors and to visible artifacts on the surface. In this article, we present a novel algorithm that dynamically adjusts the content of the input images before radiometric compensation is carried out. This reduces the perceived visual artifacts while simultaneously preserving a maximum of luminance and contrast. The algorithm is implemented entirely on the GPU and is the first of its kind to run in real-time

    CompenHR: Efficient Full Compensation for High-resolution Projector

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    Full projector compensation is a practical task of projector-camera systems. It aims to find a projector input image, named compensation image, such that when projected it cancels the geometric and photometric distortions due to the physical environment and hardware. State-of-the-art methods use deep learning to address this problem and show promising performance for low-resolution setups. However, directly applying deep learning to high-resolution setups is impractical due to the long training time and high memory cost. To address this issue, this paper proposes a practical full compensation solution. Firstly, we design an attention-based grid refinement network to improve geometric correction quality. Secondly, we integrate a novel sampling scheme into an end-to-end compensation network to alleviate computation and introduce attention blocks to preserve key features. Finally, we construct a benchmark dataset for high-resolution projector full compensation. In experiments, our method demonstrates clear advantages in both efficiency and quality

    Projector-Based Augmentation

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    Projector-based augmentation approaches hold the potential of combining the advantages of well-establishes spatial virtual reality and spatial augmented reality. Immersive, semi-immersive and augmented visualizations can be realized in everyday environments – without the need for special projection screens and dedicated display configurations. Limitations of mobile devices, such as low resolution and small field of view, focus constrains, and ergonomic issues can be overcome in many cases by the utilization of projection technology. Thus, applications that do not require mobility can benefit from efficient spatial augmentations. Examples range from edutainment in museums (such as storytelling projections onto natural stone walls in historical buildings) to architectural visualizations (such as augmentations of complex illumination simulations or modified surface materials in real building structures). This chapter describes projector-camera methods and multi-projector techniques that aim at correcting geometric aberrations, compensating local and global radiometric effects, and improving focus properties of images projected onto everyday surfaces

    Real-Time Adaptive Radiometric Compensation

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    Recent radiometric compensation techniques make it possible to project images onto colored and textured surfaces. This is realized with projector-camera systems by scanning the projection surface on a per-pixel basis. With the captured information, a compensation image is calculated that neutralizes geometric distortions and color blending caused by the underlying surface. As a result, the brightness and the contrast of the input image is reduced compared to a conventional projection onto a white canvas. If the input image is not manipulated in its intensities, the compensation image can contain values that are outside the dynamic range of the projector. They will lead to clipping errors and to visible artifacts on the surface. In this article, we present a novel algorithm that dynamically adjusts the content of the input images before radiometric compensation is carried out. This reduces the perceived visual artifacts while simultaneously preserving a maximum of luminance and contrast. The algorithm is implemented entirely on the GPU and is the first of its kind to run in real-time

    Projector Compensation for Unconventional Projection Surface

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    Projecting onto irregular textured surfaces found on buildings, automobiles and theatre stages calls for the development of radiometric and geometric compensation algorithms that require no user intervention and compensate for the patterning and colourization of the background surface. This process needs a projector-camera setup where the feedback from the camera is used to learn the background's geometric and radiometric properties. In this thesis, radiometric compensation, which is used to correct for the background texture distortion, is discussed in detail. Existing compensation frameworks assume no inter--pixel coupling and develop an independent compensation model for each projector pixel. This assumption is valid on background with uniform texture variation but fails at sharp contrast differences leading to visible edge artifacts in the compensated image. To overcome the edge artifacts, a novel radiometric compensation approach is presented that directly learns the compensation model, rather than inverting a learned forward model. That is, the proposed method uses spatially uniform camera images to learn the projector images that successfully hide the background. The proposed approach can be used with any existing radiometric compensation algorithm to improve its performance. Comparisons with classical and state-of-the-art methods show the superiority of the proposed method in terms of the perceived image quality and computational complexity. The modified target image from the radiometric compensation algorithm can exceed the limited dynamic range of the projector resulting in saturation artifacts in the compensated image. Since the achievable range of luminance on the background surface with the given projector is limited, the projector compensation should also consider the contents of the target image along with the background properties while calculating the projector image. A novel spatially optimized luminance modification approach is proposed using human visual system properties to reduce the saturation artifacts. Here, the tolerance of the human visual system is exploited to make perceptually less sensitive modifications to the target image that in turn reduces the luminance demands from the projector. The proposed spatial modification approach can be combined with any radiometric compensation models to improve its performance. The simulated results of the proposed luminance modification are evaluated to show the improvement in perceptual performance. The inverse approach combined with the spatial luminance modification concludes the proposed projector compensation, which enables the optimum compensated projection on an arbitrary background surface

    Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    The joint workshop of the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, Karlsruhe, and the Vision and Fusion Laboratory (Institute for Anthropomatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), is organized annually since 2005 with the aim to report on the latest research and development findings of the doctoral students of both institutions. This book provides a collection of 16 technical reports on the research results presented on the 2009 workshop

    Synchronized Illumination Modulation for Digital Video Compositing

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    Informationsaustausch ist eines der Grundbedürfnisse der Menschen. Während früher dazu Wandmalereien,Handschrift, Buchdruck und Malerei eingesetzt wurden, begann man später, Bildfolgen zu erstellen, die als sogenanntes ”Daumenkino” den Eindruck einer Animation vermitteln. Diese wurden schnell durch den Einsatz rotierender Bildscheiben, auf denen mit Hilfe von Schlitzblenden, Spiegeln oder Optiken eine Animation sichtbar wurde, automatisiert – mit sogenannten Phenakistiskopen,Zoetropen oder Praxinoskopen. Mit der Erfindung der Fotografie begannen in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts die ersten Wissenschaftler wie Eadweard Muybridge, Etienne-Jules Marey und Ottomar Anschütz, Serienbildaufnahmen zu erstellen und diese dann in schneller Abfolge, als Film, abzuspielen. Mit dem Beginn der Filmproduktion wurden auch die ersten Versuche unternommen, mit Hilfe dieser neuen Technik spezielle visuelle Effekte zu generieren, um damit die Immersion der Bewegtbildproduktionen weiter zu erhöhen. Während diese Effekte in der analogen Phase der Filmproduktion bis in die achtziger Jahre des 20.Jahrhunderts recht beschränkt und sehr aufwendig mit einem enormen manuellen Arbeitsaufwand erzeugt werden mussten, gewannen sie mit der sich rapide beschleunigenden Entwicklung der Halbleitertechnologie und der daraus resultierenden vereinfachten digitalen Bearbeitung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Die enormen Möglichkeiten, die mit der verlustlosen Nachbearbeitung in Kombination mit fotorealistischen, dreidimensionalen Renderings entstanden, führten dazu, dass nahezu alle heute produzierten Filme eine Vielfalt an digitalen Videokompositionseffekten beinhalten. ...Besides home entertainment and business presentations, video projectors are powerful tools for modulating images spatially as well as temporally. The re-evolving need for stereoscopic displays increases the demand for low-latency projectors and recent advances in LED technology also offer high modulation frequencies. Combining such high-frequency illumination modules with synchronized, fast cameras, makes it possible to develop specialized high-speed illumination systems for visual effects production. In this thesis we present different systems for using spatially as well as temporally modulated illumination in combination with a synchronized camera to simplify the requirements of standard digital video composition techniques for film and television productions and to offer new possibilities for visual effects generation. After an overview of the basic terminology and a summary of related methods, we discuss and give examples of how modulated light can be applied to a scene recording context to enable a variety of effects which cannot be realized using standard methods, such as virtual studio technology or chroma keying. We propose using high-frequency, synchronized illumination which, in addition to providing illumination, is modulated in terms of intensity and wavelength to encode technical information for visual effects generation. This is carried out in such a way that the technical components do not influence the final composite and are also not visible to observers on the film set. Using this approach we present a real-time flash keying system for the generation of perspectively correct augmented composites by projecting imperceptible markers for optical camera tracking. Furthermore, we present a system which enables the generation of various digital video compositing effects outside of completely controlled studio environments, such as virtual studios. A third temporal keying system is presented that aims to overcome the constraints of traditional chroma keying in terms of color spill and color dependency. ..

    Projection-based Spatial Augmented Reality for Interactive Visual Guidance in Surgery

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    ipProjector: Designs and Techniques for Geometry-Based Interactive Applications Using a Portable Projector

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    We propose an interactive projection system for a virtual studio setup using a single self-contained and portable projection device. The system is named ipProjector, which stands for Interactive Portable Projector. Projection allows special effects of a virtual studio to be seen by live audiences in real time. The portable device supports 360-degree shooting and projecting angles and is easy to be integrated with an existing studio setup. We focus on two fundamental requirements of the system and their implementations. First, nonintrusive projection is performed to ensure that the special effect projections and the environment analysis (for locating the target actors or objects) can be performed simultaneously in real time. Our approach uses Digital Light Processing technology, color wheel analysis, and nearest-neighbor search algorithm. Second, a paired projector-camera system is geometrically calibrated with two alternative setups. The first uses a motion sensor for real-time geometric calibration, and the second uses a beam splitter for scene-independent geometric calibration. Based on a small-scale laboratory setting, experiments were conducted to evaluate the geometric accuracy of the proposed approaches, and an application was built to demonstrate the proposed ipProjector concept. Techniques of special effect rendering are not concerned in this paper