166 research outputs found

    Design of a High Capacity, Scalable, and Green Wireless Communication System Leveraging the Unlicensed Spectrum

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    The stunning demand for mobile wireless data that has been recently growing at an exponential rate requires a several fold increase in spectrum. The use of unlicensed spectrum is thus critically needed to aid the existing licensed spectrum to meet such a huge mobile wireless data traffic growth demand in a cost effective manner. The deployment of Long Term Evolution (LTE) in the unlicensed spectrum (LTE-U) has recently been gaining significant industry momentum. The lower transmit power regulation of the unlicensed spectrum makes LTE deployment in the unlicensed spectrum suitable only for a small cell. A small cell utilizing LTE-L (LTE in licensed spectrum), and LTE-U (LTE in unlicensed spectrum) will therefore significantly reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a small cell, while providing the additional mobile wireless data offload capacity from Macro Cell to small cell in LTE Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet), to meet such an increase in wireless data demand. The U.S. 5 GHz Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) bands that are currently under consideration for LTE deployment in the unlicensed spectrum contain only a limited number of 20 MHZ channels. Thus in a dense multi-operator deployment scenario, one or more LTE-U small cells have to co-exist and share the same 20 MHz unlicensed channel with each other and with the incumbent Wi-Fi. This dissertation presents a proactive small cell interference mitigation strategy for improving the spectral efficiency of LTE networks in the unlicensed spectrum. It describes the scenario and demonstrate via simulation results, that in the absence of an explicit interference mitigation mechanism, there will be a significant degradation in the overall LTE-U system performance for LTE-U co-channel co-existence in countries such as U.S. that do not mandate Listen-Before-Talk (LBT) regulations. An unlicensed spectrum Inter Cell Interference Coordination (usICIC) mechanism is then presented as a time-domain multiplexing technique for interference mitigation for the sharing of an unlicensed channel by multi-operator LTE-U small cells. Through extensive simulation results, it is demonstrated that the proposed usICIC mechanism will result in 40% or more improvement in the overall LTE-U system performance (throughput) leading to increased wireless communication system capacity. The ever increasing demand for mobile wireless data is also resulting in a dramatic expansion of wireless network infrastructure by all service providers resulting in significant escalation in energy consumption by the wireless networks. This not only has an impact on the recurring operational expanse (OPEX) for the service providers, but importantly the resulting increase in greenhouse gas emission is not good for the environment. Energy efficiency has thus become one of the critical tenets in the design and deployment of Green wireless communication systems. Consequently the market trend for next-generation communication systems has been towards miniaturization to meet this stunning ever increasing demand for mobile wireless data, leading towards the need for scalable distributed and parallel processing system architecture that is energy efficient, and high capacity. Reducing cost and size while increasing capacity, ensuring scalability, and achieving energy efficiency requires several design paradigm shifts. This dissertation presents the design for a next generation wireless communication system that employs new energy efficient distributed and parallel processing system architecture to achieve these goals while leveraging the unlicensed spectrum to significantly increase (by a factor of two) the capacity of the wireless communication system. This design not only significantly reduces the upfront CAPEX, but also the recurring OPEX for the service providers to maintain their next generation wireless communication networks

    Measurement Based Reconfigurations in Optical Ring Metro Networks

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    Single-hop wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical ring networks operating in packet mode are one of themost promising architectures for the design of innovative metropolitan network (metro) architectures. They permit a cost-effective design, with a good combination of optical and electronic technologies, while supporting features like restoration and reconfiguration that are essential in any metro scenario. In this article, we address the tunability requirements that lead to an effective resource usage and permit reconfiguration in optical WDM metros.We introduce reconfiguration algorithms that, on the basis of traffic measurements, adapt the network configuration to traffic demands to optimize performance. Using a specific network architecture as a reference case, the paper aims at the broader goal of showing which are the advantages fostered by innovative network designs exploiting the features of optical technologies

    Information Switching Processor (ISP) contention analysis and control

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    Future satellite communications, as a viable means of communications and an alternative to terrestrial networks, demand flexibility and low end-user cost. On-board switching/processing satellites potentially provide these features, allowing flexible interconnection among multiple spot beams, direct to the user communications services using very small aperture terminals (VSAT's), independent uplink and downlink access/transmission system designs optimized to user's traffic requirements, efficient TDM downlink transmission, and better link performance. A flexible switching system on the satellite in conjunction with low-cost user terminals will likely benefit future satellite network users

    Load Sharing in Distributed Multimedia-on-Demand Systems

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    10.1109/69.846293IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering123410-428ITKE

    General purpose simulator system study

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    Modifications to computerized simulator system for space shuttle and space station application

