1,703 research outputs found

    A Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot with the Fuzzy PD Control Method

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    A two-wheeled self-balancing robot with a fuzzy PD control method is described and analyzed as an example of a high-order, multiple-variable, nonlinear, strong-coupling, and unstable system. Based on a system structure model, a kinetic equation is constructed using Newtonian dynamics and mechanics. After a number of simulation experiments, we get the best , , and state-feedback matrices. Then a fuzzy PD controller is designed for which the position and speed of the robot are inputs and for which the angle and angle rate of the robot are controlled by a PD controller. Finally, this paper describes a real-time control platform for the two-wheeled self-balancing robot that controls the robot effectively, after some parameter debugging. The result indicates that the fuzzy PD control algorithm can successfully achieve self-balanced control of the two-wheeled robot and prevent the robot from falling


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    Abstrak Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot merupakan robot beroda dua disisi kanan dan kirinya yang membutuhkan kontrol agar bisa berdiri dengan seimbang. Dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya tentang balancing robot memiliki beberapa kekurangan yaitu tidak ada pemodelan sistem robot dan nilai kontroler PID pada hardware robot tanpa melalui simulasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan pemodelan simulai balancing robot untuk mencari nilai kontroler PI (Proporsional-Integral) dan menerapkannya pada hardware robot dengan cara memasukannya kedalam sketch Arduino IDE. Penelitian ini menggunakan software LabVIEW 2014 untuk simulasi dan GUI robot. Hardware robot menggunakan Arduino UNO R3 sebagai mikrokontroler, MPU6050 sebagai sensor, motor DC sebagai aktuator dan nRF24L01 sebagai pengirim data dari robot ke laptop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai konstanta kontroler PI dari hasil simulasi model matematika menggunakan second metod Ziegler-Nichole didapatkan nilai Kp = 67,5 dan Ki = 83,509. Nilai Kp dan Ki yang telah didapatkan akan dimasukkan sketch Arduino IDE dan hasilnya robot dapat mempertahankan posisinya tegak lurus dengan seimbang. Selain itu, robot juga mampu mengatasi kemiringan maksimal sampai 13 derajat. Kata Kunci : Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot, PI Controller, LabVIEW Abstract Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot is a two-wheeled robot on the right and left that requires control in order to stand in balance. From some previous research on balancing robot has some drawbacks that there is no modeling robot system and PID controller value on robot hardware without going through simulation. The purpose of this research is to produce a robust balancing modeling model to find the value of PI (Proportional-Integral) controller and apply it to robot hardware by inserting it into Arduino IDE sketch. This research uses LabVIEW 2014 software for simulation and GUI robot. Robot hardware uses Arduino UNO R3 as a microcontroller, MPU6050 as sensor, DC motor as actuator and nRF24L01 as sender data from robot to laptop. The results showed that the value of PI control constant from simulation of mathematical model using second method Ziegler-Nichole got Kp = 67,5 and Ki = 83,509. The value of Kp and Ki that have been obtained will be inserted Arduino IDE sketch and the result of robot can maintain its position perpendicular to the balance. In addition, the robot is also able to overcome the maximum slope to 13 degrees. Keywords : Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot, PI Controller, LabVIE


