40 research outputs found

    List of requirements on formalisms and selection of appropriate tools

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    This deliverable reports on the activities for the set-up of the modelling environments for the evaluation activities of WP5. To this objective, it reports on the identified modelling peculiarities of the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures and of their interdependencies, recalls the tools that have been considered and concentrates on the tools that are, and will be, used in the project: DrawNET, DEEM and EPSys which have been developed before and during the project by the partners, and M\uf6bius and PRISM, developed respectively at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and at the University of Birmingham (and recently at the University of Oxford)

    Survivability modeling for cyber-physical systems subject to data corruption

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    Cyber-physical critical infrastructures are created when traditional physical infrastructure is supplemented with advanced monitoring, control, computing, and communication capability. More intelligent decision support and improved efficacy, dependability, and security are expected. Quantitative models and evaluation methods are required for determining the extent to which a cyber-physical infrastructure improves on its physical predecessors. It is essential that these models reflect both cyber and physical aspects of operation and failure. In this dissertation, we propose quantitative models for dependability attributes, in particular, survivability, of cyber-physical systems. Any malfunction or security breach, whether cyber or physical, that causes the system operation to depart from specifications will affect these dependability attributes. Our focus is on data corruption, which compromises decision support -- the fundamental role played by cyber infrastructure. The first research contribution of this work is a Petri net model for information exchange in cyber-physical systems, which facilitates i) evaluation of the extent of data corruption at a given time, and ii) illuminates the service degradation caused by propagation of corrupt data through the cyber infrastructure. In the second research contribution, we propose metrics and an evaluation method for survivability, which captures the extent of functionality retained by a system after a disruptive event. We illustrate the application of our methods through case studies on smart grids, intelligent water distribution networks, and intelligent transportation systems. Data, cyber infrastructure, and intelligent control are part and parcel of nearly every critical infrastructure that underpins daily life in developed countries. Our work provides means for quantifying and predicting the service degradation caused when cyber infrastructure fails to serve its intended purpose. It can also serve as the foundation for efforts to fortify critical systems and mitigate inevitable failures --Abstract, page iii

    A holistic approach for measuring the survivability of SCADA systems

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are responsible for controlling and monitoring Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Critical Infrastructure Systems (CIS) among others. Such systems are responsible to provide services our society relies on such as gas, electricity, and water distribution. They process our waste; manage our railways and our traffic. Nevertheless to say, they are vital for our society and any disruptions on such systems may produce from financial disasters to ultimately loss of lives. SCADA systems have evolved over the years, from standalone, proprietary solutions and closed networks into large-scale, highly distributed software systems operating over open networks such as the internet. In addition, the hardware and software utilised by SCADA systems is now, in most cases, based on COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) solutions. As they evolved they became vulnerable to malicious attacks. Over the last few years there is a push from the computer security industry on adapting their security tools and techniques to address the security issues of SCADA systems. Such move is welcome however is not sufficient, otherwise successful malicious attacks on computer systems would be non-existent. We strongly believe that rather than trying to stop and detect every attack on SCADA systems it is imperative to focus on providing critical services in the presence of malicious attacks. Such motivation is similar with the concepts of survivability, a discipline integrates areas of computer science such as performance, security, fault-tolerance and reliability. In this thesis we present a new concept of survivability; Holistic survivability is an analysis framework suitable for a new era of data-driven networked systems. It extends the current view of survivability by incorporating service interdependencies as a key property and aspects of machine learning. The framework uses the formalism of probabilistic graphical models to quantify survivability and introduces new metrics and heuristics to learn and identify essential services automatically. Current definitions of survivability are often limited since they either apply performance as measurement metric or use security metrics without any survivability context. Holistic survivability addresses such issues by providing a flexible framework where performance and security metrics can be tailored to the context of survivability. In other words, by applying performance and security our work aims to support key survivability properties such as recognition and resistance. The models and metrics here introduced are applied to SCADA systems as such systems insecurity is one of the motivations of this work. We believe that the proposed work goes beyond the current status of survivability models. Holistic survivability is flexible enough to support the addition of other metrics and can be easily used with different models. Because it is based on a well-known formalism its definition and implementation are easy to grasp and to apply. Perhaps more importantly, this proposed work is aimed to a new era where data is being produced and consumed on a large-scale. Holistic survivability aims to be the catalyst to new models based on data that will provide better and more accurate insights on the survivability of systems

