689 research outputs found

    Development and Characterization of a Dispersion-Encoded Method for Low-Coherence Interferometry

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    This Open Access book discusses an extension to low-coherence interferometry by dispersion-encoding. The approach is theoretically designed and implemented for applications such as surface profilometry, polymeric cross-linking estimation and the determination of thin-film layer thicknesses. During a characterization, it was shown that an axial measurement range of 79.91 µm with an axial resolution of 0.1 nm is achievable. Simultaneously, profiles of up to 1.5 mm in length were obtained in a scan-free manner. This marked a significant improvement in relation to the state-of-the-art in terms of dynamic range. Also, the axial and lateral measurement range were decoupled partially while functional parameters such as surface roughness were estimated. The characterization of the degree of polymeric cross-linking was performed as a function of the refractive index. It was acquired in a spatially-resolved manner with a resolution of 3.36 x 10-5. This was achieved by the development of a novel mathematical analysis approach

    THz Fiber Bragg Grating for Distributed Sensing

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    This letter reports a fiber Bragg grating for distributed sensing applications fabricated using single-mode optical fiber and a femtosecond laser and interrogated in the terahertz range. A theoretical model of device behavior was derived, which agreed well with experimentally observed device behavior. In order to investigate the utility of terahertz fiber Bragg gratings (THz FBGs) as a sensing modality, temperature tests were conducted. The results demonstrated a sensitivity of -1.32 GHz/ºC and a detection resolution of less than 0.0017 ºC. A temperature distribution test was also conducted using a THz FBG, demonstrating its potential as a distributed sensing platform with high spatial resolution. The feasibility of interrogating THz FBGs using narrow interrogation bandwidths was also experimentally shown

    Development and Characterization of a Dispersion-Encoded Method for Low-Coherence Interferometry

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    This Open Access book discusses an extension to low-coherence interferometry by dispersion-encoding. The approach is theoretically designed and implemented for applications such as surface profilometry, polymeric cross-linking estimation and the determination of thin-film layer thicknesses. During a characterization, it was shown that an axial measurement range of 79.91 µm with an axial resolution of 0.1 nm is achievable. Simultaneously, profiles of up to 1.5 mm in length were obtained in a scan-free manner. This marked a significant improvement in relation to the state-of-the-art in terms of dynamic range. Also, the axial and lateral measurement range were decoupled partially while functional parameters such as surface roughness were estimated. The characterization of the degree of polymeric cross-linking was performed as a function of the refractive index. It was acquired in a spatially-resolved manner with a resolution of 3.36 x 10-5. This was achieved by the development of a novel mathematical analysis approach

    Measurement of strain on a wind turbine blade by optical fibre sensing

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    La tesi si occupa inizialmente di introdurre quali sono i parametri meccanici da essere controllati e quali possono essere le cause di rottura di una pala eolica. In un secondo momento, confronta le varie tecnologie esistenti per la misurazione dei parametri. Quindi si introduce il metodo di misurazione basato sulle fibre ottiche. Per quanto riguarda questo elaborato si sono usati sensori distribuiti (DOFS) ed FBG

    Coaxial cable Bragg grating

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    In order to ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of various civil structures, such as dams, bridges, and buildings, in situ strain monitoring is of great importance, especially for structures that may experience large strains. A new coaxial cable Bragg grating (CCBG) is developed as a strain sensor and the sensor\u27s capacity for large range strain measurement is demonstrated for the first time. The sensor device is comprised of regularly spaced periodic discontinuities along a coaxial cable. The discontinuities are fabricated using a computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine to drill holes in the cable. Each discontinuity generates a weak reflection to the electromagnetic wave propagating inside the cable. Superposition of these weak reflections produces a strong reflection at discrete frequencies that can be explained by Bragg grating theory. A positive feedback oscillation system is also developed to enhance the measurement accuracy. The Q-factor was enhanced by 3500 times in this case. By monitoring the resonant frequency shift of the sensor\u27s reflection or transmission spectra using the oscillation system, strain measurement sensitivity of 20με and a dynamic range of 50000με (5%) were demonstrated for axial strain measurements. The temperature responses of various types of CCBGs have also been investigated. The experimental results show that the CCBG sensors perform well for large strain measurement needed in structural health monitoring (SHM) --Abstract, page iii

    Une plate-forme sans fil pour electrochimique spectroscopie d'impédance

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    Avec l’émergence soutenue de capteurs et de dispositifs électrochimiques innovants, la spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique est devenue l'un des outils les plus importants pour la caractérisation et la modélisation de la matière ionique et de l'interfaçage des capteurs. La capacité de détecter automatiquement, à l’aide de dispositifs électrochimiques peu couteux, les caractéristiques physiques et chimiques de la matière ionique ouvre une gamme d’application très variée pour la compréhension et l’optimisation des procédés ou interviennent les processus électrochimiques. Cette thèse décrit le développement d’une plate-forme microélectronique miniaturisée, connectée, multiplexée, et à faible coût pour la spectroscopie d'impédance diélectrique (SID) conçue pour les mesures électrochimiques in-situ et adaptée aux architectures de réseau sans fil. La plate-forme développée durant ce travail de maitrise a été testée et validée au sein d’une maille ZigBee et a été en mesure d'interfacer jusqu'à trois capteurs SID en même temps et de relayer l'information à travers le net Zigbee pour l'analyse de données et le stockage. Le système a été construit à partir de composants microélectroniques disponibles commercialement et bénéficie des avantages d'une calibration système on-the-fly qui effectue la calibration du capteur de manière aisée. Dans ce mémoire de maitrise, nous rapportons la modélisation et la caractérisation de senseurs électrochimiques de nitrate; notamment nous décrivons la conception microélectronique, la réponse d'impédance de Nyquist, la sensibilité et la précision de la mesure électrochimique, et les résultats de tests de la plate-forme pour les applications de spectroscopie d'impédance relatives à la détection du nitrate, de la détection de la qualité de l'eau, et des senseurs tactiles.The emergence of the various applications of electrochemical sensors and devices, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy became one of the most important tools for characterizing and modeling of the material and interfacing the sensors. The ability to sense in an automatic manner enables a wide variety of processes to be better understood and optimized cost-effectively. This thesis describes the development of a low-cost, miniaturized, multiplexed, and connected platform for dielectric impedance spectroscopy (DIS) designed for in-situ measurements and adapted to wireless network architectures. The platform has been tested and used as a DIS sensor node on a ZigBee mesh and was able to interface up to three DIS sensors at the same time and relay the information through the Zigbee net for data analysis and storage. The system was built from commercial microelectronics components and benefits from an on-the-fly calibration system that makes sensor calibration easy. The thesis reports characterizing and modeling of two electro-chemical devices (i.e. nitrate sensor and optically-transparent electrically-conductive glasses) and also describes the microelectronics design, the Nyquist impedance response, the measurement sensitivity and accuracy, and the testing of the platform for in-situ dielectric impedance spectroscopy applications pertaining to fertilizer sensing, water quality sensing, and touch sensing
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