28 research outputs found

    Characterizing graph classes by intersections of neighborhoods

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    The interplay between maxcliques (maximal cliques) and intersections of closed neighborhoods leads to new types of characterizations of several standard graph classes. For instance, being hereditary clique-Helly is equivalent to every nontrivial maxclique QQ containing the intersection of closed neighborhoods of two vertices of QQ, and also to, in all induced subgraphs, every nontrivial maxclique containing a simplicial edge (an edge in a unique maxclique). Similarly, being trivially perfect is equivalent to every maxclique QQ containing the closed neighborhood of a vertex of QQ, and also to, in all induced subgraphs, every maxclique containing a simplicial vertex. Maxcliques can be generalized to maximal cographs, yielding a new characterization of ptolemaic graphs

    Maxclique and unit disk characterizations of strongly chordal graphs

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    Maxcliques (maximal complete subgraphs) and unit disks (closed neighborhoods of vertices) sometime play almost interchangeable roles in graph theory. For instance, interchanging them makes two existing characterizations of chordal graphs into two new characterizations. More intriguingly, these characterizations of chordal graphs can be naturally strengthened to new characterizations of strongly chordal graphs.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Families of induced trees and their intersection graphs

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    This paper is inspired in the well known characterization of chordal graphs as the intersection graphs of subtrees of a tree. We consider families of induced trees of any graph and we prove that their recognition is NP-Complete. A consequence of this fact is that the concept of clique tree of chordal graphs cannot be widely generalized. Finally, we consider the fact that every graph is the intersection graph of induced trees of a bipartite graph and we characterize some classes that arise when we impose restrictions on the host bipartite graph.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    The free splitting complex of a free group I: Hyperbolicity

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    We prove that the free splitting complex of a finite rank free group, also known as Hatcher's sphere complex, is hyperbolic.Comment: 85 pages, including index and glossary. Many figures in the free splitting complex, in the guise of commutative diagrams of maps between free splittings. Changes from Version 1 to Version 2: Corrected an error in the proof of Proposition 6.5, Step 2. Revamped the theory of free splitting units in Section

    The rigidity of infinite graphs

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    A rigidity theory is developed for the Euclidean and non-Euclidean placements of countably infinite simple graphs in R^d with respect to the classical l^p norms, for d>1 and 1<p<\infty. Generalisations are obtained for the Laman and Henneberg combinatorial characterisations of generic infinitesimal rigidity for finite graphs in the Euclidean plane. Also Tay's multi-graph characterisation of the rigidity of generic finite body-bar frameworks in d-dimensional Euclidean space is generalised to the non-Euclidean l^p norms and to countably infinite graphs. For all dimensions and norms it is shown that a generically rigid countable simple graph is the direct limit of an inclusion tower of finite graphs for which the inclusions satisfy a relative rigidity property. For d>2 a countable graph which is rigid for generic placements in R^d may fail the stronger property of sequential rigidity, while for d=2 the equivalence with sequential rigidity is obtained from the generalised Laman characterisations. Applications are given to the flexibility of non-Euclidean convex polyhedra and to the infinitesimal and continuous rigidity of compact infinitely-faceted simplicial polytopes.Comment: 51 page