5 research outputs found

    Simulation-Based Early Warning Systems As A Practical Approach For The Automotive Industry

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    ABSTRACT Simulation-based Early Warning Systems (SEWS) support proactive control of real material flow systems. In consequence of real or potential state changes, proactive control (unlike reactive control) makes foresighted and targetoriented acting possible. Starting from the definition of SEWS their architecture and the requirements for design of SEWS are discussed. The compliance with simulatorindependency is one important facet. Basically, this is achieved by the use of Web Services, XML and XSD (XML Schema Definition). One key component of SEWS are online simulation models which are initialized with the current system state of a real system. The utilization of RFID technology to generate information about current system states improves the quality of simulation-based forecasting. Example applications from the automotive industry show the benefits of SEWS. INTRODUCTION Decision support with long time horizon is one classic application of simulation models. Different parameters of planned systems have to be evaluated based on simulation results and planners endeavour to optimize them. In this standard application simulation models are offline, i.e. the models are not directly linked with the real system. Usually, the developed simulation models are not used upon completion of the decision-making process. By contrast, short time decisions have to be made constantly during controlling and managing processes of existing systems. Nowadays, the complexity of such systems is increasing as well as the need of their efficient control and management. There are two main classes of control strategies: simulation-based strategies and strategies based on heuristic rules and mathematical equations. Comparing both the simulation is based on the current state of the real system and provides decision makers higher quality support. Simulation-based Early Warning Systems (SEWS) support proactive control of real material flow systems. In consequence of real or potential state changes, proactive control (unlike reactive control) makes foresighted and target-oriented acting possible (Banks 1998). The usage of early warning systems to control complex systems like material handling systems makes grand demands on simulation models and system environment. One requirement is that potential users of SEWS do not have to parameterize, start or analyze simulation runs. That means the simulation model has to be embedded invisibly into a SEWS and special programming constructs are required that allow simulation models to be integrated in a production control or operating system (Banks 2000). The main objective of this paper is to describe the design and architecture of SEWS with regard to the independency of integrated simulators. The following section gives a description of Simulation-based Early Warning Systems including a suggested architecture. After that, requirements for the design are pointed out. Communication principles between SEWS-components and possibilities to guarantee simulator independency are discussed in the next section. Also, methodologies for collecting state data about the real system and their influence on the initialization process is pointed out. Finally, the paper presents applications from the automotive industry and gives a conclusion. ARCHITECTURE OF SIMULATION-BASED EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS Generally, early-warning systems are mechanisms deployed to inform persons about risk of imminent danger at an early stage. So the purpose is to enable the user or the deployer of the early-warning system to prepare for the danger and act accordingly to mitigate the effects or to even avoid the

    Proposal of an Approach to Automate the Generation of a Transitic System's Observer and Decision Support using MDE

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    International audienceShort term decision support for manufacturing systems is generally difficult because of the initial data needed by the calculations. Previous works suggest the use of a discrete event observer in order to retrieve these data from a virtual copy of the workshop, as up to date as possible at any time. This proposal offered many perspectives, but suffers from the difficulties to generate a decision support tool combining decision calculations and observation. Meanwhile, interesting developments were made in literature about automatic generation of logic control programs for those same manufacturing systems, especially using the Model Driven Engineering. This paper suggests the use of MDE to generate logic control programs, the observer and the decision support tool at the same time, based on the same data collected by the designer of the system. Thus, the last section presents the evolution needed in the initial data structure, as well as the conception flow suggested to automatize the generatio

    Challenges for the Automatic Generation of Simulation Models for Production Systems

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    This paper is intended as an introduction of the challenges that exist in the area of automatic simulation model generation in the production and logistics context. As a work-in-progress paper, it firstly analyzes and classifies previous work; it then introduces the most relevant challenges and lastly presents potential solutions currently being investigated by a PhD thesis

    Online risk assessment using a bank of Kalman Filters and event tree

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    Early detection of faults in a process plant is important in order to prevent of happening catastrophic events which might cause deaths, economic, and environmental losses. Recently, on-line calculation of risk and its use for monitoring of process faults were proposed by [Bao et al., 2011]. In this study, a new methodology is proposed which brings more clarity in the calculation of risk from online monitoring of process data. In the proposed methodology, process faults have been classified into two groups: hardware failure and disturbance type faults. First a “Bank of Kalman Filters” is used to detect and diagnose possible failures occurred in the system. Based on the fault category, if it is a disturbance type fault, the estimated states are used directly to calculate the probability of fault. On the other hand, for hardware failure, residuals obtained from Kalman Filter are used to update the probabilities of the affected gates of the “Event Tree”, and the probability of occurrence of a catastrophic event is calculated. Next, the risk of operating system under the current condition is calculated using the updated probability and severity. Results show that using the combination of “bank of Kalman Filter” and “Event Tree Analysis” brings more clarity to risk calculation and improves the detection time of the failure. Based on the calculated risk, operators can prioritize the faults and take appropriate action to the most critical one which ensures process safety