6 research outputs found

    An investigation into some critical computer networking parameters : Internet addressing and routing

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    This thesis describes the evaluation of several proposals suggested as replacements for the currenT Internet's TCPJIP protocol suite. The emphasis of this thesis is on how the proposals solve the current routing and addressing problems associated with the Internet. The addressing problem is found to be related to address space depletion, and the routing problem related to excessive routing costs. The evaluation is performed based on criteria selected for their applicability as future Internet design criteria. AIl the protocols are evaluated using the above-mentioned criteria. It is concluded that the most suitable addressing mechanism is an expandable multi-level format, with a logical separation of location and host identification information. Similarly, the most suitable network representation technique is found to be an unrestricted hierarchical structure which uses a suitable abstraction mechanism. It is further found that these two solutions could adequately solve the existing addressing and routing problems and allow substantial growth of the Internet

    IPv6 Deployment in a Service Provider's Data Center Network

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    Tämä diplomityö on tehty toimeksiantona Capgemini Finland Oy:lle (myöh. Capgemini). Sen tavoitteena on ottaa IPv6-protokolla käyttöön Capgeminin konesaliverkossa niin, että se on saavutettavissa Internetistä IPv4-protokollan lisäksi myös IPv6-protokollalla. Työn ensimmäisessä luvussa kerrotaan lyhyesti siitä, mitkä tämän työn taustat ja tavoitteet ovat sekä minkä ongelman ja osaongelmat se ratkaisee. Toisessa luvussa kerrotaan, mitkä IPv4-protokollan ongelmat ovat ja miksi IPv6-protokolla lopulta korvaa sen. Kolmannessa luvussa esitellään IPv6-protokollaa ja sen tukiprotokollia IETF:n (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC-dokumenttien (Request For Comments) ja kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Neljännessä luvussa perehdytään lyhyesti IPv6-protokollan tietoturvaan IPv6-käyttöönottoon liittyen ja kerrotaan, millaisia IPv6-transitiomekanismeja on olemassa. Viidennessä luvussa näytetään ensin tyypillinen palvelinkeskuksen konesaliverkon verkkotopologia ja esitellään sen jälkeen Capgeminin konesaliverkon rakenne. Kuudennessa luvussa yhdistetään Capgeminin konesaliverkko Internetiin IPv6-protokollalla ja rakennetaan Capeminin laboratorioon IPv6-testiverkko. Luvussa kehitetään myös konsepti, jolla voidaan provisioida IPv6-protokollalla toimiva www-palvelu Capgeminin konesaliverkossa mahdollisimman helposti ja kustannustehokkaasti. Lopuksi seitsemännessä luvussa käydään läpi IPv6-käyttöönoton tulokset, seuraukset ja siinä esiintyneet haasteet sekä tehdään suunnitelma siitä, mitkä ovat seuraavat askeleet IPv6-protokollan laajemmalle käyttöönotolle Capgeminin konesaliverkossa.This Master's thesis was done for Capgemini Finland Oy (later referred to as Capgemini). The objective of the thesis is to deploy the IPv6 protocol in Capgemini's data center network so that it is reachable from the Internet also via IPv6 in addition to IPv4. In the first chapter of the thesis the background and objectives of the thesis in addition to the problem it solves are discussed. In the second chapter the inadequacy of the IPv4 protocol and the reasons why IPv6 will eventually replace it are explained. In the third chapter the IPv6 base protocol and its supporting protocols are presented based on RFC (Request For Comments) documents published by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and literature. In the fourth chapter IPv6 security with respect to the IPv6 deployment and IPv6 transition mechanisms are introduced. In the fifth chapter, a typical data center network topology is first shown after which the Capgemini data center network is showcased. In the sixth chapter the Capgemini data center network is connected to the Internet via IPv6 and an IPv6 test network is set up in the Capgemini laboratory. A proof of concept to provision an IPv6 web service in the Capgemini data center network with minimal capital and operational expenditure is also developed. Finally, in the seventh chapter the results, consequences and challenges of the IPv6 deployment are reviewed and a plan is made as to what the next steps for a more comprehensive IPv6 deployment in the Capgemini data center network are

