6 research outputs found

    On machines as living things

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    Computation and construction universality of reversible cellular automata

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    An arbitrary d-dimensional cellular automaton can be constructively embedded in areversible one having d+1 dimensions. In particular, there exist computation- and construction-universal reversible cellular automata. Thus, we explicitly show a way of implementing nontrivial irreversible processes in a reversible medium. Finally, we derive new results for the bounding problem for configurations, both in general and for reversible cellular automata

    An Undecidable Nested Recurrence Relation

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    Various pushing methods on grid graphs

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    This thesis describes algorithms for determining if a grid of switches can be turned into all-off state from any initial configuration by various methods of activation operation (push). Among these push methods, besides the regular + push, + push with no center, X push, X push with no center, and a V -typed unbalanced push are studied. The research methods used in this work are mainly linear algebra and algorithm analysis. Results obtained include that the grid m x n is completely solvable with push + no center, if and only if co-prime (m+1, n+1)

    Acta Cybernetica : Tomus 3. Fasciculus 4.

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    On some one-sided dynamics of cellular automata

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    A dynamical system consists of a space of all possible world states and a transformation of said space. Cellular automata are dynamical systems where the space is a set of one- or two-way infinite symbol sequences and the transformation is defined by a homogenous local rule. In the setting of cellular automata, the geometry of the underlying space allows one to define one-sided variants of some dynamical properties; this thesis considers some such one-sided dynamics of cellular automata. One main topic are the dynamical concepts of expansivity and that of pseudo-orbit tracing property. Expansivity is a strong form of sensitivity to the initial conditions while pseudo-orbit tracing property is a type of approximability. For cellular automata we define one-sided variants of both of these concepts. We give some examples of cellular automata with these properties and prove, for example, that right-expansive cellular automata are chain-mixing. We also show that left-sided pseudo-orbit tracing property together with right-sided expansivity imply that a cellular automaton has the pseudo-orbit tracing property. Another main topic is conjugacy. Two dynamical systems are conjugate if, in a dynamical sense, they are the same system. We show that for one-sided cellular automata conjugacy is undecidable. In fact the result is stronger and shows that the relations of being a factor or a susbsystem are undecidable, too