2 research outputs found

    Automatic leukocyte nucleus segmentation by intuitionistic fuzzy divergence based thresholding

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    The paper proposes a robust approach to automatic segmentation of leukocyte‟s nucleus from microscopic blood smear images under normal as well as noisy environment by employing a new exponential intuitionistic fuzzy divergence based thresholding technique. The algorithm minimizes the divergence between the actual image and the ideally thresholded image to search for the final threshold. A new divergence formula based on exponential intuitionistic fuzzy entropy has been proposed. Further, to increase its noise handling capacity, a neighborhood-based membership function for the image pixels has been designed. The proposed scheme has been applied on 110 normal and 54 leukemia (chronic myelogenous leukemia) affected blood samples. The nucleus segmentation results have been validated by three expert haematologists. The algorithm achieves an average segmentation accuracy of 98.52% in noise-free environment. It beats the competitor algorithms in terms of several other metrics. The proposed scheme with neighborhood based membership function outperforms the competitor algorithms in terms of segmentation accuracy under noisy environment. It achieves 93.90% and 94.93% accuracies for Speckle and Gaussian noises respectively. The average area under the ROC curves comes out to be 0.9514 in noisy conditions, which proves the robustness of the proposed algorithm

    Studi tentang pengoperasian turbo generator 300 MW di PLTU Gresik

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    PLTU Gresik merupakan pusat pembangkit yang terkoneksi di Jawa Timur memerlukan perhatian yang khusus didalam mengatasi pengaruh perubahan beban. Dimana perubahan beban berpengaruh terhadap putaran, debit uap, tekanan uap, debit bahan bakar dan udara pembakaran, air yang disalurkan Boiler Feed Pump (BFP) dan air pendingin pada condenser. Sedangkan putaran turbin harus dijaga konstan agar listrik yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Karena itu diperlukan suatu pengoperasian baik secara otomatis maupun manual untuk mengatasinya. Dengan itu maka input-input dari proses konversi energi listrik yang terjadi pada PLTU Gresik, yang meliputi bahan bakar, udara untuk pembakaran yang dimasukkan FD Fan, air yang disalurkan BFP dan air pendingin untuk condenser harus sesuai dengan perubahan yang terjadi agar putaran turbin konstan. Dimana input-input dari proses konversi energi untuk tiap 1 KWH adalah sebagai berikut: - Bahan bakar : 0.3 kg /KWH - Udara untuk pembakaran : 4 kg/KWH - Air yang disalurkan BFP : 3.3 kg/KWH - Air pendingin pada condenser : 150 liter /KW