9 research outputs found

    Robustness analysis of fractional order PID for an electrical aerial platform

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    This work was performed to objectively measure and assess the robustness and tracking performance of fractional order of proportional, integral and derivative (FOPID) controller as compared to the conventional PID control. In satellite research and development, the satellite undergoes numerous tests such as thermal, acoustic and vibration tests in the cleanroom environment. However, due to space limitation in the cleanroom and the sensitive components of the satellite, it requires vibration-free, smooth and precise motion when handling the satellite. In addition, measurement interference might occur due to cable routing during procedures or tasks performed by an operator. Unlike the previous work, the robustness analysis of FOPID controller was not systematically conducted. In this paper, the analysis took into account the actuator dynamics, and various tests were considered to measure the robustness of FOPID controller. The designed FOPID controller was implemented on the scissor-type lifting mechanism of motorized adjustable vertical platform (MAVeP) model, and its performance was compared with the traditional PID controller. A comprehensive verification using MATLAB and Solidworks was carried out to generate the model and conduct the analysis. Both controllers were initially tuned using Nichol-Ziegler technique, and the additional FOPID controller parameters was tuned using the Astrom-Hagglund method. From the simulation work, it was found that the FOPID controller’s tracking error was reduced between 10 % - 50 % for the disturbance rejection tests and reference to disturbance ratio (RDR) spectrum was higher as compared to PID. The analysis in this paper was predicted to be the main driver to implement FOPID controller in the complex system in the industry, especially for sensitive material handling and transportation such as satellite

    Nonlinear and robust control strategy based on chemotherapy to minimize the HIV concentration in blood plasma

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    "A nonlinear PI-type control strategy is designed in order to minimize the HIV concentration in blood plasma, via medical drug injection, under the framework of bounded uncertain input disturbances. For control design it is considered a simplified mathematical model of the virus infection as a benchmark. The model is based on mass balances of healthy cells, infected cells, and the virus concentrations. The proposed controller contains a nonlinear feedback PI structure of bounded functions of the regulation error. The closed-loop stability of the system is analyzed via Lyapunov technique, in which robustness against system disturbances is demonstrated. Numerical experiments show a satisfactory performance of the proposed methodology as a HIV therapy, in which the virion particles and the infected CD4+T cells are minimized and, as an interesting result, the drug dosage can be suspended, thus avoiding drug resistance from the virus. Finally, the proposed controller is compared to a standard sliding-mode and hyperbolic tangent controllers showing better performance.

    An improved neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controller with sigmoid-based secretion rate for nonlinear multi-input–multi-output crane systems

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    This paper proposes an improved neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controller for nonlinear multi-input–multi-output crane systems using a sigmoid-based secretion rate of the hormone regulation. The main advantage of the sigmoid-based secretion rate neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative is that the hormone secretion rate of neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative can be varied according to the change of error. As a result, it can provide high accuracy control performance, especially in nonlinear multi-input–multi-output crane systems. In particular, the hormone secretion rate is designed to adapt with the changes of error using a sigmoid function, thus contributing to enhanced control accuracy. The parameters of the sigmoid-based secretion rate neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controller are tuned using the safe experimentation dynamics algorithm. The performance of the proposed sigmoid-based secretion rate neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controller-based safe experimentation dynamics algorithm is evaluated by tracking the error and the control input. In addition, the performances of proportional–integral–derivative and neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controllers are compared with the proposed sigmoid-based secretion rate neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative performance. From the simulation work, it is discovered that the sigmoid-based secretion rate neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative design provides better control performances in terms of the objective function, the total norm of error and the total norm of input compared to proportional–integral–derivative and neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controllers. In particular, it is shown the proposed sigmoid-based secretion rate neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controller contributes 5.12% of control accuracy improvement by changing the fixed hormone secretion rate into a variable hormone secretion rate based on the change of error

    Time-varying sliding mode controller for heat exchanger with dragonfly algorithm

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    This article proposes the design of a sliding mode controller with a time-varying sliding surface for the plate heat exchanger. A time-varying sliding mode controller (TVSMC) combines the benefit of the control system’s robustness and convergence rate. Using Lyapunov stability theory, the stability of the designed controller is proved. In addition, the controller parameters of the designed controller are specified optimally via the dragonfly algorithm (DA). The input constraint’s effect is considered in the controller design process by applying the concept of the auxiliary system. The bounded disturbances are applied to investigate the robustness of the proposed techniques. Moreover, the quasi-sliding mode controller (QSMC) is developed as a benchmark to evaluate the convergence behavior of the proposed TVSMC technique. The simulation results demonstrate the proposed TVSMC with the optimal parameters provided by the DA algorithm (TVSMC+DA) can regulate the temperature to the desired level under bounded disturbances. When compared to the QSMC method, the TVSMC+DA performs significantly faster convergence speed and greater reduction in chattering occurrence. The results clearly indicate that the proposed controller can enhance convergence properties while being robust to disturbances

