173 research outputs found

    Simple Topological Drawings of kk-Planar Graphs

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    Every finite graph admits a \emph{simple (topological) drawing}, that is, a drawing where every pair of edges intersects in at most one point. However, in combination with other restrictions simple drawings do not universally exist. For instance, \emph{kk-planar graphs} are those graphs that can be drawn so that every edge has at most kk crossings (i.e., they admit a \emph{kk-plane drawing}). It is known that for k≤3k\le 3, every kk-planar graph admits a kk-plane simple drawing. But for k≥4k\ge 4, there exist kk-planar graphs that do not admit a kk-plane simple drawing. Answering a question by Schaefer, we show that there exists a function f:N→Nf : \mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N} such that every kk-planar graph admits an f(k)f(k)-plane simple drawing, for all k∈Nk\in\mathbb{N}. Note that the function ff depends on kk only and is independent of the size of the graph. Furthermore, we develop an algorithm to show that every 44-planar graph admits an 88-plane simple drawing.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2020

    On Optimal 2- and 3-Planar Graphs

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    A graph is kk-planar if it can be drawn in the plane such that no edge is crossed more than kk times. While for k=1k=1, optimal 11-planar graphs, i.e., those with nn vertices and exactly 4n−84n-8 edges, have been completely characterized, this has not been the case for k≥2k \geq 2. For k=2,3k=2,3 and 44, upper bounds on the edge density have been developed for the case of simple graphs by Pach and T\'oth, Pach et al. and Ackerman, which have been used to improve the well-known "Crossing Lemma". Recently, we proved that these bounds also apply to non-simple 22- and 33-planar graphs without homotopic parallel edges and self-loops. In this paper, we completely characterize optimal 22- and 33-planar graphs, i.e., those that achieve the aforementioned upper bounds. We prove that they have a remarkably simple regular structure, although they might be non-simple. The new characterization allows us to develop notable insights concerning new inclusion relationships with other graph classes

    Edge Partitions of Optimal 22-plane and 33-plane Graphs

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    A topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane. A topological graph is kk-plane, k>0k>0, if each edge is crossed at most kk times. We study the problem of partitioning the edges of a kk-plane graph such that each partite set forms a graph with a simpler structure. While this problem has been studied for k=1k=1, we focus on optimal 22-plane and 33-plane graphs, which are 22-plane and 33-plane graphs with maximum density. We prove the following results. (i) It is not possible to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a forest, while (ii) an edge partition formed by a 11-plane graph and two plane forests always exists and can be computed in linear time. (iii) We describe efficient algorithms to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a plane graph with maximum vertex degree 1212, or with maximum vertex degree 88 if the optimal 22-plane graph is such that its crossing-free edges form a graph with no separating triangles. (iv) We exhibit an infinite family of simple optimal 22-plane graphs such that in any edge partition composed of a 11-plane graph and a plane graph, the plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 66 and the 11-plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 1212. (v) We show that every optimal 33-plane graph whose crossing-free edges form a biconnected graph can be decomposed, in linear time, into a 22-plane graph and two plane forests

    On the Number of Edges of Fan-Crossing Free Graphs

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    A graph drawn in the plane with n vertices is k-fan-crossing free for k > 1 if there are no k+1 edges g,e1,...ekg,e_1,...e_k, such that e1,e2,...eke_1,e_2,...e_k have a common endpoint and gg crosses all eie_i. We prove a tight bound of 4n-8 on the maximum number of edges of a 2-fan-crossing free graph, and a tight 4n-9 bound for a straight-edge drawing. For k > 2, we prove an upper bound of 3(k-1)(n-2) edges. We also discuss generalizations to monotone graph properties

    Note on k-planar crossing numbers

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    The crossing number CR(G) of a graph G=(V,E) is the smallest number of edge crossings over all drawings of G in the plane. For any k≥1, the k-planar crossing number of G, CRk(G), is defined as the minimum of CR(G0)+CR(G1)+…+CR(Gk−1) over all graphs G0,G1,…,Gk−1 with ∪i=0 k−1Gi=G. It is shown that for every k≥1, we have CRk(G)≤([Formula presented]−[Formula presented])CR(G). This bound does not remain true if we replace the constant [Formula presented]−[Formula presented] by any number smaller than [Formula presented]. Some of the results extend to the rectilinear variants of the k-planar crossing number. © 2017 Elsevier B.V
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