7,564 research outputs found

    SPLASH: Learnable Activation Functions for Improving Accuracy and Adversarial Robustness

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    We introduce SPLASH units, a class of learnable activation functions shown to simultaneously improve the accuracy of deep neural networks while also improving their robustness to adversarial attacks. SPLASH units have both a simple parameterization and maintain the ability to approximate a wide range of non-linear functions. SPLASH units are: 1) continuous; 2) grounded (f(0) = 0); 3) use symmetric hinges; and 4) the locations of the hinges are derived directly from the data (i.e. no learning required). Compared to nine other learned and fixed activation functions, including ReLU and its variants, SPLASH units show superior performance across three datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100) and four architectures (LeNet5, All-CNN, ResNet-20, and Network-in-Network). Furthermore, we show that SPLASH units significantly increase the robustness of deep neural networks to adversarial attacks. Our experiments on both black-box and open-box adversarial attacks show that commonly-used architectures, namely LeNet5, All-CNN, ResNet-20, and Network-in-Network, can be up to 31% more robust to adversarial attacks by simply using SPLASH units instead of ReLUs

    SPLASH: Learnable Activation Functions for Improving Accuracy and Adversarial Robustness

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    We introduce SPLASH units, a class of learnable activation functions shown to simultaneously improve the accuracy of deep neural networks while also improving their robustness to adversarial attacks. SPLASH units have both a simple parameterization and maintain the ability to approximate a wide range of non-linear functions. SPLASH units are: (1) continuous; (2) grounded (f(0)=0 ); (3) use symmetric hinges; and (4) their hinges are placed at fixed locations which are derived from the data (i.e. no learning required). Compared to nine other learned and fixed activation functions, including ReLU and its variants, SPLASH units show superior performance across three datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100) and four architectures (LeNet5, All-CNN, ResNet-20, and Network-in-Network). Furthermore, we show that SPLASH units significantly increase the robustness of deep neural networks to adversarial attacks. Our experiments on both black-box and white-box adversarial attacks show that commonly-used architectures, namely LeNet5, All-CNN, Network-in-Network, and ResNet-20, can be up to 31% more robust to adversarial attacks by simply using SPLASH units instead of ReLUs. Finally, we show the benefits of using SPLASH activation functions in bigger architectures designed for non-trivial datasets such as ImageNet

    (Compress and Restore)^N: a Robust Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on Image Classification

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    Modern image classification approaches often rely on deep neural networks, which have shown pronounced weakness to adversarial examples: images corrupted with specifically designed yet imperceptible noise that causes the network to misclassify. In this paper, we propose a conceptually simple yet robust solution to tackle adversarial attacks on image classification. Our defense works by first applying a JPEG compression with a random quality factor; compression artifacts are subsequently removed by means of a generative model (AR-GAN). The process can be iterated ensuring the image is not degraded and hence the classification not compromised. We train different AR-GANs for different compression factors, so that we can change its parameters dynamically at each iteration depending on the current compression, making the gradient approximation difficult. We experiment our defense against three white-box and two black-box attacks, with a particular focus on the state-of-the-art BPDA attack. Our method does not require any adversarial training, and is independent of both the classifier and the attack. Experiments demonstrate that dynamically changing the AR-GAN parameters is of fundamental importance to obtain significant robustness

    Adversarial Defense by Restricting the Hidden Space of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which can fool them by adding minuscule perturbations to the input images. The robustness of existing defenses suffers greatly under white-box attack settings, where an adversary has full knowledge about the network and can iterate several times to find strong perturbations. We observe that the main reason for the existence of such perturbations is the close proximity of different class samples in the learned feature space. This allows model decisions to be totally changed by adding an imperceptible perturbation in the inputs. To counter this, we propose to class-wise disentangle the intermediate feature representations of deep networks. Specifically, we force the features for each class to lie inside a convex polytope that is maximally separated from the polytopes of other classes. In this manner, the network is forced to learn distinct and distant decision regions for each class. We observe that this simple constraint on the features greatly enhances the robustness of learned models, even against the strongest white-box attacks, without degrading the classification performance on clean images. We report extensive evaluations in both black-box and white-box attack scenarios and show significant gains in comparison to state-of-the art defenses.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201
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