912 research outputs found

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Toward Concept-Based Text Understanding and Mining

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    There is a huge amount of text information in the world, written in natural languages. Most of the text information is hard to access compared with other well-structured information sources such as relational databases. This is because reading and understanding text requires the ability to disambiguate text fragments at several levels, syntactically and semantically, abstracting away details and using background knowledge in a variety of ways. One possible solution to these problems is to implement a framework of concept-based text understanding and mining, that is, a mechanism of analyzing and integrating segregated information, and a framework of organizing, indexing, accessing textual information centered around real-world concepts. A fundamental difficulty toward this goal is caused by the concept ambiguity of natural language. In text, the real-world entities are referred using their names. The variability in writing a given concept, along with the fact that different concepts/enities may have very similar writings, poses a significant challenge to progress in text understanding and mining. Supporting concept-based natural language understanding requires resolving conceptual ambiguity, and in particular, identifying whether different mentions of real world entities, within and across documents, actually represent the same concept. This thesis systematically studies this fundamental problem. We study and propose different machine learning techniques to address different aspects of this problem and show that as more information can be exploited, the learning techniques developed accordingly, can continuously improve the identification accuracy. In addition, we extend our global probabilistic model to address a significant application -- semantic integration between text and databases

    Building a semantic search engine with games and crowdsourcing

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    Semantic search engines aim at improving conventional search with semantic information, or meta-data, on the data searched for and/or on the searchers. So far, approaches to semantic search exploit characteristics of the searchers like age, education, or spoken language for selecting and/or ranking search results. Such data allow to build up a semantic search engine as an extension of a conventional search engine. The crawlers of well established search engines like Google, Yahoo! or Bing can index documents but, so far, their capabilities to recognize the intentions of searchers are still rather limited. Indeed, taking into account characteristics of the searchers considerably extend both, the quantity of data to analyse and the dimensionality of the search problem. Well established search engines therefore still focus on general search, that is, "search for all", not on specialized search, that is, "search for a few". This thesis reports on techniques that have been adapted or conceived, deployed, and tested for building a semantic search engine for the very specific context of artworks. In contrast to, for example, the interpretation of X-ray images, the interpretation of artworks is far from being fully automatable. Therefore artwork interpretation has been based on Human Computation, that is, a software-based gathering of contributions by many humans. The approach reported about in this thesis first relies on so called Games With A Purpose, or GWAPs, for this gathering: Casual games provide an incentive for a potentially unlimited community of humans to contribute with their appreciations of artworks. Designing convenient incentives is less trivial than it might seem at first. An ecosystem of games is needed so as to collect the meta-data on artworks intended for. One game generates the data that can serve as input of another game. This results in semantically rich meta-data that can be used for building up a successful semantic search engine. Thus, a first part of this thesis reports on a "game ecosystem" specifically designed from one known game and including several novel games belonging to the following game classes: (1) Description Games for collecting obvious and trivial meta-data, basically the well-known ESP (for extra-sensorial perception) game of Luis von Ahn, (2) the Dissemination Game Eligo generating translations, (3) the Diversification Game Karido aiming at sharpening differences between the objects, that is, the artworks, interpreted and (3) the Integration Games Combino, Sentiment and TagATag that generate structured meta-data. Secondly, the approach to building a semantic search engine reported about in this thesis relies on Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). More precisely, the data and meta-data on artworks gathered with the afore mentioned GWAPs are collected in a tensor, that is a mathematical structure generalising matrices to more than only two dimensions, columns and rows. The dimensions considered are the artwork descriptions, the players, and the artwork themselves. A Higher-Order SVD of this tensor is first used for noise reduction in This thesis reports also on deploying a Higher-Order LSA. The parallel Higher-Order SVD algorithm applied for the Higher-Order LSA and its implementation has been validated on an application related to, but independent from, the semantic search engine for artworks striven for: image compression. This thesis reports on the surprisingly good image compression which can be achieved with Higher-Order SVD. While compression methods based on matrix SVD for each color, the approach reported about in this thesis relies on one single (higher-order) SVD of the whole tensor. This results in both, better quality of the compressed image and in a significant reduction of the memory space needed. Higher-Order SVD is extremely time-consuming what calls for parallel computation. Thus, a step towards automatizing the construction of a semantic search engine for artworks was parallelizing the higher-order SVD method used and running the resulting parallel algorithm on a super-computer. This thesis reports on using Hestenes’ method and R-SVD for parallelising the higher-order SVD. This method is an unconventional choice which is explained and motivated. As of the super-computer needed, this thesis reports on turning the web browsers of the players or searchers into a distributed parallel computer. This is done by a novel specific system and a novel implementation of the MapReduce data framework to data parallelism. Harnessing the web browsers of the players or searchers saves computational power on the server-side. It also scales extremely well with the number of players or searchers because both, playing with and searching for artworks, require human reflection and therefore results in idle local processors that can be brought together into a distributed super-computer.Semantische Suchmaschinen dienen der Verbesserung konventioneller Suche mit semantischen Informationen, oder Metadaten, zu Daten, nach denen gesucht wird, oder zu den Suchenden. Bisher nutzt Semantische Suche Charakteristika von Suchenden wie Alter, Bildung oder gesprochene Sprache fĂŒr die Auswahl und/oder das Ranking von Suchergebnissen. Solche Daten erlauben den Aufbau einer Semantischen Suchmaschine als Erweiterung einer konventionellen Suchmaschine. Die Crawler der fest etablierten Suchmaschinen wie Google, Yahoo! oder Bing können Dokumente indizieren, bisher sind die FĂ€higkeiten eher beschrĂ€nkt, die Absichten von Suchenden zu erkennen. TatsĂ€chlich erweitert die BerĂŒcksichtigung von Charakteristika von Suchenden betrĂ€chtlich beides, die Menge an zu analysierenden Daten und die DimensionalitĂ€t des Such-Problems. Fest etablierte Suchmaschinen fokussieren deswegen stark auf allgemeine Suche, also "Suche fĂŒr alle", nicht auf spezialisierte Suche, also "Suche fĂŒr wenige". Diese Arbeit berichtet von Techniken, die adaptiert oder konzipiert, eingesetzt und getestet wurden, um eine semantische Suchmaschine fĂŒr den sehr speziellen Kontext von Kunstwerken aufzubauen. Im Gegensatz beispielsweise zur Interpretation von Röntgenbildern ist die Interpretation von Kunstwerken weit weg davon gĂ€nzlich automatisiert werden zu können. Deswegen basiert die Interpretation von Kunstwerken auf menschlichen Berechnungen, also Software-basiertes Sammeln von menschlichen BeitrĂ€gen. Der Ansatz, ĂŒber den in dieser Arbeit berichtet wird, beruht auf sogenannten "Games With a Purpose" oder GWAPs die folgendes sammeln: Zwanglose Spiele bieten einen Anreiz fĂŒr eine potenziell unbeschrĂ€nkte Gemeinde von Menschen, mit Ihrer WertschĂ€tzung von Kunstwerken beizutragen. Geeignete Anreize zu entwerfen in weniger trivial als es zuerst scheinen mag. Ein Ökosystem von Spielen wird benötigt, um Metadaten gedacht fĂŒr Kunstwerke zu sammeln. Ein Spiel erzeugt Daten, die als Eingabe fĂŒr ein anderes Spiel dienen können. Dies resultiert in semantisch reichhaltigen Metadaten, die verwendet werden können, um eine erfolgreiche Semantische Suchmaschine aufzubauen. Deswegen berichtet der erste Teil dieser Arbeit von einem "Spiel-Ökosystem", entwickelt auf Basis eines bekannten Spiels und verschiedenen neuartigen Spielen, die zu verschiedenen Spiel-Klassen gehören. (1) Beschreibungs-Spiele zum Sammeln offensichtlicher und trivialer Metadaten, vor allem dem gut bekannten ESP-Spiel (Extra Sensorische Wahrnehmung) von Luis von Ahn, (2) dem Verbreitungs-Spiel Eligo zur Erzeugung von Übersetzungen, (3) dem Diversifikations-Spiel Karido, das Unterschiede zwischen Objekten, also interpretierten Kunstwerken, schĂ€rft und (3) Integrations-Spiele Combino, Sentiment und Tag A Tag, die strukturierte Metadaten erzeugen. Zweitens beruht der Ansatz zum Aufbau einer semantischen Suchmaschine, wie in dieser Arbeit berichtet, auf SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung (SVD) höherer Ordnung. PrĂ€ziser werden die Daten und Metadaten ĂŒber Kunstwerk gesammelt mit den vorher genannten GWAPs in einem Tensor gesammelt, einer mathematischen Struktur zur Generalisierung von Matrizen zu mehr als zwei Dimensionen, Spalten und Zeilen. Die betrachteten Dimensionen sind die Beschreibungen der Kunstwerke, die Spieler, und die Kunstwerke selbst. Eine SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung dieses Tensors wird zuerst zur Rauschreduktion verwendet nach der Methode der sogenannten Latenten Semantischen Analyse (LSA). Diese Arbeit berichtet auch ĂŒber die Anwendung einer LSA höherer Ordnung. Der parallele Algorithmus fĂŒr SingulĂ€rwertzerlegungen höherer Ordnung, der fĂŒr LSA höherer Ordnung verwendet wird, und seine Implementierung wurden validiert an einer verwandten aber von der semantischen Suche unabhĂ€ngig angestrebten Anwendung: Bildkompression. Diese Arbeit berichtet von ĂŒberraschend guter Kompression, die mit SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung erzielt werden kann. Neben Matrix-SVD-basierten Kompressionsverfahren fĂŒr jede Farbe, beruht der Ansatz wie in dieser Arbeit berichtet auf einer einzigen SVD (höherer Ordnung) auf dem gesamten Tensor. Dies resultiert in beidem, besserer QualitĂ€t von komprimierten Bildern und einer signifikant geringeren des benötigten Speicherplatzes. SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung ist extrem zeitaufwĂ€ndig, was parallele Berechnung verlangt. Deswegen war ein Schritt in Richtung Aufbau einer semantischen Suchmaschine fĂŒr Kunstwerke eine Parallelisierung der verwendeten SVD höherer Ordnung auf einem Super-Computer. Diese Arbeit berichtet vom Einsatz der Hestenes’-Methode und R-SVD zur Parallelisierung der SVD höherer Ordnung. Diese Methode ist eine unkonventionell Wahl, die erklĂ€rt und motiviert wird. Ab nun wird ein Super-Computer benötigt. Diese Arbeit berichtet ĂŒber die Wandlung der Webbrowser von Spielern oder Suchenden in einen verteilten Super-Computer. Dies leistet ein neuartiges spezielles System und eine neuartige Implementierung des MapReduce Daten-Frameworks fĂŒr Datenparallelismus. Das Einspannen der Webbrowser von Spielern und Suchenden spart server-seitige Berechnungskraft. Ebenso skaliert die Berechnungskraft so extrem gut mit der Spieleranzahl oder Suchenden, denn beides, Spiel mit oder Suche nach Kunstwerken, benötigt menschliche Reflektion, was deswegen zu ungenutzten lokalen Prozessoren fĂŒhrt, die zu einem verteilten Super-Computer zusammengeschlossen werden können

    Spoken content retrieval: A survey of techniques and technologies

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    Speech media, that is, digital audio and video containing spoken content, has blossomed in recent years. Large collections are accruing on the Internet as well as in private and enterprise settings. This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval. Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR). SCR research initially investigated planned speech structured in document-like units, but has subsequently shifted focus to more informal spoken content produced spontaneously, outside of the studio and in conversational settings. This survey provides an overview of the field of SCR encompassing component technologies, the relationship of SCR to text IR and automatic speech recognition and user interaction issues. It is aimed at researchers with backgrounds in speech technology or IR who are seeking deeper insight on how these fields are integrated to support research and development, thus addressing the core challenges of SCR

    NLP Driven Models for Automatically Generating Survey Articles for Scientific Topics.

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    This thesis presents new methods that use natural language processing (NLP) driven models for summarizing research in scientific fields. Given a topic query in the form of a text string, we present methods for finding research articles relevant to the topic as well as summarization algorithms that use lexical and discourse information present in the text of these articles to generate coherent and readable extractive summaries of past research on the topic. In addition to summarizing prior research, good survey articles should also forecast future trends. With this motivation, we present work on forecasting future impact of scientific publications using NLP driven features.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113407/1/rahuljha_1.pd

    Supporting Source Code Search with Context-Aware and Semantics-Driven Query Reformulation

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    Software bugs and failures cost trillions of dollars every year, and could even lead to deadly accidents (e.g., Therac-25 accident). During maintenance, software developers fix numerous bugs and implement hundreds of new features by making necessary changes to the existing software code. Once an issue report (e.g., bug report, change request) is assigned to a developer, she chooses a few important keywords from the report as a search query, and then attempts to find out the exact locations in the software code that need to be either repaired or enhanced. As a part of this maintenance, developers also often select ad hoc queries on the fly, and attempt to locate the reusable code from the Internet that could assist them either in bug fixing or in feature implementation. Unfortunately, even the experienced developers often fail to construct the right search queries. Even if the developers come up with a few ad hoc queries, most of them require frequent modifications which cost significant development time and efforts. Thus, construction of an appropriate query for localizing the software bugs, programming concepts or even the reusable code is a major challenge. In this thesis, we overcome this query construction challenge with six studies, and develop a novel, effective code search solution (BugDoctor) that assists the developers in localizing the software code of interest (e.g., bugs, concepts and reusable code) during software maintenance. In particular, we reformulate a given search query (1) by designing novel keyword selection algorithms (e.g., CodeRank) that outperform the traditional alternatives (e.g., TF-IDF), (2) by leveraging the bug report quality paradigm and source document structures which were previously overlooked and (3) by exploiting the crowd knowledge and word semantics derived from Stack Overflow Q&A site, which were previously untapped. Our experiment using 5000+ search queries (bug reports, change requests, and ad hoc queries) suggests that our proposed approach can improve the given queries significantly through automated query reformulations. Comparison with 10+ existing studies on bug localization, concept location and Internet-scale code search suggests that our approach can outperform the state-of-the-art approaches with a significant margin

    Knowledge mining over scientific literature and technical documentation

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    Abstract This dissertation focuses on the extraction of information implicitly encoded in domain descriptions (technical terminology and related items) and its usage within a restricted-domain question answering system (QA). Since different variants of the same term can be used to refer to the same domain entity, it is necessary to recognize all possible forms of a given term and structure them, so that they can be used in the question answering process. The knowledge about domain descriptions and their mutual relations is leveraged in an extension to an existing QA system, aimed at the technical maintenance manual of a well-known commercial aircraft. The original version of the QA system did not make use of domain descriptions, which are the novelty introduced by the present work. The explicit treatment of domain descriptions provided considerable gains in terms of efficiency, in particular in the process of analysis of the background document collection. Similar techniques were later applied to another domain (biomedical scientific literature), focusing in particular on protein- protein interactions. This dissertation describes in particular: (1) the extraction of domain specific lexical items which refer to entities of the domain; (2) the detection of relationships (like synonymy and hyponymy) among such items, and their organization into a conceptual structure; (3) their usage within a domain restricted question answering system, in order to facilitate the correct identification of relevant answers to a query; (4) the adaptation of the system to another domain, and extension of the basic hypothesis to tasks other than question answering. Zusammenfassung Das Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Extraktion von Information, welche implizit in technischen Terminologien und Ă€hnlichen Ressourcen enthalten ist, sowie ihre Anwendung in einem Antwortextraktionssystem (AE). Da verschiedene Varianten desselben Terms verwendet werden können, um auf den gleichen Begriff zu verweisen, ist die Erkennung und Strukturierung aller möglichen Formen Voraussetzung fĂŒr den Einsatz in einem AE-System. Die Kenntnisse ĂŒber Terme und deren Relationen werden in einem AE System angewandt, welches auf dem Wartungshandbuch eines bekannten Verkehrsflugzeug fokussiert. Die ursprĂŒngliche Version des Systems hatte keine explizite Behandlung von Terminologie. Die explizite Behandlung von Terminologie lieferte eine beachtliche Verbesserung der Effizienz des Systems, insbesondere was die Analyse der zugrundeliegenden Dokumentensammlung betrifft. Ähnliche Methodologien wurden spĂ€ter auf einer anderen DomĂ€ne angewandt (biomedizinische Literatur), mit einen besonderen Fokus auf Interaktionen zwischen Proteinen. Diese Dissertation beschreibt insbesondere: (1) die Extraktion der Terminologie (2) die Identifikation der Relationen zwischen Termen (wie z.B. Synonymie und Hyponymie) (3) deren Verwendung in einen AE System (4) die Portierung des Systems auf eine andere DomĂ€ne

