170 research outputs found

    On the Quantitative Hardness of CVP

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    \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\problem}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathrm{#1}} } \newcommand{\CVP}{\problem{CVP}} \newcommand{\SVP}{\problem{SVP}} \newcommand{\CVPP}{\problem{CVPP}} \newcommand{\ensuremath}[1]{#1} For odd integers p1p \geq 1 (and p=p = \infty), we show that the Closest Vector Problem in the p\ell_p norm (\CVP_p) over rank nn lattices cannot be solved in 2^{(1-\eps) n} time for any constant \eps > 0 unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) fails. We then extend this result to "almost all" values of p1p \geq 1, not including the even integers. This comes tantalizingly close to settling the quantitative time complexity of the important special case of \CVP_2 (i.e., \CVP in the Euclidean norm), for which a 2n+o(n)2^{n +o(n)}-time algorithm is known. In particular, our result applies for any p=p(n)2p = p(n) \neq 2 that approaches 22 as nn \to \infty. We also show a similar SETH-hardness result for \SVP_\infty; hardness of approximating \CVP_p to within some constant factor under the so-called Gap-ETH assumption; and other quantitative hardness results for \CVP_p and \CVPP_p for any 1p<1 \leq p < \infty under different assumptions

    Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in Lattices Faster Using Quantum Search

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    By applying Grover's quantum search algorithm to the lattice algorithms of Micciancio and Voulgaris, Nguyen and Vidick, Wang et al., and Pujol and Stehl\'{e}, we obtain improved asymptotic quantum results for solving the shortest vector problem. With quantum computers we can provably find a shortest vector in time 21.799n+o(n)2^{1.799n + o(n)}, improving upon the classical time complexity of 22.465n+o(n)2^{2.465n + o(n)} of Pujol and Stehl\'{e} and the 22n+o(n)2^{2n + o(n)} of Micciancio and Voulgaris, while heuristically we expect to find a shortest vector in time 20.312n+o(n)2^{0.312n + o(n)}, improving upon the classical time complexity of 20.384n+o(n)2^{0.384n + o(n)} of Wang et al. These quantum complexities will be an important guide for the selection of parameters for post-quantum cryptosystems based on the hardness of the shortest vector problem.Comment: 19 page

    Approximate Voronoi cells for lattices, revisited

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    We revisit the approximate Voronoi cells approach for solving the closest vector problem with preprocessing (CVPP) on high-dimensional lattices, and settle the open problem of Doulgerakis-Laarhoven-De Weger [PQCrypto, 2019] of determining exact asymptotics on the volume of these Voronoi cells under the Gaussian heuristic. As a result, we obtain improved upper bounds on the time complexity of the randomized iterative slicer when using less than 20.076d+o(d)2^{0.076d + o(d)} memory, and we show how to obtain time-memory trade-offs even when using less than 20.048d+o(d)2^{0.048d + o(d)} memory. We also settle the open problem of obtaining a continuous trade-off between the size of the advice and the query time complexity, as the time complexity with subexponential advice in our approach scales as dd/2+o(d)d^{d/2 + o(d)}, matching worst-case enumeration bounds, and achieving the same asymptotic scaling as average-case enumeration algorithms for the closest vector problem.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Solving the Closest Vector Problem in 2n2^n Time--- The Discrete Gaussian Strikes Again!

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    We give a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time and space randomized algorithm for solving the exact Closest Vector Problem (CVP) on nn-dimensional Euclidean lattices. This improves on the previous fastest algorithm, the deterministic O~(4n)\widetilde{O}(4^{n})-time and O~(2n)\widetilde{O}(2^{n})-space algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris. We achieve our main result in three steps. First, we show how to modify the sampling algorithm from [ADRS15] to solve the problem of discrete Gaussian sampling over lattice shifts, LtL- t, with very low parameters. While the actual algorithm is a natural generalization of [ADRS15], the analysis uses substantial new ideas. This yields a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time algorithm for approximate CVP for any approximation factor γ=1+2o(n/logn)\gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/\log n)}. Second, we show that the approximate closest vectors to a target vector tt can be grouped into "lower-dimensional clusters," and we use this to obtain a recursive reduction from exact CVP to a variant of approximate CVP that "behaves well with these clusters." Third, we show that our discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm can be used to solve this variant of approximate CVP. The analysis depends crucially on some new properties of the discrete Gaussian distribution and approximate closest vectors, which might be of independent interest

