367,131 research outputs found

    Using Structure Indices for Efficient Approximation of Network Properties

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    Statistics on networks have become vital to the study of relational data drawn from areas including bibliometrics, fraud detection, bioinformatics, and the Internet. Calculating many of the most important measures—such as betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and graph diameter—requires identifying short paths in these networks. However, finding these short paths can be intractable for even moderate-size networks. We introduce the concept of a network structure index (NSI), a composition of (1) a set of annotations on every node in the network and (2) a function that uses the annotations to estimate graph distance between pairs of nodes. We present several varieties of NSIs, examine their time and space complexity, and analyze their performance on synthetic and real data sets. We show that creating an NSI for a given network enables extremely efficient and accurate estimation of a wide variety of network statistics on that network

    Making Predictions and Handling Errors in Reconstructed Biological Networks

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    In this thesis we present methods for applying techniques from complex network theory to analyze and interpret inferred biological interactions. With the advent of high throughput technologies such as gene microarrays and genome-wide sequencing, it is now possible to measure the activity of every gene in a cancer cell population under different conditions. How to extract important interactions from these experiments remains an outstanding question. Here we present a method to identify these key interactions by focusing on short paths in a transcription factor network. We use a mutual information-based approach to infer the transcription factor network from gene expression microarrays, which measure perturbations in a Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma cell line. By focusing on the number of short paths between transcription factors and signature genes in the inferred network, we find a set of transcription factors whose biology is crucial to the continued survival of these lymphoma cells and also show that a subset of these factors have a distinct expression pattern in patient tumors as well. As many networks of interest are reconstructed from data containing errors, we introduce two simple models of false and missing links to characterize the effects of network misinformation on three commonly used centrality measures: degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and dynamical importance. We show that all three measures are especially robust to both false and missing links when the network has a power law in the tail of its degree distribution

    Evolutionary Construction of Geographical Networks with Nearly Optimal Robustness and Efficient Routing Properties

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    Robust and efficient design of networks on a realistic geographical space is one of the important issues for the realization of dependable communication systems. In this paper, based on a percolation theory and a geometric graph property, we investigate such a design from the following viewpoints: 1) network evolution according to a spatially heterogeneous population, 2) trimodal low degrees for the tolerant connectivity against both failures and attacks, and 3) decentralized routing within short paths. Furthermore, we point out the weakened tolerance by geographical constraints on local cycles, and propose a practical strategy by adding a small fraction of shortcut links between randomly chosen nodes in order to improve the robustness to a similar level to that of the optimal bimodal networks with a larger degree O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) for the network size NN. These properties will be useful for constructing future ad-hoc networks in wide-area communications.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    CASPR: Judiciously Using the Cloud for Wide-Area Packet Recovery

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    We revisit a classic networking problem -- how to recover from lost packets in the best-effort Internet. We propose CASPR, a system that judiciously leverages the cloud to recover from lost or delayed packets. CASPR supplements and protects best-effort connections by sending a small number of coded packets along the highly reliable but expensive cloud paths. When receivers detect packet loss, they recover packets with the help of the nearby data center, not the sender, thus providing quick and reliable packet recovery for latency-sensitive applications. Using a prototype implementation and its deployment on the public cloud and the PlanetLab testbed, we quantify the benefits of CASPR in providing fast, cost effective packet recovery. Using controlled experiments, we also explore how these benefits translate into improvements up and down the network stack
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