    Online disturbance prediction for enhanced availability in smart grids

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    A gradual move in the electric power industry towards Smart Grids brings new challenges to the system's efficiency and dependability. With a growing complexity and massive introduction of renewable generation, particularly at the distribution level, the number of faults and, consequently, disturbances (errors and failures) is expected to increase significantly. This threatens to compromise grid's availability as traditional, reactive management approaches may soon become insufficient. On the other hand, with grids' digitalization, real-time status data are becoming available. These data may be used to develop advanced management and control methods for a sustainable, more efficient and more dependable grid. A proactive management approach, based on the use of real-time data for predicting near-future disturbances and acting in their anticipation, has already been identified by the Smart Grid community as one of the main pillars of dependability of the future grid. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on predicting disturbances in Active Distributions Networks (ADNs) that are a part of the Smart Grid that evolves the most. These are distribution networks with high share of (renewable) distributed generation and with systems in place for real-time monitoring and control. Our main goal is to develop a methodology for proactive network management, in a sense of proactive mitigation of disturbances, and to design and implement a method for their prediction. We focus on predicting voltage sags as they are identified as one of the most frequent and severe disturbances in distribution networks. We address Smart Grid dependability in a holistic manner by considering its cyber and physical aspects. As a result, we identify Smart Grid dependability properties and develop a taxonomy of faults that contribute to better understanding of the overall dependability of the future grid. As the process of grid's digitization is still ongoing there is a general problem of a lack of data on the grid's status and especially disturbance-related data. These data are necessary to design an accurate disturbance predictor. To overcome this obstacle we introduce a concept of fault injection to simulation of power systems. We develop a framework to simulate a behavior of distribution networks in the presence of faults, and fluctuating generation and load that, alone or combined, may cause disturbances. With the framework we generate a large set of data that we use to develop and evaluate a voltage-sag disturbance predictor. To quantify how prediction and proactive mitigation of disturbances enhance availability we create an availability model of a proactive management. The model is generic and may be applied to evaluate the effect of proactive management on availability in other types of systems, and adapted for quantifying other types of properties as well. Also, we design a metric and a method for optimizing failure prediction to maximize availability with proactive approach. In our conclusion, the level of availability improvement with proactive approach is comparable to the one when using high-reliability and costly components. Following the results of the case study conducted for a 14-bus ADN, grid's availability may be improved by up to an order of magnitude if disturbances are managed proactively instead of reactively. The main results and contributions may be summarized as follows: (i) Taxonomy of faults in Smart Grid has been developed; (ii) Methodology and methods for proactive management of disturbances have been proposed; (iii) Model to quantify availability with proactive management has been developed; (iv) Simulation and fault-injection framework has been designed and implemented to generate disturbance-related data; (v) In the scope of a case study, a voltage-sag predictor, based on machine- learning classification algorithms, has been designed and the effect of proactive disturbance management on downtime and availability has been quantified

    Modelling and Design of Resilient Networks under Challenges

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    Communication networks, in particular the Internet, face a variety of challenges that can disrupt our daily lives resulting in the loss of human lives and significant financial costs in the worst cases. We define challenges as external events that trigger faults that eventually result in service failures. Understanding these challenges accordingly is essential for improvement of the current networks and for designing Future Internet architectures. This dissertation presents a taxonomy of challenges that can help evaluate design choices for the current and Future Internet. Graph models to analyse critical infrastructures are examined and a multilevel graph model is developed to study interdependencies between different networks. Furthermore, graph-theoretic heuristic optimisation algorithms are developed. These heuristic algorithms add links to increase the resilience of networks in the least costly manner and they are computationally less expensive than an exhaustive search algorithm. The performance of networks under random failures, targeted attacks, and correlated area-based challenges are evaluated by the challenge simulation module that we developed. The GpENI Future Internet testbed is used to conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of the heuristic algorithms developed