14 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence in Mammography: The Way Forward for Population Screening

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    Performance of deep learning-based algorithm for detection of ileocolic intussusception on abdominal radiographs of young children

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and test the performance of a deep learning-based algorithm to detect ileocolic intussusception using abdominal radiographs of young children. For the training set, children (≤5 years old) who underwent abdominal radiograph and ultrasonography (US) for suspicion of intussusception from March 2005 to December 2017 were retrospectively included and divided into control and intussusception groups according to the US results. A YOLOv3-based algorithm was developed to recognize the rectangular area of the right abdomen and to diagnose intussusception. For the validation set, children (≤5 years old) who underwent both radiograph and US from January to August 2018 with the suspicion of intussusception were included. Diagnostic performances of an algorithm and radiologists were compared. Total 681 children including 242 children in intussusception group were included in the training set and 75 children including 25 children in intussusception group were included in the validation set. The sensitivity of the algorithm was higher compared with that of the radiologists (0.76 vs. 0.46, p = 0.013), while specificity was not different between the algorithm and the radiologists (0.96 vs. 0.92, p = 0.32). Deep learning-based algorithm can aid screening of intussusception using abdominal radiography in young children.ope

    Performance Gaps of Artificial Intelligence Models Screening Mammography -- Towards Fair and Interpretable Models

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    Even though deep learning models for abnormality classification can perform well in screening mammography, the demographic and imaging characteristics associated with increased risk of failure for abnormality classification in screening mammograms remain unclear. This retrospective study used data from the Emory BrEast Imaging Dataset (EMBED) including mammograms from 115,931 patients imaged at Emory University Healthcare between 2013 to 2020. Clinical and imaging data includes Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) assessment, region of interest coordinates for abnormalities, imaging features, pathologic outcomes, and patient demographics. Deep learning models including InceptionV3, VGG16, ResNet50V2, and ResNet152V2 were developed to distinguish between patches of abnormal tissue and randomly selected patches of normal tissue from the screening mammograms. The distributions of the training, validation and test sets are 29,144 (55.6%) patches of 10,678 (54.2%) patients, 9,910 (18.9%) patches of 3,609 (18.3%) patients, and 13,390 (25.5%) patches of 5,404 (27.5%) patients. We assessed model performance overall and within subgroups defined by age, race, pathologic outcome, and imaging characteristics to evaluate reasons for misclassifications. On the test set, a ResNet152V2 model trained to classify normal versus abnormal tissue patches achieved an accuracy of 92.6% (95%CI=92.0-93.2%), and area under the receiver operative characteristics curve 0.975 (95%CI=0.972-0.978). Imaging characteristics associated with higher misclassifications of images include higher tissue densities (risk ratio [RR]=1.649; p=.010, BI-RADS density C and RR=2.026; p=.003, BI-RADS density D), and presence of architectural distortion (RR=1.026; p<.001). Small but statistically significant differences in performance were observed by age, race, pathologic outcome, and other imaging features (p<.001).Comment: 21 pages, 4 tables, 5 figures, 2 supplemental table and 1 supplemental figur

    Beyin Tümör Tespiti İçin Derin Öğrenme Temelli Bilgisayar Destekli Tanı Sistemi

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    Beyin MR segmentasyonu klinik uygulamalarda önem arz etmektedir. Beyin analizi çeşitli yaklaşımlarla bulgular ve anatomik bölgelerin doğru segmentasyonuna dayanır. Beyin MRI analizi, epilepsi, şizofreni, alzheimer, kanser ve bulaşıcı dejeneratif hastalıklar gibi beyin bozukluklarının tedavisi için yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Hasta MRI görüntülerinin doktorlar tarafından manuel segmentasyonu görüntülerin dilim dilim ana hatlarının çıkarılmasını gerektirir. Ancak manuel segmentasyonun uzman görüşü ve teknolojik kısıtları nedeniyle bazı dezavantajları vardır. Bununla birlikte görüntü yorumlama son derece zaman alan bir işlemdir. Tecrübeye bağlı olarak hata yapma oranı da yüksektir. Bu çalışmada, beyin MR görüntülerinden otomatik tümör tespiti için uçtan uca Çok Ölçekli Çok Düzeyli Ağ (Multi-Scale Multi-Level Network MM-Network) modeli önerilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen çalışmada, UNet'teki evrişimli ağ seviyesinde çoklu uzamsal ölçeklerin küresel bağlamsal özelliklerini birleştirerek, ağlar boyunca özellik haritalarının boyutuna bağlı olarak alıcı alanın farklı oranlarda genişlemesini sağlayan genişletilmiş evrişim modülünden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalarda önerilen model ile yüksek doğrulukta tümör tespiti sağlanmıştır

    Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Medical Imaging in the Detection of Breast Tumors

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    Artificial intelligence is currently capable of imitating clinical reasoning in order to make a diagnosis, in particular that of breast cancer. This is possible, thanks to the exponential increase in medical images. Indeed, artificial intelligence systems are used to assist doctors and not replace them. Breast cancer is a cancerous tumor that can invade and destroy nearby tissue. Therefore, early and reliable detection of this disease is a great asset for the medical field. Some people use medical imaging techniques to diagnose this disease. Given the drawbacks of these techniques, diagnostic errors of doctors related to fatigue or inexperience, this work consists of showing how artificial intelligence methods, in particular artificial neural networks (ANN), deep learning (DL), support vector machines (SVM), expert systems, fuzzy logic can be applied on breast imaging, with the aim of improving the detection of this global scourge. Finally, the proposed system is composed of two (2) essential steps: the tumor detection phase and the diagnostic phase allowing the latter to decide whether the tumor is benign or malignant

    Deep Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence for Mammography

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    During the past decade, researchers have investigated the use of computer-aided mammography interpretation. With the application of deep learning technology, artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithms for mammography have shown promising results in the quantitative assessment of parenchymal density, detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, and prediction of breast cancer risk, enabling more precise patient management. AI-based algorithms may also enhance the efficiency of the interpretation workflow by reducing both the workload and interpretation time. However, more in-depth investigation is required to conclusively prove the effectiveness of AI-based algorithms. This review article discusses how AI algorithms can be applied to mammography interpretation as well as the current challenges in its implementation in real-world practice.ope

    Control de evaluaciones online en la Universidad Técnica del Norte modalidad en línea mediante visión artificial

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    Implementar un algoritmo de visión artificial que permita controlar las evaluaciones online en la Universidad Técnica de Norte modalidad en línea.La investigación se presenta en la Universidad Técnica del Norte con los estudiantes de las carreras de modalidad en línea que cursan la nivelación, con el fin de buscar una alternativa para controlar las evaluaciones, se realizó la implementación de un prototipo de visión artificial basada en el algoritmo YOLO v3 entrenado mediante Keras, lo que permitió ejecutar un análisis del impacto generado en los usuarios para conocer de cerca la opinión de los involucrados. El objetivo de la investigación fue implementar un prototipo de supervisión de evaluaciones en línea empleando inteligencia artificial que permita cuantificar el nivel de importancia, confiabilidad y calidad en los estudiantes de la Universidad Técnica del Norte modalidad en línea. Se ejecutó un estudio sobre 674 estudiantes lo que permitió evaluar los niveles de importancia, confiabilidad y calidad de esta implementación. La metodología empleada tuvo un enfoque mixto, de tipo descriptivo y corte transversal que estuvo estructurada en tres fases: el diseño de la investigación; el análisis de la necesidad e importancia de implementación de un algoritmo de visión artificial; y el proceso de implementación de un algoritmo de detección de rostros y objetos efectuado. Además, se pudo visualizar que el sistema de educación en línea carece de confiabilidad, la calidad en la modalidad virtual es baja, pe-ro se cree que es importante que se implemente un algoritmo de visión artificial para el control de evaluaciones para las carreras en línea en la UTN. Concluyendo que se deben realizar aún varios ajustes para que esta modalidad vaya tomando confiabilidad y relevancia.Maestrí