    Exploiting Wikipedia Semantics for Computing Word Associations

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    Semantic association computation is the process of automatically quantifying the strength of a semantic connection between two textual units based on various lexical and semantic relations such as hyponymy (car and vehicle) and functional associations (bank and manager). Humans have can infer implicit relationships between two textual units based on their knowledge about the world and their ability to reason about that knowledge. Automatically imitating this behavior is limited by restricted knowledge and poor ability to infer hidden relations. Various factors affect the performance of automated approaches to computing semantic association strength. One critical factor is the selection of a suitable knowledge source for extracting knowledge about the implicit semantic relations. In the past few years, semantic association computation approaches have started to exploit web-originated resources as substitutes for conventional lexical semantic resources such as thesauri, machine readable dictionaries and lexical databases. These conventional knowledge sources suffer from limitations such as coverage issues, high construction and maintenance costs and limited availability. To overcome these issues one solution is to use the wisdom of crowds in the form of collaboratively constructed knowledge sources. An excellent example of such knowledge sources is Wikipedia which stores detailed information not only about the concepts themselves but also about various aspects of the relations among concepts. The overall goal of this thesis is to demonstrate that using Wikipedia for computing word association strength yields better estimates of humans' associations than the approaches based on other structured and unstructured knowledge sources. There are two key challenges to achieve this goal: first, to exploit various semantic association models based on different aspects of Wikipedia in developing new measures of semantic associations; and second, to evaluate these measures compared to human performance in a range of tasks. The focus of the thesis is on exploring two aspects of Wikipedia: as a formal knowledge source, and as an informal text corpus. The first contribution of the work included in the thesis is that it effectively exploited the knowledge source aspect of Wikipedia by developing new measures of semantic associations based on Wikipedia hyperlink structure, informative-content of articles and combinations of both elements. It was found that Wikipedia can be effectively used for computing noun-noun similarity. It was also found that a model based on hybrid combinations of Wikipedia structure and informative-content based features performs better than those based on individual features. It was also found that the structure based measures outperformed the informative content based measures on both semantic similarity and semantic relatedness computation tasks. The second contribution of the research work in the thesis is that it effectively exploited the corpus aspect of Wikipedia by developing a new measure of semantic association based on asymmetric word associations. The thesis introduced the concept of asymmetric associations based measure using the idea of directional context inspired by the free word association task. The underlying assumption was that the association strength can change with the changing context. It was found that the asymmetric association based measure performed better than the symmetric measures on semantic association computation, relatedness based word choice and causality detection tasks. However, asymmetric-associations based measures have no advantage for synonymy-based word choice tasks. It was also found that Wikipedia is not a good knowledge source for capturing verb-relations due to its focus on encyclopedic concepts specially nouns. It is hoped that future research will build on the experiments and discussions presented in this thesis to explore new avenues using Wikipedia for finding deeper and semantically more meaningful associations in a wide range of application areas based on humans' estimates of word associations
