1,885 research outputs found

    Determination of Formant Features in Czech and Slovak for GMM Emotional Speech Classifier

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    The paper is aimed at determination of formant features (FF) which describe vocal tract characteristics. It comprises analysis of the first three formant positions together with their bandwidths and the formant tilts. Subsequently, the statistical evaluation and comparison of the FF was performed. This experiment was realized with the speech material in the form of sentences of male and female speakers expressing four emotional states (joy, sadness, anger, and a neutral state) in Czech and Slovak languages. The statistical distribution of the analyzed formant frequencies and formant tilts shows good differentiation between neutral and emotional styles for both voices. Contrary to it, the values of the formant 3-dB bandwidths have no correlation with the type of the speaking style or the type of the voice. These spectral parameters together with the values of the other speech characteristics were used in the feature vector for Gaussian mixture models (GMM) emotional speech style classifier that is currently developed. The overall mean classification error rate achieves about 18 %, and the best obtained error rate is 5 % for the sadness style of the female voice. These values are acceptable in this first stage of development of the GMM classifier that should be used for evaluation of the synthetic speech quality after applied voice conversion and emotional speech style transformation

    Speaker-sex discrimination for voiced and whispered vowels at short durations

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    Whispered vowels, produced with no vocal fold vibration, lack the periodic temporal fine structure which in voiced vowels underlies the perceptual attribute of pitch (a salient auditory cue to speaker sex). Voiced vowels possess no temporal fine structure at very short durations (below two glottal cycles). The prediction was that speaker-sex discrimination performance for whispered and voiced vowels would be similar for very short durations but, as stimulus duration increases, voiced vowel performance would improve relative to whispered vowel performance as pitch information becomes available. This pattern of results was shown for women’s but not for men’s voices. A whispered vowel needs to have a duration three times longer than a voiced vowel before listeners can reliably tell whether it’s spoken by a man or woman (∼30 ms vs. ∼10 ms). Listeners were half as sensitive to information about speaker-sex when it is carried by whispered compared with voiced vowels

    Generalized Perceptual Linear Prediction (gPLP) Features for Animal Vocalization Analysis

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    A new feature extraction model, generalized perceptual linear prediction (gPLP), is developed to calculate a set of perceptually relevant features for digital signal analysis of animalvocalizations. The gPLP model is a generalized adaptation of the perceptual linear prediction model, popular in human speech processing, which incorporates perceptual information such as frequency warping and equal loudness normalization into the feature extraction process. Since such perceptual information is available for a number of animal species, this new approach integrates that information into a generalized model to extract perceptually relevant features for a particular species. To illustrate, qualitative and quantitative comparisons are made between the species-specific model, generalized perceptual linear prediction (gPLP), and the original PLP model using a set of vocalizations collected from captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and wild beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). The models that incorporate perceptional information outperform the original human-based models in both visualization and classification tasks

    Role of Selected Spectral Attributes in the Perception of Synthetic Vowels

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    This thesis is an experimental study regarding the identification and discrimination of vowels, studied using synthetic stimuli. The acoustic attributes of synthetic stimuli vary, which raises the question of how different spectral attributes are linked to the behaviour of the subjects. The spectral attributes used are formants and spectral moments (centre of gravity, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Two types of experiments are used, related to the identification and discrimination of the stimuli, respectively. The discrimination is studied by using both the attentive procedures that require a response from the subject, and the preattentive procedures that require no response. Together, the studies offer information about the identification and discrimination of synthetic vowels in 15 different languages. Furthermore, this thesis discusses the role of various spectral attributes in the speech perception processes. The thesis is divided into three studies. The first is based only on attentive methods, whereas the other two concentrate on the relationship between identification and discrimination experiments. The neurophysiological methods (EEG recordings) reveal the role of attention in processing, and are used in discrimination experiments, while the results reveal differences in perceptual processes based on the language, attention and experimental procedure.Siirretty Doriast

    Percepcijska utemeljenost kepstranih mjera udaljenosti za primjene u obradi govora

