3,337 research outputs found

    Multi-electrode nerve cuff recording - model analysis of the effects of finite cuff length

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    The effect of finite cuff length on the signals recorded by electrodes at different positions along the nerve was analysed in a model study. Relations were derived using a one-dimensional model. These were evaluated in a more realistic axially symmetric 3D model. This evaluation indicated that the cuff appeared shorter because of edge effects at the beginning and end of the cuff. The method for velocity selective filtering introduced by Donaldson was subsequently analysed. In this method, velocity selective filtering is achieved by summing the signals of subsequent tripoles after applying time shifts tuned to a certain conduction velocity. It was also found that the optimum electrode distance for a given cuff length for maximum summed RMS of symmetrical tripoles in the cuff is larger than when evaluating peak-peak amplitudes of single fibre action potentials. Velocity selective filtering yields better selectivity when using symmetrical tripoles, but may yield larger signal RMS when using the wider asymmetrical tripoles, potentially allowing for shorter cuffs. It is speculated that application of a multi-electrode reference may improve velocity selectivity for asymmetrical tripoles

    On the identification of sensory information from mixed nerves by using single-channel cuff electrodes

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    Background: Several groups have shown that the performance of motor neuroprostheses can be significantly improved by detecting specific sensory events related to the ongoing motor task (e.g., the slippage of an object during grasping). Algorithms have been developed to achieve this goal by processing electroneurographic (ENG) afferent signals recorded by using single-channel cuff electrodes. However, no efforts have been made so far to understand the number and type of detectable sensory events that can be differentiated from whole nerve recordings using this approach. Methods: To this aim, ENG afferent signals, evoked by different sensory stimuli were recorded using single-channel cuff electrodes placed around the sciatic nerve of anesthetized rats. The ENG signals were digitally processed and several features were extracted and used as inputs for the classification. The work was performed on integral datasets, without eliminating any noisy parts, in order to be as close as possible to real application. Results: The results obtained showed that single-channel cuff electrodes are able to provide information on two to three different afferent (proprioceptive, mechanical and nociceptive) stimuli, with reasonably good discrimination ability. The classification performances are affected by the SNR of the signal, which in turn is related to the diameter of the fibers encoding a particular type of neurophysiological stimulus. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that signals of acceptable SNR and corresponding to different physiological modalities (e.g. mediated by different types of nerve fibers) may be distinguished

    Separability of neural responses to standardised mechanical stimulation of limbs

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    Abstract Considerable scientific and technological efforts are currently being made towards the development of neural prostheses. Understanding how the peripheral nervous system responds to electro-mechanical stimulation of the limb, will help to inform the design of prostheses that can restore function or accelerate recovery from injury to the sensory motor system. However, due to differences in experimental protocols, it is difficult, if not impossible, to make meaningful comparisons between different peripheral nerve interfaces. Therefore, we developed a low-cost electronic system to standardise the mechanical stimulation of a rat’s hindpaw. Three types of mechanical stimulations, namely, proprioception, touch and nociception were delivered to the limb and the electroneurogram signals were recorded simultaneously from the sciatic nerve with a 16-contact cuff electrode. For the first time, results indicate separability of neural responses according to stimulus type as well as intensity. Statistical analysis reveal that cuff contacts placed circumferentially, rather than longitudinally, are more likely to lead to higher classification rates. This flexible setup may be readily adapted for systematic comparison of various electrodes and mechanical stimuli in rodents. Hence, we have made its electro-mechanical design and computer programme available onlin

    Tutorial: A guide to techniques for analysing recordings from the peripheral nervous system

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    The nervous system, through a combination of conscious and automatic processes, enables the regulation of the body and its interactions with the environment. The peripheral nervous system is an excellent target for technologies that seek to modulate, restore or enhance these abilities as it carries sensory and motor information that most directly relates to a target organ or function. However, many applications require a combination of both an effective peripheral nerve interface and effective signal processing techniques to provide selective and stable recordings. While there are many reviews on the design of peripheral nerve interfaces, reviews of data analysis techniques and translational considerations are limited. Thus, this tutorial aims to support new and existing researchers in the understanding of the general guiding principles, and introduces a taxonomy for electrode configurations, techniques and translational models to consider

    Sacral root afferent nerve signals for a bladder neuroprosthesis:from animal model to human

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    Development Of Carbon Based Neural Interface For Neural Stimulation/recording And Neurotransmitter Detection