    Distributed control architecture for multiservice networks

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    The research focuses in devising decentralised and distributed control system architecture for the management of internetworking systems to provide improved service delivery and network control. The theoretical basis, results of simulation and implementation in a real-network are presented. It is demonstrated that better performance, utilisation and fairness can be achieved for network customers as well as network/service operators with a value based control system. A decentralised control system framework for analysing networked and shared resources is developed and demonstrated. This fits in with the fundamental principles of the Internet. It is demonstrated that distributed, multiple control loops can be run on shared resources and achieve proportional fairness in their allocation, without a central control. Some of the specific characteristic behaviours of the service and network layers are identified. The network and service layers are isolated such that each layer can evolve independently to fulfil their functions better. A common architecture pattern is devised to serve the different layers independently. The decision processes require no co-ordination between peers and hence improves scalability of the solution. The proposed architecture can readily fit into a clearinghouse mechanism for integration with business logic. This architecture can provide improved QoS and better revenue from both reservation-less and reservation-based networks. The limits on resource usage for different types of flows are analysed. A method that can sense and modify user utilities and support dynamic price offers is devised. An optimal control system (within the given conditions), automated provisioning, a packet scheduler to enforce the control and a measurement system etc are developed. The model can be extended to enhance the autonomicity of the computer communication networks in both client-server and P2P networks and can be introduced on the Internet in an incremental fashion. The ideas presented in the model built with the model-view-controller and electronic enterprise architecture frameworks are now independently developed elsewhere into common service delivery platforms for converged networks. Four US/EU patents were granted based on the work carried out for this thesis, for the cross-layer architecture, multi-layer scheme, measurement system and scheduler. Four conference papers were published and presented

    Fiscal year 1973 scientific and technical reports, articles, papers, and presentations

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    Formal NASA technical reports, papers published in technical journals, and presentations by MSFC personnel in FY73 are presented. Papers of MSFC contractors are also included

    34th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems-Final Program

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    Organized by the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California. Cosponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Symposium Organizing Committee: General Chairman-Sherif Michael, Technical Program-Roberto Cristi, Publications-Michael Soderstrand, Special Sessions- Charles W. Therrien, Publicity: Jeffrey Burl, Finance: Ralph Hippenstiel, and Local Arrangements: Barbara Cristi

    Exploration and Design of Power-Efficient Networked Many-Core Systems

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    Multiprocessing is a promising solution to meet the requirements of near future applications. To get full benefit from parallel processing, a manycore system needs efficient, on-chip communication architecture. Networkon- Chip (NoC) is a general purpose communication concept that offers highthroughput, reduced power consumption, and keeps complexity in check by a regular composition of basic building blocks. This thesis presents power efficient communication approaches for networked many-core systems. We address a range of issues being important for designing power-efficient manycore systems at two different levels: the network-level and the router-level. From the network-level point of view, exploiting state-of-the-art concepts such as Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS), Voltage/ Frequency Island (VFI), and 3D Networks-on-Chip approaches may be a solution to the excessive power consumption demanded by today’s and future many-core systems. To this end, a low-cost 3D NoC architecture, based on high-speed GALS-based vertical channels, is proposed to mitigate high peak temperatures, power densities, and area footprints of vertical interconnects in 3D ICs. To further exploit the beneficial feature of a negligible inter-layer distance of 3D ICs, we propose a novel hybridization scheme for inter-layer communication. In addition, an efficient adaptive routing algorithm is presented which enables congestion-aware and reliable communication for the hybridized NoC architecture. An integrated monitoring and management platform on top of this architecture is also developed in order to implement more scalable power optimization techniques. From the router-level perspective, four design styles for implementing power-efficient reconfigurable interfaces in VFI-based NoC systems are proposed. To enhance the utilization of virtual channel buffers and to manage their power consumption, a partial virtual channel sharing method for NoC routers is devised and implemented. Extensive experiments with synthetic and real benchmarks show significant power savings and mitigated hotspots with similar performance compared to latest NoC architectures. The thesis concludes that careful codesigned elements from different network levels enable considerable power savings for many-core systems.Siirretty Doriast

    On-board B-ISDN fast packet switching architectures. Phase 1: Study

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    The broadband integrate services digital network (B-ISDN) is an emerging telecommunications technology that will meet most of the telecommunications networking needs in the mid-1990's to early next century. The satellite-based system is well positioned for providing B-ISDN service with its inherent capabilities of point-to-multipoint and broadcast transmission, virtually unlimited connectivity between any two points within a beam coverage, short deployment time of communications facility, flexible and dynamic reallocation of space segment capacity, and distance insensitive cost. On-board processing satellites, particularly in a multiple spot beam environment, will provide enhanced connectivity, better performance, optimized access and transmission link design, and lower user service cost. The following are described: the user and network aspects of broadband services; the current development status in broadband services; various satellite network architectures including system design issues; and various fast packet switch architectures and their detail designs