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    Currently, one of the most widely used distance measures in speech and speaker recognition is the Euclidean distance between mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC). MFCCs are based on filter bank algorithm whose filters are equally spaced on a perceptually motivated mel frequency scale. The value of mel cepstral vector, as well as the properties of the corresponding cepstral distance, are determined by several parameters used in mel cepstral analysis. The aim of this work is to examine compatibility of MFCC measure with human perception for different values of parameters in the analysis. By analysing mel filter bank parameters it is found that filter bank with 24 bands, 220 mels bandwidth and band overlap coefficient equal and higher than one gives optimal spectral distortion (SD) distance measures. For this kind of mel filter bank, the difference between vowels can be recognised for full-length mel cepstral SD RMS measure higher than 0.4 - 0.5 dB. Further on, we will show that usage of truncated mel cepstral vector (12 coefficients) is justified for speech recognition, but may be arguable for speaker recognition. We also analysed the impact of aliasing in cepstral domain on cepstral distortion measures. The results showed high correlation of SD distances calculated from aperiodic and periodic mel cepstrum, leading to the conclusion that the impact of aliasing is generally minor. There are rare exceptions where aliasing is present, and these were also analysed.Jedna od danas najčešće korištenih mjera u automatskom prepoznavanju govora i govornika je mjera euklidske udaljenosti MFCC vektora. Algoritam za izračunavanje mel frekvencijskih kepstralnih koeficijenata zasniva se na filtarskom slogu kod kojeg su pojasi ekvidistantno raspoređeni na percepcijski motiviranoj mel skali. Na vrijednost mel kepstralnog vektora, a samim time i na svojstva kepstralne mjere udaljenosti glasova, utječe veći broj parametara sustava za kepstralnu analizu. Tema ovog rada je ispitati usklađenost MFCC mjere sa stvarnim percepcijskim razlikama za različite vrijednosti parametara analize. Analizom parametara mel filtarskog sloga utvrdili smo da filtar sa 24 pojasa, širine 220 mel-a i faktorom preklapanja filtra većim ili jednakim jedan, daje optimalne SD mjere koje se najbolje slažu s percepcijom. Za takav mel filtarski slog granica čujnosti razlike između glasova je 0.4-0.5 dB, mjereno SD RMS razlikom potpunih mel kepstralnih vektora. Također, pokazat ćemo da je korištenje mel kepstralnog vektora odrezanog na konačnu dužinu (12 koeficijenata) opravdano za prepoznavanje govora, ali da bi moglo biti upitno u primjenama prepoznavanja govornika. Analizirali smo i utjecaj preklapanja spektara u kepstralnoj domeni na mjere udaljenosti glasova. Utvrđena je izrazita koreliranost SD razlika izračunatih iz aperiodskog i periodičkog mel kepstra iz čega zaključujemo da je utjecaj preklapanja spektara generalno zanemariv. Postoje rijetke iznimke kod kojih je utjecaj preklapanja spektara prisutan, te su one posebno analizirane

    A Comparative Study of Spectral Peaks Versus Global Spectral Shape as Invariant Acoustic Cues for Vowels

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    The primary objective of this study was to compare two sets of vowel spectral features, formants and global spectral shape parameters, as invariant acoustic cues to vowel identity. Both automatic vowel recognition experiments and perceptual experiments were performed to evaluate these two feature sets. First, these features were compared using the static spectrum sampled in the middle of each steady-state vowel versus features based on dynamic spectra. Second, the role of dynamic and contextual information was investigated in terms of improvements in automatic vowel classification rates. Third, several speaker normalizing methods were examined for each of the feature sets. Finally, perceptual experiments were performed to determine whether vowel perception is more correlated with formants or global spectral shape. Results of the automatic vowel classification experiments indicate that global spectral shape features contain more information than do formants. For both feature sets, dynamic features are superior to static features. Spectral features spanning a time interval beginning with the start of the on-glide region of the acoustic vowel segment and ending at the end of the off-glide region of the acoustic vowel segment are required for maximum vowel recognition accuracy. Speaker normalization of both static and dynamic features can also be used to improve the automatic vowel recognition accuracy. Results of the perceptual experiments with synthesized vowel segments indicate that if formants are kept fixed, global spectral shape can, at least for some conditions, be modified such that the synthetic speech token will be perceived according to spectral shape cues rather than formant cues. This result implies that overall spectral shape may be more important perceptually than the spectral prominences represented by the formants. The results of this research contribute to a fundamental understanding of the information-encoding process in speech. The signal processing techniques used and the acoustic features found in this study can also be used to improve the preprocessing of acoustic signals in the front-end of automatic speech recognition systems

    An Approach to Extract Feature Using MFCC for Isolated Word in Speaker Identification System

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    The speech is the prominent and natural form of communication among human being. There are different aspects related to speech like speaker identification, speaker recognition, Automatic speech recognition(ASR), speech synthesis etc. The purpose of this work is to study speaker identification system using Hidden markov Model (HMM).The goal of Speaker Identification System (SIS) is to determine which speaker is speaking based on spoken information. The system uses Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients(MFCC) for feature extraction , HMM for pattern training and viterbi techniques. The success of MFCC combined with their robust and cost effective combination turned them into a standard choice in speaker identification system.HMM and viterbi decoding provide a highly reliable way of recognizing odia speech

