134 research outputs found

    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal

    Assessing visual variables of cartographic text design

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    This dissertation presents a series of usability studies, which examines the usability of the application of visual variables on cartographic text. Labels’ size, shape, orientation, texture, and colour were tested. The study also examines different lettering systems and their impact on cartographic text design. The obtained users’ preference, time measurement, questionnaires and eye tracking data were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Insights are acquired to improve the quality of map through Improving cartographic text design

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov

    Construction de corpus généraux et spécialisés à partir du Web

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    At the beginning of the first chapter the interdisciplinary setting between linguistics, corpus linguistics, and computational linguistics is introduced. Then, the notion of corpus is put into focus. Existing corpus and text definitions are discussed. Several milestones of corpus design are presented, from pre-digital corpora at the end of the 1950s to web corpora in the 2000s and 2010s. The continuities and changes between the linguistic tradition and web native corpora are exposed.In the second chapter, methodological insights on automated text scrutiny in computer science, computational linguistics and natural language processing are presented. The state of the art on text quality assessment and web text filtering exemplifies current interdisciplinary research trends on web texts. Readability studies and automated text classification are used as a paragon of methods to find salient features in order to grasp text characteristics. Text visualization exemplifies corpus processing in the digital humanities framework. As a conclusion, guiding principles for research practice are listed, and reasons are given to find a balance between quantitative analysis and corpus linguistics, in an environment which is spanned by technological innovation and artificial intelligence techniques.Third, current research on web corpora is summarized. I distinguish two main approaches to web document retrieval: restricted retrieval and web crawling. The notion of web corpus preprocessing is introduced and salient steps are discussed. The impact of the preprocessing phase on research results is assessed. I explain why the importance of preprocessing should not be underestimated and why it is an important task for linguists to learn new skills in order to confront the whole data gathering and preprocessing phase.I present my work on web corpus construction in the fourth chapter. My analyses concern two main aspects, first the question of corpus sources (or prequalification), and secondly the problem of including valid, desirable documents in a corpus (or document qualification). Last, I present work on corpus visualization consisting of extracting certain corpus characteristics in order to give indications on corpus contents and quality.Le premier chapitre s'ouvre par un description du contexte interdisciplinaire. Ensuite, le concept de corpus est présenté en tenant compte de l'état de l'art. Le besoin de disposer de preuves certes de nature linguistique mais embrassant différentes disciplines est illustré par plusieurs scénarios de recherche. Plusieurs étapes clés de la construction de corpus sont retracées, des corpus précédant l'ère digitale à la fin des années 1950 aux corpus web des années 2000 et 2010. Les continuités et changements entre la tradition en linguistique et les corpus tirés du web sont exposés.Le second chapitre rassemble des considérations méthodologiques. L'état de l'art concernant l'estimation de la qualité de textes est décrit. Ensuite, les méthodes utilisées par les études de lisibilité ainsi que par la classification automatique de textes sont résumées. Des dénominateurs communs sont isolés. Enfin, la visualisation de textes démontre l'intérêt de l'analyse de corpus pour les humanités numériques. Les raisons de trouver un équilibre entre analyse quantitative et linguistique de corpus sont abordées.Le troisième chapitre résume l'apport de la thèse en ce qui concerne la recherche sur les corpus tirés d'internet. La question de la collection des données est examinée avec une attention particulière, tout spécialement le cas des URLs sources. La notion de prétraitement des corpus web est introduite, ses étapes majeures sont brossées. L'impact des prétraitements sur le résultat est évalué. La question de la simplicité et de la reproducibilité de la construction de corpus est mise en avant.La quatrième partie décrit l'apport de la thèse du point de vue de la construction de corpus proprement dite, à travers la question des sources et le problèmes des documents invalides ou indésirables. Une approche utilisant un éclaireur léger pour préparer le parcours du web est présentée. Ensuite, les travaux concernant la sélection de documents juste avant l'inclusion dans un corpus sont résumés : il est possible d'utiliser les apports des études de lisibilité ainsi que des techniques d'apprentissage artificiel au cours de la construction du corpus. Un ensemble de caractéristiques textuelles testées sur des échantillons annotés évalue l'efficacité du procédé. Enfin, les travaux sur la visualisation de corpus sont abordés : extraction de caractéristiques à l'échelle d'un corpus afin de donner des indications sur sa composition et sa qualité

    Automation of summarization evaluation methods and their application to the summarization process

