5 research outputs found

    Learning algorithms for adaptive digital filtering

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    In this thesis, we consider the problem of parameter optimisation in adaptive digital filtering. Adaptive digital filtering can be accomplished using both Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters and Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR) filters. Adaptive FIR filtering algorithms are well established. However, the potential computational advantages of IIR filters has led to an increase in research on adaptive IIR filtering algorithms. These algorithms are studied in detail in this thesis and the limitations of current adaptive IIR filtering algorithms are identified. New approaches to adaptive IIR filtering using intelligent learning algorithms are proposed. These include Stochastic Learning Automata, Evolutionary Algorithms and Annealing Algorithms. Each of these techniques are used for the filtering problem and simulation results are presented showing the performance of the algorithms for adaptive IIR filtering. The relative merits and demerits of the different schemes are discussed. Two practical applications of adaptive IIR filtering are simulated and results of using the new adaptive strategies are presented. Other than the new approaches used, two new hybrid schemes are proposed based on concepts from genetic algorithms and annealing. It is shown with the help of simulation studies, that these hybrid schemes provide a superior performance to the exclusive use of any one scheme

    Adaptive filters for two to four wire conversion in telephony

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    The problem of inaccurate two to four wire conversion is considered, and a conprehensive survey of the transhybrid responses of 1845 subscribers' lines is carried out.Results on the optimum performance achieved by line matching techniques are presented, and a simulator which is capable of simulating actual transhybrid responses is described.The theory of continuous analog recursive adaptive filters is developed, and use of a filtered error signal is shown to considerably simplify their implementation. A simple method of estimating the gradients of the error surface is proposed. A method of modelling the behaviour of the filters is described and used to investigate the effects of these simplifications.Various filter structures are investigated in terms of suitability for use in an adaptive hybrid. The implementation of 3 types of analog adaptive filter is described, and the effects of circuit imperfections are investigated. Results are presented for the performance of the filters.A 1st order filter, having a single pole and zero, is shown to provide adequate cancelled return loss against simulated lines. However, the dynamic performance of this filter is shown to be Inadequate unless it converges from a set of stored Initial conditions. It is concluded that implementation of an analog adaptive hybrid is impractical.The effects of the process of A/D and D/A conversion on the complexity required of a digital adaptive filter are Investigated. It is shown that these effects can be simply compensated.The implementation of an experimental digital recursive adaptive filter is described, and results are presented for the performance of filters of various orders against subscribers' lines. It 1s shown that a first order pole-zero filter gives adequate static and dynamic performance when using an adaptive step size algorithm. The implementation of the digital adaptive hybrid is discussed

    Commande robuste et calibrage des systèmes de contrôle actif de vibrations

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    Dans cette thèse, nous présentons des solutions pour la conception des systèmes de contrôle actif de vibrations. Dans la première partie, des méthodes de contrôle par action anticipatrice (feedforward) sont développées. Celles-ci sont dédiées à la suppression des perturbations bande large en utilisant une image de la perturbation mesurée par un deuxième capteur, en amont de la variable de performance à minimiser. Les algorithmes présentés dans cette mémoire sont conçus pour réaliser de bonnes performances et maintenir la stabilité du système en présence du couplage positif interne qui apparaît entre le signal de commande et l'image de la perturbation. Les principales contributions de cette partie sont l'assouplissement de la condition de Stricte Positivité Réelle (SPR) par l'utilisation des algorithmes d'adaptation Intégrale + Proportionnelle et le développement de compensateurs à action anticipatrice (feedforward) sur la base de la paramétrisation Youla-Kučera. La deuxième partie de la thèse concerne le rejet des perturbations bande étroite par contre-réaction adaptative (feedback). Une méthode d'adaptation indirecte est proposée pour le rejet de plusieurs perturbations bande étroite en utilisant des filtres Stop-bande et la paramétrisation Youla-Kučera. Cette méthode utilise des Filtres Adaptatifs à Encoche en cascade pour estimer les fréquences de perturbations sinusoïdales puis des Filtres Stop-bande pour introduire des atténuations aux fréquences estimées. Les algorithmes sont vérifiés et validés sur un dispositif expérimental disponible au sein du département Automatique du laboratoire GIPSA-Lab de Grenoble.In this thesis, solutions for the design of robust Active Vibration Control (AVC) systems are presented. The thesis report is composed of two parts. In the first one, feedforward adaptive methods are developed. They are dedicated to the suppression of large band disturbances and use a measurement, correlated with the disturbance, obtained upstream from the performance variable by the use of a second transducer. The algorithms presented in this thesis are designed to achieve good performances and to maintain system stability in the presence of the internal feedback coupling which appears between the control signal and the image of the disturbance. The main contributions in this part are the relaxation of the Strictly Positive Real (SPR) condition appearing in the stability analysis of the algorithms by use of Integral + Proportional adaptation algorithms and the development of feedforward compensators for noise or vibration reduction based on the Youla-Kučera parameterization. The second part of this thesis is concerned with the negative feedback rejection of narrow band disturbances. An indirect adaptation method for the rejection of multiple narrow band disturbances using Band-Stop Filters (BSF) and the Youla-Kučera parameterization is presented. This method uses cascaded Adaptive Notch Filters (ANF) to estimate the frequencies of the disturbances' sinusoids and then, Band-stop Filters are used to shape the output sensitivity function independently, reducing the effect of each narrow band signal in the disturbance. The algorithms are verified and validated on an experimental setup available at the Control Systems Department of GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF