383 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging

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    Among medical imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging stands out due to its temporal resolution. Owing to the nature of medical ultrasound imaging, it has been used for not only observation of the morphology of living organs but also functional imaging, such as blood flow imaging and evaluation of the cardiac function. Ultrafast ultrasound imaging, which has recently become widely available, significantly increases the opportunities for medical functional imaging. Ultrafast ultrasound imaging typically enables imaging frame-rates of up to ten thousand frames per second (fps). Due to the extremely high temporal resolution, this enables visualization of rapid dynamic responses of biological tissues, which cannot be observed and analyzed by conventional ultrasound imaging. This Special Issue includes various studies of improvements to the performance of ultrafast ultrasoun

    Low Cost 3D Flow Estimation in Medical Ultrasound

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    abstract: Medical ultrasound imaging is widely used today because of it being non-invasive and cost-effective. Flow estimation helps in accurate diagnosis of vascular diseases and adds an important dimension to medical ultrasound imaging. Traditionally flow estimation is done using Doppler-based methods which only estimate velocity in the beam direction. Thus when blood vessels are close to being orthogonal to the beam direction, there are large errors in the estimation results. In this dissertation, a low cost blood flow estimation method that does not have the angle dependency of Doppler-based methods, is presented. First, a velocity estimator based on speckle tracking and synthetic lateral phase is proposed for clutter-free blood flow. Speckle tracking is based on kernel matching and does not have any angle dependency. While velocity estimation in axial dimension is accurate, lateral velocity estimation is challenging due to reduced resolution and lack of phase information. This work presents a two tiered method which estimates the pixel level movement using sum-of-absolute difference, and then estimates the sub-pixel level using synthetic phase information in the lateral dimension. Such a method achieves highly accurate velocity estimation with reduced complexity compared to a cross correlation based method. The average bias of the proposed estimation method is less than 2% for plug flow and less than 7% for parabolic flow. Blood is always accompanied by clutter which originates from vessel wall and surrounding tissues. As magnitude of the blood signal is usually 40-60 dB lower than magnitude of the clutter signal, clutter filtering is necessary before blood flow estimation. Clutter filters utilize the high magnitude and low frequency features of clutter signal to effectively remove them from the compound (blood + clutter) signal. Instead of low complexity FIR filter or high complexity SVD-based filters, here a power/subspace iteration based method is proposed for clutter filtering. Excellent clutter filtering performance is achieved for both slow and fast moving clutters with lower complexity compared to SVD-based filters. For instance, use of the proposed method results in the bias being less than 8% and standard deviation being less than 12% for fast moving clutter when the beam-to-flow-angle is 90o90^o. Third, a flow rate estimation method based on kernel power weighting is proposed. As the velocity estimator is a kernel-based method, the estimation accuracy degrades near the vessel boundary. In order to account for kernels that are not fully inside the vessel, fractional weights are given to these kernels based on their signal power. The proposed method achieves excellent flow rate estimation results with less than 8% bias for both slow and fast moving clutters. The performance of the velocity estimator is also evaluated for challenging models. A 2D version of our two-tiered method is able to accurately estimate velocity vectors in a spinning disk as well as in a carotid bifurcation model, both of which are part of the synthetic aperture vector flow imaging (SA-VFI) challenge of 2018. In fact, the proposed method ranked 3rd in the challenge for testing dataset with carotid bifurcation. The flow estimation method is also evaluated for blood flow in vessels with stenosis. Simulation results show that the proposed method is able to estimate the flow rate with less than 9% bias.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Ultrasound Matrix Imaging. II. The distortion matrix for aberration correction over multiple isoplanatic patches

