28 research outputs found


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    Pada teori himpunan fuzzy terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengukur kesamaan dua himpunan salah satunya yaitu menggunakan metode intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS). Sehingga penelitian ini, diperkenalkan Ukuran Kesamaan Hamming yang dinormalisasi untuk Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS).  Menggunakan metode ini, diperoleh perhitungan pemilihan skincare terbaik. Produk Skincare yang dipilih untuk mendukung penelitian ini yaitu Wardah, Skin Aqua, Emina, The Body Shop, dan Garnier.  Penilaian Skincare terbaik terbagi menjadi lima kriteria yaitu berdasarkan kandungan, kemasan, Kesesuaian terhadap jenis kulit, skincare aman (lulus uji BPOM), dan yang terakhir kecocokan terhadap kulit. Hasil pengolahan data, skincare yang menduduki peringkat pertama yaitu Skin Aqua dan The Body Shop. Skincare yang menduduki peringkat kedua yaitu Wardah. Skincare yang menduduki peringkat ketiga yaitu Garnier. Skincare yang menduduki peringkat terakhir yaitu Emina. Kata Kunci: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi Sets (IFMS), Skincare, Pemilihan Skincar

    Automatic leukocyte nucleus segmentation by intuitionistic fuzzy divergence based thresholding

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    The paper proposes a robust approach to automatic segmentation of leukocyte‟s nucleus from microscopic blood smear images under normal as well as noisy environment by employing a new exponential intuitionistic fuzzy divergence based thresholding technique. The algorithm minimizes the divergence between the actual image and the ideally thresholded image to search for the final threshold. A new divergence formula based on exponential intuitionistic fuzzy entropy has been proposed. Further, to increase its noise handling capacity, a neighborhood-based membership function for the image pixels has been designed. The proposed scheme has been applied on 110 normal and 54 leukemia (chronic myelogenous leukemia) affected blood samples. The nucleus segmentation results have been validated by three expert haematologists. The algorithm achieves an average segmentation accuracy of 98.52% in noise-free environment. It beats the competitor algorithms in terms of several other metrics. The proposed scheme with neighborhood based membership function outperforms the competitor algorithms in terms of segmentation accuracy under noisy environment. It achieves 93.90% and 94.93% accuracies for Speckle and Gaussian noises respectively. The average area under the ROC curves comes out to be 0.9514 in noisy conditions, which proves the robustness of the proposed algorithm

    A New Approach to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision Making Based on Projection Technology and Cosine Similarity Measure

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    For a multi-attribute decision making (MADM) problem, the information of alternatives under different attributes is given in the form of intuitionistic fuzzy number(IFN). Intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) plays an important role in dealing with un-certain and incomplete information. The similarity measure of intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) has always been a research hotspot. A new similarity measure of IFSs based on the projection technology and cosine similarity measure, which con-siders the direction and length of IFSs at the same time, is first proposed in this paper. The objective of the presented pa-per is to develop a MADM method and medical diagnosis method under IFS using the projection technology and cosine similarity measure. Some examples are used to illustrate the comparison results of the proposed algorithm and some exist-ing methods. The comparison result shows that the proposed algorithm is effective and can identify the optimal scheme accurately. In medical diagnosis area, it can be used to quickly diagnose disease. The proposed method enriches the exist-ing similarity measure methods and it can be applied to not only IFSs, but also other interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets(IVIFSs) as well

    Environmental Adaptation of Construction Barriers under Intuitionistic Fuzzy Theory

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    The project of construction barriers removal is a comprehensive planning task and it demands a suitable support for identification, and priority ranking of facilities necessary for barriers removal. This paper proposes a multicirteria Intuitionistic Fuzzy (IF) ELECTRE model to support decision makers in the process of managing of removal project of construction barriers for physically disabled in high schools. IF ELECTRE approach is used to deal with complex problems, where decision-makers have ambiguities and dualities in evaluation of considered solution. Hereby 17 high schools are defined and seven criteria are determined by decision-makers. These criteria are further used for the alternatives assessments. Each DM is also evaluated by linguistic and numerical values, assigning them this way an importance according to their background and the years of experience. The Intuitionistic Fuzzy Weighted Average (IFWA) operator is calculated to achieve aggregated alternatives evaluations. Furthermore, concordance and discordance sets and indexes are calculated to obtain dominance matrix and final ranking of schools for the construction barriers removal. The model is validated on high schools in the city of Split. Using IF theory, the given problematic can be operated more effectively by diminishing the inaccuracy of available information