    Nonlinear and Robust Control Strategy Based on Chemotherapy to Minimize the HIV Concentration in Blood Plasma

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    A nonlinear PI-type control strategy is designed in order to minimize the HIV concentration in blood plasma, via medical drug injection, under the framework of bounded uncertain input disturbances. For control design it is considered a simplified mathematical model of the virus infection as a benchmark. The model is based on mass balances of healthy cells, infected cells, and the virus concentrations. The proposed controller contains a nonlinear feedback PI structure of bounded functions of the regulation error. The closed-loop stability of the system is analyzed via Lyapunov technique, in which robustness against system disturbances is demonstrated. Numerical experiments show a satisfactory performance of the proposed methodology as a HIV therapy, in which the virion particles and the infected CD4+T cells are minimized and, as an interesting result, the drug dosage can be suspended, thus avoiding drug resistance from the virus. Finally, the proposed controller is compared to a standard sliding-mode and hyperbolic tangent controllers showing better performance

    Sigmoid pid based adaptive safe experimentation dynamics algorithm of portable duodopa pump for parkinson’s disease patients

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    This paper emphasizes on the development of an appropriate closed-loop control strategy for traditional portable duodopa pump (PDP); thereby ensuring an automated drug infusion without wearing off. In particular, a sigmoid proportional integral derivative (SPID) controller is adopted to control the blood plasma level of dopamine. The parameters of SPID controller are tuned using the adaptive safe experimentation dynamics (ASED) algorithm. The efficiency of the suggested SPID-ASED is evaluated by concerning the convergence plot of the cost function, the amount of dopamine in the blood plasma (BP) of the patient, the statistical analysis of cost function, norm of error and norm of input, and time responses specifications. The simulation results show that the proposed SPID-ASED outperforms the standard PID controller in terms of better control accuracy with minimum overshoot and settling time

    Sigmoid PID based adaptive safe experimentation dynamics algorithm of portable duodopa pump for Parkinson’s disease patients

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    This paper emphasizes on the development of an appropriate closed-loop control strategy for traditional portable duodopa pump (PDP); thereby ensuring an automated drug infusion without wearing off. In particular, a sigmoid proportional integral derivative (SPID) controller is adopted to control the blood plasma level of dopamine. The parameters of SPID controller are tuned using the adaptive safe experimentation dynamics (ASED) algorithm. The efficiency of the suggested SPID-ASED is evaluated by concerning the convergence plot of the cost function, the amount of dopamine in the blood plasma (BP) of the patient, the statistical analysis of cost function, norm of error and norm of input, and time responses specifications. The simulation results show that the proposed SPID-ASED outperforms the standard PID controller in terms of better control accuracy with minimum overshoot and settling time

    Improved PID controller based on piecewise affine function in data driven control framework

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    In recent years, with the rapid developments of science and technology, practical applications in various fields such as chemical, machinery, electronics and electricity industries have caused the process to become more complex. This subsequently causes the modelling of the plant using first principles or system identification to become more difficult. In general, the PID controller has been successfully applied in various applications. However, the PID gains which are proportional

    Sigmoid Based PID Controller Implementation for Rotor Control

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    European Control Conference (ECC) -- JUL 15-17, 2015 -- Linz, AUSTRIAThis paper presents a sigmoid based variable coefficient PID (SBVC-PID) controller design for Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS). The proposed SBVC-PID controller dynamically changes controller coefficients according to a modified sigmoid function of the error signal. The modified sigmoid function is used to limit variability of PID controller coefficients in a predefined range. In the proposed method, each parameters of PID, namely k(P), k(i) and k(d), alter between predefined upper and lower bounds. A modified sigmoid function adjusted by a transition coefficient is used to alter each of the PID parameters between these bound limits. The variable coefficients of SBVC-PID maintain a hypercube in k(P), k(i) and k(d). parameter space satisfying robust stability of the system. Well-known Kharitonov polynomials are used to ensure that the SBVC-PID coefficient alteration takes place in the robust stability intervals. Due to dynamically change of PID coefficients depending on magnitude of error signal, the control performance can be improved compared to conventional PID control. Performance of SBVC-PID controller is demonstrated via theoretical examples and TRMS rotor control simulations