    Secure and Distributed Multicast Address Allocation on IPv6 Networks

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    Address allocation has been a limiting factor in the deployment of multicast solutions, and, as other multicast technologies advance, a general solution to this problem becomes more urgent. This study examines the current state of address allocation and finds impediments in many of the proposed solutions. A number of the weaknesses can be traced back to the rapidly ageing Internet Protocol version 4, and therefore it was decided that a new approach is required. A central part of this work relies on the newer Internet Protocol version 6, specifically the Unicast prefix based multicast address format. The primary aim of this study was to develop an architecture for secure distributed IPv6 multicast address allocation. The architecture should be usable by client applications to retrieve addresses which are globally unique. The product of this work was the Distributed Allocation Of Multicast Addresses Protocol, or DAOMAP. It is a system whichcan be deployed on nodes which wish to take part in multicast address allocation and an implementation was developed. Analysis and simulations determined that the devised model fitted the stated requirements, and security testing determinedthat DAOMAP was safe from a series of attacks.Dissertation (MSc (Computer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2006.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    Gerenciamento de autoconfiguração em redes com IPv6

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnologicoEste trabalho apresenta um estudo detalhado dos métodos de autoconfiguração propostos para o protocolo IPv6 e tem como resultado principal a implementação de MIBs que atendem às necessidades genéricas de gerenciamento destes métodos

    Hierarchical network topographical routing

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    Within the last 10 years the content consumption model that underlies many of the assumptions about traffic aggregation within the Internet has changed; the previous short burst transfer followed by longer periods of inactivity that allowed for statistical aggregation of traffic has been increasingly replaced by continuous data transfer models. Approaching this issue from a clean slate perspective; this work looks at the design of a network routing structure and supporting protocols for assisting in the delivery of large scale content services. Rather than approaching a content support model through existing IP models the work takes a fresh look at Internet routing through a hierarchical model in order to highlight the benefits that can be gained with a new structural Internet or through similar modifications to the existing IP model. The work is divided into three major sections: investigating the existing UK based Internet structure as compared to the traditional Autonomous System (AS) Internet structural model; a localised hierarchical network topographical routing model; and intelligent distributed localised service models. The work begins by looking at the United Kingdom (UK) Internet structure as an example of a current generation technical and economic model with shared access to the last mile connectivity and a large scale wholesale network between Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and the end user. This model combined with the Internet Protocol (IP) address allocation and transparency of the wholesale network results in an enforced inefficiency within the overall network restricting the ability of ISPs to collaborate. From this model a core / edge separation hierarchical virtual tree based routing protocol based on the physical network topography (layers 2 and 3) is developed to remove this enforced inefficiency by allowing direct management and control at the lowest levels of the network. This model acts as the base layer for further distributed intelligent services such as management and content delivery to enable both ISPs and third parties to actively collaborate and provide content from the most efficient source

    Forwarding on Gates: A flexible and scalable inter-network layer supporting in-network functions

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    How to design an inter-network that is flexible regarding its features and scalable at the same time? How can such an inter-network satisfy requirements from applications and subnetworks dynamically? Can routing be more flexible and balance the wishes from end user and network operators? Is there a better world beyond current IP-networks? This book answers these questions by presenting a new architecture called "Forwarding on Gates" (FoG). It exploits the advantages of a recursive reference model and does not follow the traditional OSI reference model. FoG mixes connection-oriented and connectionless aspects dynamically in order to increase its efficiency. It enables a scalable function provisioning by a flexible distribution of states between network participants. Its routing can adjust itself to an optimal trade-off between CPU and memory usage. Moreover, FoG supports new business cases and opens up a market for network-related functions, at which function provider can offer their functions to function users.Auch im Buchhandel erhältlich: Forwarding on Gates : a flexible and scalable inter-network layer supporting in-network functions / Florian Liers Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2014. - XII, 258 S. ISBN 978-3-86360-094-5 URN urn:nbn:de:gbv:ilm1-2013000657 Preis (Druckausgabe): 30,80