    A New Similarity Measure between Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Its Application to Pattern Recognition

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    As a generation of ordinary fuzzy set, the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS), characterized both by a membership degree and by a nonmembership degree, is a more flexible way to cope with the uncertainty. Similarity measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets are used to indicate the similarity degree between intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Although many similarity measures for intuitionistic fuzzy sets have been proposed in previous studies, some of those cannot satisfy the axioms of similarity or provide counterintuitive cases. In this paper, a new similarity measure and weighted similarity measure between IFSs are proposed. It proves that the proposed similarity measures satisfy the properties of the axiomatic definition for similarity measures. Comparison between the previous similarity measures and the proposed similarity measure indicates that the proposed similarity measure does not provide any counterintuitive cases. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the proposed similarity measure is capable of discriminating difference between patterns

    Intuitionistic fuzzy similarity measures and their role in classification

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    We present some similarity and distance measures between intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). Thus, we propose two semi-metric distance measures between IFSs. The measures are applied to classification of shapes and handwritten Arabic sentences described with intuitionistic fuzzy information. The experimental results permitted to do a comparative analysis between intuitionistic fuzzy similarity and distance measures, which can facilitate the selection of such measure in similar applications

    Developing an integrated AHP and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS methodology

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    U ovom se istraživanju daje pregled analitičkog hijerarhijskog postupka (AHP) i intuicijskih FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) metoda. Rad se bavi procjenom metodologije zasnovane na AHP-IFT gdje se nesigurnosti opisuju lingvističkim vrijednostima. Najprije se problem izbora dobavljača formulira primjenom AHP, a zatim se koristi za određivanje težina kriterija. Kasnije se IFT koristi za postizanje rangiranja među alternativama temeljenim na mišljenju donositelja odluka (DMs). Ovaj model omogućuje točnu i laku klasifikaciju svojstava dobavljača prema tome kako su rangirani u hibridnom modelu. Daje se numerički primjer kako bi se objasnio glavni dobiveni rezultat u radu.This research gives an overview of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) methods. This study deals with an evaluation methodology based on the AHP-IFT where the uncertainties are handled with linguistic values. First, the supplier selection problem is formulated using AHP and, then, it is used to determine the weights of the criteria. Later, IFT is used to obtain full- ranking among alternatives based on opinion of the Decision Makers (DMs). The present model provides an accurate and easy classification in supplier attributes by those that have been prioritized in the hybrid model. A numerical example is given to clarify the main developed result in this paper

    Developing an integrated AHP and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS methodology

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    U ovom se istraživanju daje pregled analitičkog hijerarhijskog postupka (AHP) i intuicijskih FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) metoda. Rad se bavi procjenom metodologije zasnovane na AHP-IFT gdje se nesigurnosti opisuju lingvističkim vrijednostima. Najprije se problem izbora dobavljača formulira primjenom AHP, a zatim se koristi za određivanje težina kriterija. Kasnije se IFT koristi za postizanje rangiranja među alternativama temeljenim na mišljenju donositelja odluka (DMs). Ovaj model omogućuje točnu i laku klasifikaciju svojstava dobavljača prema tome kako su rangirani u hibridnom modelu. Daje se numerički primjer kako bi se objasnio glavni dobiveni rezultat u radu.This research gives an overview of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Intuitionistic FuzzyTOPSIS (IFT) methods. This study deals with an evaluation methodology based on the AHP-IFT where the uncertainties are handled with linguistic values. First, the supplier selection problem is formulated using AHP and, then, it is used to determine the weights of the criteria. Later, IFT is used to obtain full- ranking among alternatives based on opinion of the Decision Makers (DMs). The present model provides an accurate and easy classification in supplier attributes by those that have been prioritized in the hybrid model. A numerical example is given to clarify the main developed result in this paper