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    Abstrak Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot merupakan robot beroda dua disisi kanan dan kirinya yang membutuhkan kontrol agar bisa berdiri dengan seimbang. Dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya tentang balancing robot memiliki beberapa kekurangan yaitu tidak ada pemodelan sistem robot dan nilai kontroler PID pada hardware robot tanpa melalui simulasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan pemodelan simulai balancing robot untuk mencari nilai kontroler PI (Proporsional-Integral) dan menerapkannya pada hardware robot dengan cara memasukannya kedalam sketch Arduino IDE. Penelitian ini menggunakan software LabVIEW 2014 untuk simulasi dan GUI robot. Hardware robot menggunakan Arduino UNO R3 sebagai mikrokontroler, MPU6050 sebagai sensor, motor DC sebagai aktuator dan nRF24L01 sebagai pengirim data dari robot ke laptop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai konstanta kontroler PI dari hasil simulasi model matematika menggunakan second metod Ziegler-Nichole didapatkan nilai Kp = 67,5 dan Ki = 83,509. Nilai Kp dan Ki yang telah didapatkan akan dimasukkan sketch Arduino IDE dan hasilnya robot dapat mempertahankan posisinya tegak lurus dengan seimbang. Selain itu, robot juga mampu mengatasi kemiringan maksimal sampai 13 derajat. Kata Kunci : Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot, PI Controller, LabVIEW Abstract Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot is a two-wheeled robot on the right and left that requires control in order to stand in balance. From some previous research on balancing robot has some drawbacks that there is no modeling robot system and PID controller value on robot hardware without going through simulation. The purpose of this research is to produce a robust balancing modeling model to find the value of PI (Proportional-Integral) controller and apply it to robot hardware by inserting it into Arduino IDE sketch. This research uses LabVIEW 2014 software for simulation and GUI robot. Robot hardware uses Arduino UNO R3 as a microcontroller, MPU6050 as sensor, DC motor as actuator and nRF24L01 as sender data from robot to laptop. The results showed that the value of PI control constant from simulation of mathematical model using second method Ziegler-Nichole got Kp = 67,5 and Ki = 83,509. The value of Kp and Ki that have been obtained will be inserted Arduino IDE sketch and the result of robot can maintain its position perpendicular to the balance. In addition, the robot is also able to overcome the maximum slope to 13 degrees. Keywords : Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot, PI Controller, LabVIE

    Robust Navigational Control of a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot in a Sensed Environment

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    This research presents an improved mobile inverted pendulum robot called Two-wheeled Self-balancing robot (TWSBR) using a Proportional-Derivative Proportional-Integral (PD-PI) robust control design based on 32-bit microcontroller in a sensed environment (SE). The robot keeps itself balance with two wheels and a PD-PI controller based on the Kalman filter algorithm during the navigation process and is able to stabilize while avoiding acute and dynamic obstacles in the sensed environment. The Proportional (P) control is used to implement turn control for obstacle avoidance in SE with ultrasonic waves. Finally, in a SE, the robot can communicate with any of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices (mobile phone or Personal Computer) which have a Java-based transmission application installed and through Bluetooth technology connectivity for wireless control. The simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed PD-PI controller in path planning, and balancing challenges of the TWSBR under several environmental disturbances. This shows an improved control system as compared to the existing improved Adaptive Fuzzy Controller

    Modeling, Simulation, and Optimal Control for Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot

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    Two-wheeled self-balancing robot is a popular model in control system experiments which is more widely known as inverted pendulum and cart model. This is a multi-input and multi-output system which is theoretical and has been applied in many systems in daily use. Anyway, most research just focus on balancing this model through try-on experiments or by using simple form of mathematical model. There were still few researches that focus on complete mathematic modeling and designing a mathematical model based controller for such system. This paper analyzed mathematical model of the system. Then, the authors successfully applied a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller for this system. This controller was tested with different case of system condition. Controlling results was proved to work well and tested on different case of system condition through simulation on matlab/Simulink program

    A Two-Wheeled Vehicle Navigation System Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    The paper deals with a two-wheeled vehicle,namely ESG-2 (Extended Segway-like Generation- 2) navigation control system using a fuzzy logic controller. The vehicle employs two wheels left and right independently which are controlled independently using a fuzzy logic controller respectively. The controllers deal with a compact and implementable application for the normal using with a person (human with 60kg weight in average) loaded on the vehicle. A modified infrared-based range sensor system is applied to the vehicle as a tilt sensor and it is incorporated with an accelerometer to control its response in case of the dynamics disturbances. The fuzzy controller runs in tilt-mode while a reference tilt using a potentiometer (as steer system) is taken into account for navigating the vehicle. From the simulation using MATLAB @ and experiments it is obvious that the prototype of ESG-2 is quite challenging to be developed in the future
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