46,595 research outputs found

    Single pulse modeling and the bi-drifting subpulses of radio pulsar B1839-04

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    We study the bi-drifting pulsar B1839-04, where the observed subpulse drift direction in the two leading pulse components is opposite from that in the two trailing components. Such diametrically opposed apparent motions challenge our understanding of an underlying structure. We find that for the geometry spanned by the observer and the pulsar magnetic and rotation axes, the observed bi-drifting in B1839-04 can be reproduced assuming a non-dipolar configuration of the surface magnetic field. Acceptable solutions are found to either have relatively weak (1012G)(\sim 10^{12} \,{\rm G}) or strong (1014G)(\sim 10^{14} \,{\rm G}) surface magnetic fields. Our single pulse modeling shows that a global electric potential variation at the polar cap that leads to a solid-body-like rotation of spark forming regions is favorable in reproducing the observed drift characteristics. This variation of the potential additionally ensures that the variability is identical in all pulse components resulting in the observed phase locking of subpulses. Thorough and more general studies of pulsar geometry show that a low ratio of impact factor to opening angle (β/ρ)(\beta / \rho) increases the likelihood of bi-drifting to be observed. We thus conclude that bi-drifting is visible when our line of sight crosses close to the magnetic pole.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Generalised models for torsional spine and fan magnetic reconnection

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    Three-dimensional null points are present in abundance in the solar corona, and the same is likely to be true in other astrophysical environments. Recent studies suggest that reconnection at such 3D nulls may play an important role in the coronal dynamics. In this paper the properties of the torsional spine and torsional fan modes of magnetic reconnection at 3D nulls are investigated. New analytical models are developed, which for the first time include a current layer that is spatially localised around the null, extending along either the spine or the fan of the null. These are complemented with numerical simulations. The principal aim is to investigate the effect of varying the degree of asymmetry of the null point magnetic field on the resulting reconnection process - where previous studies always considered a non-generic radially symmetric null. The geometry of the current layers within which torsional spine and torsional fan reconnection occur is found to be strongly dependent on the symmetry of the magnetic field. Torsional spine reconnection still occurs in a narrow tube around the spine, but with elliptical cross-section when the fan eigenvalues are different, and with the short axis of the ellipse being along the strong field direction. The spatiotemporal peak current, and the peak reconnection rate attained, are found not to depend strongly on the degree of asymmetry. For torsional fan reconnection, the reconnection occurs in a planar disk in the fan surface, which is again elliptical when the symmetry of the magnetic field is broken. The short axis of the ellipse is along the weak field direction, with the current being peaked in these weak field regions. The peak current and peak reconnection rate in this case are clearly dependent on the asymmetry, with the peak current increasing but the reconnection rate decreasing as the degree of asymmetry is increased

    Magnetic field amplification and electron acceleration to near-energy equipartition with ions by a mildly relativistic quasi-parallel plasma protoshock

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    The prompt emissions of gamma-ray bursts are seeded by radiating ultrarelativistic electrons. Internal shocks propagating through a jet launched by a stellar implosion, are expected to amplify the magnetic field & accelerate electrons. We explore the effects of density asymmetry & a quasi-parallel magnetic field on the collision of plasma clouds. A 2D relativistic PIC simulation models the collision of two plasma clouds, in the presence of a quasi-parallel magnetic field. The cloud density ratio is 10. The densities of ions & electrons & the temperature of 131 keV are equal in each cloud. The mass ratio is 250. The peak Lorentz factor of the electrons is determined, along with the orientation & strength of the magnetic field at the cloud collision boundary. The magnetic field component orthogonal to the initial plasma flow direction is amplified to values that exceed those expected from shock compression by over an order of magnitude. The forming shock is quasi-perpendicular due to this amplification, caused by a current sheet which develops in response to the differing deflection of the incoming upstream electrons & ions. The electron deflection implies a charge separation of the upstream electrons & ions; the resulting electric field drags the electrons through the magnetic field, whereupon they acquire a relativistic mass comparable to the ions. We demonstrate how a magnetic field structure resembling the cross section of a flux tube grows in the current sheet of the shock transition layer. Plasma filamentation develops, as well as signatures of orthogonal magnetic field striping. Localized magnetic bubbles form. Energy equipartition between the ion, electron & magnetic energy is obtained at the shock transition layer. The electronic radiation can provide a seed photon population that can be energized by secondary processes (e.g. inverse Compton).Comment: 12 pages, 15 Figures, accepted to A&

    Extreme plasma states in laser-governed vacuum breakdown

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    Triggering vacuum breakdown at the upcoming laser facilities can provide rapid electron-positron pair production for studies in laboratory astrophysics and fundamental physics. However, the density of the emerging plasma should seemingly stop rising at the relativistic critical density, when the plasma becomes opaque. Here we identify the opportunity of breaking this limit using optimal beam configuration of petawatt-class lasers. Tightly focused laser fields allow plasma generation in a small focal volume much less than λ3{\lambda}^3, and creating extreme plasma states in terms of density and produced currents. These states can be regarded as a new object of nonlinear plasma physics. Using 3D QED-PIC simulations we demonstrate the possibility of reaching densities of more than 102510^{25} cm3^{-3}, which is an order of magnitude higher than previously expected. Controlling the process via the initial target parameters gives the opportunity to reach the discovered plasma states at the upcoming laser facilities