40,712 research outputs found

    Micro-simulation study of vehicular interactions on upgrades of intercity roads under heterogeneous traffic conditions in India

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    Purpose: Study of the basic traffic flow characteristics and clear understanding of vehicular interactions are the pre-requisites for highway capacity analysis and to formulate effective traffic management and control measures. The road traffic in India is highly heterogeneous comprising vehicles of wide ranging physical dimensions, weight, power and dynamic characteristics. The problem of measuring volume of such heterogeneous traffic has been addressed by converting the different types of vehicles into equivalent passenger cars and expressing the volume as Passenger Car Unit per hour (PCU/h). Methods: Computer simulation has emerged as an effective technique for modeling traffic flow due to its capability to account for the randomness related to traffic. This paper is concerned with application of a simulation model of heterogeneous traffic flow, named HETEROSIM, to quantify the vehicular interaction, in terms of PCU, for the different categories of vehicles, by considering the traffic flow of representative composition, on upgrades of different magnitudes on intercity roads in India. Results and Conclusions: The PCU estimates, made through microscopic simulation, for the different types of vehicles of heterogeneous traffic, for a wide range of grades and traffic volume, indicate that the PCU value of a vehicle significantly changes with change in traffic volume, magnitude of upgrade and its length. It is found that, the change in PCU value of vehicles is not significant beyond a length of 1600 m on grades. Also, it has been found that the PCU estimates are accurate at 5% level of significance

    Modelling heterogeneous traffic flow on upgrades of intercity roads

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    The effect of an upgrade and its length is very significant for traffic flow characteristics. Road traffic in developing countries like India is highly heterogeneous comprising vehicles of wide ranging physical dimensions, weight and dynamic characteristics such as engine power, acceleration rate, etc. Due to these variations, the effect of grade on vehicles in heterogeneous traffic may vary significantly among vehicle categories. Variation in the level of the interaction between vehicles on upgrades may result in different sets of traffic flow characteristics. Hence, it is necessary to model traffic flow on upgrades and study, in depth, changes in traffic flow characteristics with alteration in the magnitude of an upgrade and its length. Computer simulation has emerged as an effective technique for modelling traffic flow due to its capability to account for randomness related to traffic. This study is concerned with applying a simulation model of heterogeneous traffic flow, named HETEROSIM, to study the traffic flow characteristics and performance of different vehicle types on upgrades of different magnitudes. First published online: 24 Jun 201

    Traffic flow modeling and forecasting using cellular automata and neural networks : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    In This thesis fine grids are adopted in Cellular Automata (CA) models. The fine-grid models are able to describe traffic flow in detail allowing position, speed, acceleration and deceleration of vehicles simulated in a more realistic way. For urban straight roads, two types of traffic flow, free and car-following flow, have been simulated. A novel five-stage speed-changing CA model is developed to describe free flow. The 1.5-second headway, based on field data, is used to simulate car-following processes, which corrects the headway of 1 second used in all previous CA models. Novel and realistic CA models, based on the Normal Acceptable Space (NAS) method, are proposed to systematically simulate driver behaviour and interactions between drivers to enter single-lane Two-Way Stop-Controlled (TWSC) intersections and roundabouts. The NAS method is based on the two following Gaussian distributions. Distribution of space required for all drivers to enter intersections or roundabouts is assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution, which corresponds to heterogeneity of driver behaviour. While distribution of space required for a single driver to enter an intersection or roundabout is assumed to follow another Gaussian distribution, which corresponds to inconsistency of driver behavior. The effects of passing lanes on single-lane highway traffic are investigated using fine grids CA. Vehicles entering, exiting from and changing lanes on passing lane sections are discussed in detail. In addition, a Genetic Algorithm-based Neural Network (GANN) method is proposed to predict Short-term Traffic Flow (STF) in urban networks, which is expected to be helpful for traffic control. Prediction accuracy and generalization ability of NN are improved by optimizing the number of neurons in the hidden layer and connection weights of NN using genetic operations such as selection, crossover and mutation

    Car-to-Cloud Communication Traffic Analysis Based on the Common Vehicle Information Model

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    Although connectivity services have been introduced already today in many of the most recent car models, the potential of vehicles serving as highly mobile sensor platform in the Internet of Things (IoT) has not been sufficiently exploited yet. The European AutoMat project has therefore defined an open Common Vehicle Information Model (CVIM) in combination with a cross-industry, cloud-based big data marketplace. Thereby, vehicle sensor data can be leveraged for the design of entirely new services even beyond traffic-related applications (such as localized weather forecasts). This paper focuses on the prediction of the achievable data rate making use of an analytical model based on empirical measurements. For an in-depth analysis, the CVIM has been integrated in a vehicle traffic simulator to produce CVIM-complaint data streams as a result of the individual behavior of each vehicle (speed, brake activity, steering activity, etc.). In a next step, a simulation of vehicle traffic in a realistically modeled, large-area street network has been used in combination with a cellular Long Term Evolution (LTE) network to determine the cumulated amount of data produced within each network cell. As a result, a new car-to-cloud communication traffic model has been derived, which quantifies the data rate of aggregated car-to-cloud data producible by vehicles depending on the current traffic situations (free flow and traffic jam). The results provide a reference for network planning and resource scheduling for car-to-cloud type services in the context of smart cities

    A three-dimensional macroscopic fundamental diagram for mixed bi-modal urban networks

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    Recent research has studied the existence and the properties of a macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) for large urban networks. The MFD should not be universally expected as high scatter or hysteresis might appear for some type of networks, like heterogeneous networks or freeways. In this paper, we investigate if aggregated relationships can describe the performance of urban bi-modal networks with buses and cars sharing the same road infrastructure and identify how this performance is influenced by the interactions between modes and the effect of bus stops. Based on simulation data, we develop a three-dimensional vehicle MFD (3D-vMFD) relating the accumulation of cars and buses, and the total circulating vehicle flow in the network. This relation experiences low scatter and can be approximated by an exponential-family function. We also propose a parsimonious model to estimate a three-dimensional passenger MFD (3D-pMFD), which provides a different perspective of the flow characteristics in bi-modal networks, by considering that buses carry more passengers. We also show that a constant Bus-Car Unit (BCU) equivalent value cannot describe the influence of buses in the system as congestion develops. We then integrate a partitioning algorithm to cluster the network into a small number of regions with similar mode composition and level of congestion. Our results show that partitioning unveils important traffic properties of flow heterogeneity in the studied network. Interactions between buses and cars are different in the partitioned regions due to higher density of buses. Building on these results, various traffic management strategies in bi-modal multi-region urban networks can then be integrated, such as redistribution of urban space among different modes, perimeter signal control with preferential treatment of buses and bus priority