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    Summarization is the process of creating a more compact textual representation of a document or a collection of documents. In view of the vast increase in electronically available information sources in the last decade, filters such as automatically generated summaries are becoming ever more important to facilitate the efficient acquisition and use of required information. Different methods using natural language processing (NLP) techniques are being used to this end. One of the shallowest approaches is the clustering of available documents and the representation of the resulting clusters by one of the documents; an example of this approach is the Google News website. It is also possible to augment the clustering of documents with a summarization process, which would result in a more balanced representation of the information in the cluster, NewsBlaster being an example. However, while some systems are already available on the web, summarization is still considered a difficult problem in the NLP community. One of the major problems hampering the development of proficient summarization systems is the evaluation of the (true) quality of system-generated summaries. This is exemplified by the fact that the current state-of-the-art evaluation method to assess the information content of summaries, the Pyramid evaluation scheme, is a manual procedure. In this light, this thesis has three main objectives. 1. The development of a fully automated evaluation method. The proposed scheme is rooted in the ideas underlying the Pyramid evaluation scheme and makes use of deep syntactic information and lexical semantics. Its performance improves notably on previous automated evaluation methods. 2. The development of an automatic summarization system which draws on the conceptual idea of the Pyramid evaluation scheme and the techniques developed for the proposed evaluation system. The approach features the algorithm for determining the pyramid and bases importance on the number of occurrences of the variable-sized contributors of the pyramid as opposed to word-based methods exploited elsewhere. 3. The development of a text coherence component that can be used for obtaining the best ordering of the sentences in a summary

    Investigating the Selection of Example Sentences for Unknown Target Words in ICALL Reading Texts for L2 German

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsThis thesis considers possible criteria for the selection of example sentences for difficult or unknown words in reading texts for students of German as a Second Language (GSL). The examples are intended to be provided within the context of an Intelligent Computer-Aided Language Learning (ICALL) Vocabulary Learning System, where students can choose among several explanation options for difficult words. Some of these options (e.g. glosses) have received a good deal of attention in the ICALL/Second Language (L2) Acquisition literature; in contrast, literature on examples has been the near exclusive province of lexicographers. The selection of examples is explored from an educational, L2 teaching point of view: the thesis is intended as a first exploration of the question of what makes an example helpful to the L2 student from the perspective of L2 teachers. An important motivation for this work is that selecting examples from a dictionary or randomly from a corpus has several drawbacks: first, the number of available dictionary examples is limited; second, the examples fail to take into account the context in which the word was encountered; and third, the rationale and precise principles behind the selection of dictionary examples is usually less than clear. Central to this thesis is the hypothesis that a random selection of example sentences from a suitable corpus can be improved by a guided selection process that takes into account characteristics of helpful examples. This is investigated by an empirical study conducted with teachers of L2 German. The teacher data show that four dimensions are significant criteria amenable to analysis: (a) reduced syntactic complexity, (b) sentence similarity, provision of (c) significant co-occurrences and (d) semantically related words. Models based on these dimensions are developed using logistic regression analysis, and evaluated through two further empirical studies with teachers and students of L2 German. The results of the teacher evaluation are encouraging: for the teacher evaluation, they indicate that, for one of the models, the top-ranked selections perform on the same level as dictionary examples. In addition, the model provides a ranking of potential examples that roughly corresponds to that of experienced teachers of L2 German. The student evaluation confirms and notably improves on the teacher evaluation in that the best-performing model of the teacher evaluation significantly outperforms both random corpus selections and dictionary examples (when a penalty for missing entries is included)

    Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : July 20- 24, 2020 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

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    466 p.The InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM) is a reference workshop in promoting statistical modelling, applications of Statistics for researchers, academics and industrialist in a broad sense. Unfortunately, the global COVID-19 pandemic has not allowed holding the 35th edition of the IWSM in Bilbao in July 2020. Despite the situation and following the spirit of the Workshop and the Statistical Modelling Society, we are delighted to bring you the proceedings book of extended abstracts

    Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : July 20- 24, 2020 Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

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    466 p.The InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM) is a reference workshop in promoting statistical modelling, applications of Statistics for researchers, academics and industrialist in a broad sense. Unfortunately, the global COVID-19 pandemic has not allowed holding the 35th edition of the IWSM in Bilbao in July 2020. Despite the situation and following the spirit of the Workshop and the Statistical Modelling Society, we are delighted to bring you the proceedings book of extended abstracts

    Translation Policies in Legal and Institutional Settings

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    This edited volume documents the state of the art in research on translation policies in legal and institutional settings. Offering case studies of past and present translation policies from several parts of the world, it allows for a compelling comparison of attitudes towards translation in varying contexts. The book highlights the virtues of integrating different types of expertise in the study of translation policy: theoretical and applied; historical and modern; legal, institutional and political. It effectively illustrates how a multidisciplinary perspective furthers our understanding of translation policies and unveils their intrinsic link with topics such as multilingualism, linguistic justice, minority rights, and citizenship. In this way, each contribution sheds new light on the role of translation in the everyday interaction between governments and multilingual populations