26 research outputs found

    Visualization for management of electronics product composition

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    There are some systems called supply chain management system or value chain management system that manages production. It is a powerful tool in normal cases, but in a problem such that some parts are out of stock, it can solve the problem only by simple solutions, like postponing shipping of the product because it does not have enough information about production and functions to use the various information. Our research is concerned with a system to integrate information about production and show a solution to help users to judge which way is better to solve the problem. We implemented a prototype system. It takes inputs of some information that were not integrated in one place in former systems, but distributed among systems, people, or sections. It shows a solution for a problem making use of the information integrated in the system. The solution comes as process of reasoning to help user to judge what is the best to do in the case. We also implemented the user interface to show the process of reasoning.</p

    Completeness and Termination of SLDNF-Resolution and Determination of a Selection function using Mode

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    We consider a mode of an n-ary predicate symbol with respect to a logic program, which meets the aim of logic programming and captures the spirit of unification as arguments passing mechanism. We prove that the SLDNF-resolution which resolves a non-ground negative literal is complete for an interesting class of logic programs using this mode. To obviously do such a proof we do consider terms modulo variable renaming and map a logic program with a goal to an allowed logic program with an allowed goal, since it is well-known that the SLDNF-resolution is complete for the class of allowed logic programs with allowed goals [Kunen89]. The termination of the SLDNF-resolution is studied using a sophisticated selection function which only chooses those literals and clauses that are applicable in the sense that using such literals and clauses the SLDNF-resolution would not be infinite, if a finite SLDNF-resolution does exist

    A linear axiomatization of negation as failure

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    AbstractThis paper is concerned with the axiomatization of success and failure in propositional logic programming. It deals with the actual implementation of SLDNF in PROLOG, as opposed to the general nondeterministic SLDNF evaluation method. Given any propositional program P, a linear theory LTP is defined (the linear translation of P) and the following results are proved for any literal A: soundness of PROLOG evaluation (if the goal A PROLOG-succeeds on P, then LTP⊢lin A, and if A PROLOG-fails on P, then LTP⊢lin A⊥), and completeness of PROLOG evaluation (if LTP⊢lin A, then the goal A PROLOG-succeeds on P, and if LTP⊢lin A⊥, then A PROLOG-fails on P). Here ⊢lin means provability in linear logic, and A⊥ is the linear negation of A

    A Complete Axiomatization of the Three valued Completion of Logic Programs

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    We prove the completeness of extended SLDNF-resolution for the new class of e-programs with respect to the three-valued completion of a logic program. Not only the class of allowed programs but also the class of definite programs are contained in the class of ε-programs. To understand better the three-valued completion of a logic program we introduce a formal system for three-valued logic in which one can derive exactly the three-valued consequences of the completion of a logic program. The system is proof theoretically interesting, since it is a fragment of Gentzen's sequent calculus L

    Equivalence-preserving first-order unfold/fold transformation systems

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    AbstractTwo unfold/fold transformation systems for first-order programs, one basic and the other extended, are presented. The systems comprise an unfolding rule, a folding rule and a replacement rule. They are intended to work with a first-order theory Δ specifying the meaning of primitives, on top of which new relations are built by programs. They preserve the provability relationship Δ ∪ Γ ⊬ G between a call-consistent program Γ and a goal formula G such that Γ is strict with respect to G. They also preserve the logical consequence relationship in three-valued logic