    Color and texture associations in voice-induced synesthesia

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    Voice-induced synesthesia, a form of synesthesia in which synesthetic perceptions are induced by the sounds of people's voices, appears to be relatively rare and has not been systematically studied. In this study we investigated the synesthetic color and visual texture perceptions experienced in response to different types of “voice quality” (e.g., nasal, whisper, falsetto). Experiences of three different groups—self-reported voice synesthetes, phoneticians, and controls—were compared using both qualitative and quantitative analysis in a study conducted online. Whilst, in the qualitative analysis, synesthetes used more color and texture terms to describe voices than either phoneticians or controls, only weak differences, and many similarities, between groups were found in the quantitative analysis. Notable consistent results between groups were the matching of higher speech fundamental frequencies with lighter and redder colors, the matching of “whispery” voices with smoke-like textures, and the matching of “harsh” and “creaky” voices with textures resembling dry cracked soil. These data are discussed in the light of current thinking about definitions and categorizations of synesthesia, especially in cases where individuals apparently have a range of different synesthetic inducers

    Asymmetric discrimination of non-speech tonal analogues of vowels

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    Published in final edited form as: J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2019 February ; 45(2): 285–300. doi:10.1037/xhp0000603.Directional asymmetries reveal a universal bias in vowel perception favoring extreme vocalic articulations, which lead to acoustic vowel signals with dynamic formant trajectories and well-defined spectral prominences due to the convergence of adjacent formants. The present experiments investigated whether this bias reflects speech-specific processes or general properties of spectral processing in the auditory system. Toward this end, we examined whether analogous asymmetries in perception arise with non-speech tonal analogues that approximate some of the dynamic and static spectral characteristics of naturally-produced /u/ vowels executed with more versus less extreme lip gestures. We found a qualitatively similar but weaker directional effect with two-component tones varying in both the dynamic changes and proximity of their spectral energies. In subsequent experiments, we pinned down the phenomenon using tones that varied in one or both of these two acoustic characteristics. We found comparable asymmetries with tones that differed exclusively in their spectral dynamics, and no asymmetries with tones that differed exclusively in their spectral proximity or both spectral features. We interpret these findings as evidence that dynamic spectral changes are a critical cue for eliciting asymmetries in non-speech tone perception, but that the potential contribution of general auditory processes to asymmetries in vowel perception is limited.Accepted manuscrip

    Speaker sex identification and vowel identification in the absence of glottal source characteristics : an honors thesis ([HONRS] 499)

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    According to Coleman (1971), "Differences in vocal pitch have been generally accepted as the acoustic cue that distinguishes between male and female speakers." A speaker's fundamental frequency is the primary determinant of the perceived pitch of his or her voice. The average fundamental frequency of the female voice is 260 Hertz and the average fundamental frequency of the male voice is 130 Hertz. "...a listener presumably makes a probability estimate of the speaker's sex based on the pitch of that particular voice as compared towhat he already knows about the pitch ranges of men and women." (Coleman, 1971) These presumptions, however, have been disputed by Coleman (1971, 1973), who found that removal of laryngeal cues, i.e., pitch cues, has little effect on the identification of the speaker's sex, especially with regard to the male voice.Part I of this study will attempt to further investigate Coleman's findings by having listeners decide whether a tape recorded voice (with laryngeal cue removed) is male or female. This will be accomplished by having a group of listeners identify the sex of four speakers from a tape recording of sentences produced by male and female speakers using an artificial larynx. Studies of Peterson and Barney (1952), Lehiste and Meltzer (1973), and others, have looked at the importance of formants in identifying spoken vowels. Ingemann (1968) and Schwartz and Rine (1968) have studied the ability of listeners to distinguish voiceless fricatives auditorily and have discussed the influence of the size of the vocal tract in the identification of voiceless fricatives.Part II of this study will attempt to determine if the size of the vocal tract in front of the constriction made in the formation of vowels has an influence on the accuracy of vowel identification. More specifically, an attempt will be made to determine whether or not, with the removal of normal laryngeal cues, back vowels are easier to recognize than front vowels in isolation, and which vowels are of greatest assistance in identification of the speaker's sex. This will be accomplished by having a group of listeners identify the vowel being said and the sex of the speaker from a tape recording of isolated vowels produced by male and female speakers using an artificial larynx.Thesis (B.?.)Honors Colleg