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    This is the second article in a series of two which report on a matrix approach for ultrasound imaging in heterogeneous media. This article describes the quantification and correction of aberration, i.e. the distortion of an image caused by spatial variations in the medium speed-of-sound. Adaptive focusing can compensate for aberration, but is only effective over a restricted area called the isoplanatic patch. Here, we use an experimentally-recorded matrix of reflected acoustic signals to synthesize a set of virtual transducers. We then examine wave propagation between these virtual transducers and an arbitrary correction plane. Such wave-fronts consist of two components: (i) An ideal geometric wave-front linked to diffraction and the input focusing point, and; (ii) Phase distortions induced by the speed-of-sound variations. These distortions are stored in a so-called distortion matrix, the singular value decomposition of which gives access to an optimized focusing law at any point. We show that, by decoupling the aberrations undergone by the outgoing and incoming waves and applying an iterative strategy, compensation for even high-order and spatially-distributed aberrations can be achieved. As a proof-of-concept, ultrasound matrix imaging (UMI) is applied to the in-vivo imaging of a human calf. A map of isoplanatic patches is retrieved and is shown to be strongly correlated with the arrangement of tissues constituting the medium. The corresponding focusing laws yield an ultrasound image with an optimal contrast and a transverse resolution close to the ideal value predicted by diffraction theory. UMI thus provides a flexible and powerful route towards computational ultrasound.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Automatic Ultrasound Scanning

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    Fast Plane Wave Imaging

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    Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Matrix Imaging

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    Matrix imaging paves the way towards a next revolution in wave physics. Based on the response matrix recorded between a set of sensors, it enables an optimized compensation of aberration phenomena and multiple scattering events that usually drastically hinder the focusing process in heterogeneous media. Although it gave rise to spectacular results in optical microscopy or seismic imaging, the success of matrix imaging has been so far relatively limited with ultrasonic waves because wave control is generally only performed with a linear array of transducers. In this paper, we extend ultrasound matrix imaging to a 3D geometry. Switching from a 1D to a 2D probe enables a much sharper estimation of the transmission matrix that links each transducer and each medium voxel. Here, we first present an experimental proof of concept on a tissue-mimicking phantom through ex-vivo tissues and then, show the potential of 3D matrix imaging for transcranial applications.Comment: 60 pages, 14 figure

    Machine Learning for Beamforming in Audio, Ultrasound, and Radar

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    Multi-sensor signal processing plays a crucial role in the working of several everyday technologies, from correctly understanding speech on smart home devices to ensuring aircraft fly safely. A specific type of multi-sensor signal processing called beamforming forms a central part of this thesis. Beamforming works by combining the information from several spatially distributed sensors to directionally filter information, boosting the signal from a certain direction but suppressing others. The idea of beamforming is key to the domains of audio, ultrasound, and radar. Machine learning is the other central part of this thesis. Machine learning, and especially its sub-field of deep learning, has enabled breakneck progress in tackling several problems that were previously thought intractable. Today, machine learning powers many of the cutting edge systems we see on the internet for image classification, speech recognition, language translation, and more. In this dissertation, we look at beamforming pipelines in audio, ultrasound, and radar from a machine learning lens and endeavor to improve different parts of the pipelines using ideas from machine learning. We start off in the audio domain and derive a machine learning inspired beamformer to tackle the problem of ensuring the audio captured by a camera matches its visual content, a problem we term audiovisual zooming. Staying in the audio domain, we then demonstrate how deep learning can be used to improve the perceptual qualities of speech by denoising speech clipping, codec distortions, and gaps in speech. Transitioning to the ultrasound domain, we improve the performance of short-lag spatial coherence ultrasound imaging by exploiting the differences in tissue texture at each short lag value by applying robust principal component analysis. Next, we use deep learning as an alternative to beamforming in ultrasound and improve the information extraction pipeline by simultaneously generating both a segmentation map and B-mode image of high quality directly from raw received ultrasound data. Finally, we move to the radar domain and study how deep learning can be used to improve signal quality in ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar by suppressing radio frequency interference, random spectral gaps, and contiguous block spectral gaps. By training and applying the networks on raw single-aperture data prior to beamforming, it can work with myriad sensor geometries and different beamforming equations, a crucial requirement in synthetic aperture radar

    Imaging Sensors and Applications

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    In past decades, various sensor technologies have been used in all areas of our lives, thus improving our quality of life. In particular, imaging sensors have been widely applied in the development of various imaging approaches such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, X-ray imaging, and nuclear imaging, and contributed to achieve high sensitivity, miniaturization, and real-time imaging. These advanced image sensing technologies play an important role not only in the medical field but also in the industrial field. This Special Issue covers broad topics on imaging sensors and applications. The scope range of imaging sensors can be extended to novel imaging sensors and diverse imaging systems, including hardware and software advancements. Additionally, biomedical and nondestructive sensing applications are welcome
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