    The irreducible vectors of a lattice:Some theory and applications

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    The main idea behind lattice sieving algorithms is to reduce a sufficiently large number of lattice vectors with each other so that a set of short enough vectors is obtained. It is therefore natural to study vectors which cannot be reduced. In this work we give a concrete definition of an irreducible vector and study the properties of the set of all such vectors. We show that the set of irreducible vectors is a subset of the set of Voronoi relevant vectors and study its properties. For extremal lattices this set may contain as many as 2^n vectors, which leads us to define the notion of a complete system of irreducible vectors, whose size can be upperbounded by the kissing number. One of our main results shows thatmodified heuristic sieving algorithms heuristically approximate such a set (modulo sign). We provide experiments in low dimensions which support this theory. Finally we give some applications of this set in the study of lattice problems such as SVP, SIVP and CVPP. The introduced notions, as well as various results derived along the way, may provide further insights into lattice algorithms and motivate new research into understanding these algorithms better

    Shortest vector from lattice sieving: A few dimensions for free

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    Asymptotically, the best known algorithms for solving the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) in a lattice of dimension n are sieve algorithms, which have heuristic complexity estimates ranging from (4/3)n+o(n) down to (3/2)n/2+o(n) when Locality Sensitive Hashing techniques are used. Sieve algorithms are however outperformed by pruned enumeration algorithms in practice by several orders of magnitude, despite the larger super-exponential asymptotical complexity 2Θ(n log n) of the latter. In this work, we show a concrete improvement of sieve-type algorithms. Precisely, we show that a few calls to the sieve algorithm in lattices of dimension less than n - d solves SVP in dimension n, where d = Θ(n/ log n). Although our improvement is only sub-exponential, its practical effect in relevant dimensions is quite significant. We implemented it over a simple sieve algorithm with (4/3)n+o(n) complexity, and it outperforms the best sieve algorithms from the literature by a factor of 10 in dimensions 7080. It performs less than an order of magnitude slower than pruned enumeration in the same range. By design, this improvement can also be applied to most other variants of sieve algorithms, including LSH sieve algorithms and tuple-sieve algorithms. In this light, we may expect sieve-techniques to outperform pruned enumeration in practice in the near future

    Improved Classical and Quantum Algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem via Bounded Distance Decoding

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    The most important computational problem on lattices is the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP). In this paper, we present new algorithms that improve the state-of-the-art for provable classical/quantum algorithms for SVP. We present the following results. \bullet A new algorithm for SVP that provides a smooth tradeoff between time complexity and memory requirement. For any positive integer 4qn4\leq q\leq \sqrt{n}, our algorithm takes q13n+o(n)q^{13n+o(n)} time and requires poly(n)q16n/q2poly(n)\cdot q^{16n/q^2} memory. This tradeoff which ranges from enumeration (q=nq=\sqrt{n}) to sieving (qq constant), is a consequence of a new time-memory tradeoff for Discrete Gaussian sampling above the smoothing parameter. \bullet A quantum algorithm for SVP that runs in time 20.953n+o(n)2^{0.953n+o(n)} and requires 20.5n+o(n)2^{0.5n+o(n)} classical memory and poly(n) qubits. In Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) model this algorithm takes only 20.873n+o(n)2^{0.873n+o(n)} time and requires a QRAM of size 20.1604n+o(n)2^{0.1604n+o(n)}, poly(n) qubits and 20.5n2^{0.5n} classical space. This improves over the previously fastest classical (which is also the fastest quantum) algorithm due to [ADRS15] that has a time and space complexity 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}. \bullet A classical algorithm for SVP that runs in time 21.741n+o(n)2^{1.741n+o(n)} time and 20.5n+o(n)2^{0.5n+o(n)} space. This improves over an algorithm of [CCL18] that has the same space complexity. The time complexity of our classical and quantum algorithms are obtained using a known upper bound on a quantity related to the lattice kissing number which is 20.402n2^{0.402n}. We conjecture that for most lattices this quantity is a 2o(n)2^{o(n)}. Assuming that this is the case, our classical algorithm runs in time 21.292n+o(n)2^{1.292n+o(n)}, our quantum algorithm runs in time 20.750n+o(n)2^{0.750n+o(n)} and our quantum algorithm in QRAM model runs in time 20.667n+o(n)2^{0.667n+o(n)}.Comment: Faster Quantum Algorithm for SVP in QRAM, 43 pages, 4 figure