2,251 research outputs found

    Shuffle on positive varieties of languages

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    We show there is a unique maximal positive variety of languages which does not contain the language (ab)*. This variety is the unique maximal positive variety satisfying the two following conditions: it is strictly included in the class of rational languages and is closed under the shuffle operation. It is also the unique maximal proper positive variety closed under length preserving morphims. The ordered monoids of the corresponding variety of ordered monoids are characterized as follows: for every pair (a, b) of mutually inverse elements, and for every element z of the minimal ideal of the submonoid generated by a and b, (abzab)^ω ≤ ab. In particular this variety is decidable

    Commutative positive varieties of languages

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    We study the commutative positive varieties of languages closed under various operations: shuffle, renaming and product over one-letter alphabets

    On generating series of finitely presented operads

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    Given an operad P with a finite Groebner basis of relations, we study the generating functions for the dimensions of its graded components P(n). Under moderate assumptions on the relations we prove that the exponential generating function for the sequence {dim P(n)} is differential algebraic, and in fact algebraic if P is a symmetrization of a non-symmetric operad. If, in addition, the growth of the dimensions of P(n) is bounded by an exponent of n (or a polynomial of n, in the non-symmetric case) then, moreover, the ordinary generating function for the above sequence {dim P(n)} is rational. We give a number of examples of calculations and discuss conjectures about the above generating functions for more general classes of operads.Comment: Minor changes; references to recent articles by Berele and by Belov, Bokut, Rowen, and Yu are adde

    Small conjunctive varieties of regular languages

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    The author's modification of Eilenberg theorem relates the so-called conjunctive varieties of regular languages with pseudovarieties of idempotent semirings. Recent results by Pastijn and his co-authors lead to the description of the lattice of all (pseudo)varieties of idempotent semirings with idempotent multiplication. We describe here the corresponding 78 varieties of languages

    Gr\"obner methods for representations of combinatorial categories

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    Given a category C of a combinatorial nature, we study the following fundamental question: how does the combinatorial behavior of C affect the algebraic behavior of representations of C? We prove two general results. The first gives a combinatorial criterion for representations of C to admit a theory of Gr\"obner bases. From this, we obtain a criterion for noetherianity of representations. The second gives a combinatorial criterion for a general "rationality" result for Hilbert series of representations of C. This criterion connects to the theory of formal languages, and makes essential use of results on the generating functions of languages, such as the transfer-matrix method and the Chomsky-Sch\"utzenberger theorem. Our work is motivated by recent work in the literature on representations of various specific categories. Our general criteria recover many of the results on these categories that had been proved by ad hoc means, and often yield cleaner proofs and stronger statements. For example: we give a new, more robust, proof that FI-modules (originally introduced by Church-Ellenberg-Farb), and a family of natural generalizations, are noetherian; we give an easy proof of a generalization of the Lannes-Schwartz artinian conjecture from the study of generic representation theory of finite fields; we significantly improve the theory of Δ\Delta-modules, introduced by Snowden in connection to syzygies of Segre embeddings; and we establish fundamental properties of twisted commutative algebras in positive characteristic.Comment: 41 pages; v2: Moved old Sections 3.4, 10, 11, 13.2 and connected text to arxiv:1410.6054v1, Section 13.1 removed and will appear elsewhere; v3: substantial revision and reorganization of section

    On shuffle ideals of general algebras

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    We extend a word language concept called shuffle ideal to general algebras. For this purpose, we introduce the relation SH and show that there exists a natural connection between this relation and the homeomorphic embedding order on trees. We establish connections between shuffle ideals, monotonically ordered algebras and automata, and piecewise testable tree languages
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