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    Electrical stimulation and recording of neural cells have been widely used in basic neuroscience studies, neural prostheses, and clinical therapies. Stable neural interfaces that effectively communicate with the nervous system via electrodes are of great significance. Recently, flexible neural interfaces that combine carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and soft polymer substrates have generated tremendous interests. CNT based microelectrode arrays (MEAs) have shown enhanced electrochemical properties compared to commonly used electrode materials such as tungsten, platinum or titanium nitride. On the other hand, the soft polymer substrate can overcome the mechanical mismatch between the traditional rigid electrodes (or silicon shank) and the soft tissues for chronic use. However, most fabrication techniques suffer from low CNT yield, bad adhesion, and limited controllability. In addition, the electrodes were covered by randomly distributed CNTs in most cases. In this study, a novel fabrication method combining XeF2 etching and parylene deposition was presented to integrate the high quality vertical CNTs grown at high temperature with the heat sensitive parylene substrate in a highly controllable manner. Lower stimulation threshold voltage and higher signal to noise ratio have been demonstrated using vertical CNTs bundles compared to a Pt electrode and other randomly distributed CNT films. Adhesion has also been greatly improved. The work has also been extended to develop cuff shaped electrode for peripheral nerve stimulation. Fast scan cyclic voltammetry is an electrochemical detection technique suitable for in-vivo neurotransmitter detection because of the miniaturization, fast time response, good sensitivity and selectivity. Traditional single carbon fiber microelectrode has been limited to single detection for in-vivo application. Alternatively, pyrolyzed photoresist film (PPF) is a good candidate for this application as they are readily compatible with the microfabrication process for precise fabrication of microelectrode arrays. By the oxygen plasma treatment of photoresist prior to pyrolysis, we obtained carbon fiber arrays. Good sensitivity in dopamine detection by this carbon fiber arrays and improved adhesion have been demonstrated

    Electromyogram Interference Reduction In Neural Signal Recording Using Simple RC Compensation Circuits

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    Neuroprosthesis can partially restore lost motor functionalities of individuals such as bladder voiding using functional electrical stimulation (FES) techniques. FES involves applying pattern of electrical current pulses using implanted electrodes to trigger affected nerves that are damaged due to paralysis. A neural signal recorded using tripolar cuff electrodes is significantly contaminated due to the presence of EMG interference from the surrounding muscles. Conventional neural amplifiers are unable to remove such interferences and modifications to the design are required. The modification to the design of the Quasi-tripole (QT) amplifier is considered in this work to minimise the EMG interferences from neural signal recording. The analogy between this modified version of QT known as mQT and Wheatstone bridge claims to neutralise the EMG interference by adding compensation circuit to either end of the outer electrodes of the tripolar cuff and therefore balancing the bridge. In this work, we present simple 3 and 2 stage RC compensation circuits to minimise EMG interference in trying to balance the bridge in the neural frequency band of interest (500-10kHz). It is shown that simple RC compensation circuit in series reduces EMG interference only at the spot frequency rather than linearly in the entire frequency band of interest. However, two and three stages RC ladder compensation circuits mimicking electrode-electrolyte interface, can minimize the EMG interference linearly in the entire frequency band of interest, without requiring any readjustment to their components. The aim is to minimise EMG interference as close to null as possible. Invitro testing of about 20% imbalanced cuff electrode with proposed 3 and 2 stage RC ladder compensation circuits resulted in linear EMG interference reduction atleast by a factor of 6. On an average, this yielded an improvement of above 80% EMG minimisation, in contrast to above 90% observed in the optimisation results, when 1Ω transimpedance (EMG) was introduced into the setup. Further improvements to the setup and design can give more promising results in reliable neural signal recording for FES applications

    Innovative neurophysiological mechanisms and technologies for VNS in refractory epilepsy

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    Enhancing selectivity of minimally invasive peripheral nerve interfaces using combined stimulation and high frequency block: from design to application

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    The discovery of the excitable property of nerves was a fundamental step forward in our knowledge of the nervous system and our ability to interact with it. As the injection of charge into tissue can drive its artificial activation, devices have been conceived that can serve healthcare by substituting the input or output of the peripheral nervous system when damage or disease has rendered it inaccessible or its action pathological. Applications are far-ranging and transformational as can be attested by the success of neuroprosthetics such as the cochlear implant. However, the body’s immune response to invasive implants have prevented the use of more selective interfaces, leading to therapy side-effects and off-target activation. The inherent tradeoff between the selectivity and invasiveness of neural interfaces, and the consequences thereof, is still a defining problem for the field. More recently, continued research into how nervous tissue responds to stimulation has led to the discovery of High Frequency Alternating Current (HFAC) block as a stimulation method with inhibitory effects for nerve conduction. While leveraging the structure of the peripheral nervous system, this neuromodulation technique could be a key component in efforts to improve the selectivity-invasiveness tradeoff and provide more effective neuroprosthetic therapy while retaining the safety and reliability of minimally invasive neural interfaces. This thesis describes work investigating the use of HFAC block to improve the selectivity of peripheral nerve interfaces, towards applications such as bladder control or vagus nerve stimulation where selective peripheral nerve interfaces cannot be used, and yet there is an unmet need for more selectivity from stimulation-based therapy. An overview of the underlying neuroanatomy and electrophysiology of the peripheral nervous system combined with a review of existing electrode interfaces and electrochemistry will serve to inform the problem space. Original contributions are the design of a custom multi-channel stimulator able to combine conventional and high frequency stimulation, establishing a suitable experimental platform for ex-vivo electrophysiology of the rat sciatic nerve model for HFAC block, and exploratory experiments to determine the feasibility of using HFAC block in combination with conventional stimulation to enhance the selectivity of minimally-invasive peripheral nerve interfaces.Open Acces
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