23 research outputs found

    Sharper Upper Bounds for Unbalanced Uniquely Decodable Code Pairs

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    Two sets A,B{0,1}nA, B \subseteq \{0, 1\}^n form a Uniquely Decodable Code Pair (UDCP) if every pair aAa \in A, bBb \in B yields a distinct sum a+ba+b, where the addition is over Zn\mathbb{Z}^n. We show that every UDCP A,BA, B, with A=2(1ϵ)n|A| = 2^{(1-\epsilon)n} and B=2βn|B| = 2^{\beta n}, satisfies β0.4228+ϵ\beta \leq 0.4228 +\sqrt{\epsilon}. For sufficiently small ϵ\epsilon, this bound significantly improves previous bounds by Urbanke and Li~[Information Theory Workshop '98] and Ordentlich and Shayevitz~[2014, arXiv:1412.8415], which upper bound β\beta by 0.49210.4921 and 0.47980.4798, respectively, as ϵ\epsilon approaches 00.Comment: 11 pages; to appear at ISIT 201

    Sharper Upper Bounds for Unbalanced Uniquely Decodable Code Pairs

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    Two sets A,B{0,1}nA, B \subseteq \{0, 1\}^n form a Uniquely Decodable Code Pair (UDCP) if every pair aAa \in A, bBb \in B yields a distinct sum a+ba+b, where the addition is over Zn\mathbb{Z}^n. We show that every UDCP A,BA, B, with A=2(1ϵ)n|A| = 2^{(1-\epsilon)n} and B=2βn|B| = 2^{\beta n}, satisfies β0.4228+ϵ\beta \leq 0.4228 +\sqrt{\epsilon}. For sufficiently small ϵ\epsilon, this bound significantly improves previous bounds by Urbanke and Li~[Information Theory Workshop '98] and Ordentlich and Shayevitz~[2014, arXiv:1412.8415], which upper bound β\beta by 0.49210.4921 and 0.47980.4798, respectively, as ϵ\epsilon approaches 00

    Zero-error communication over adder MAC

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    Adder MAC is a simple noiseless multiple-access channel (MAC), where if users send messages X1,,Xh{0,1}nX_1,\ldots,X_h\in \{0,1\}^n, then the receiver receives Y=X1++XhY = X_1+\cdots+X_h with addition over Z\mathbb{Z}. Communication over the noiseless adder MAC has been studied for more than fifty years. There are two models of particular interest: uniquely decodable code tuples, and BhB_h-codes. In spite of the similarities between these two models, lower bounds and upper bounds of the optimal sum rate of uniquely decodable code tuple asymptotically match as number of users goes to infinity, while there is a gap of factor two between lower bounds and upper bounds of the optimal rate of BhB_h-codes. The best currently known BhB_h-codes for h3h\ge 3 are constructed using random coding. In this work, we study variants of the random coding method and related problems, in hope of achieving BhB_h-codes with better rate. Our contribution include the following. (1) We prove that changing the underlying distribution used in random coding cannot improve the rate. (2) We determine the rate of a list-decoding version of BhB_h-codes achieved by the random coding method. (3) We study several related problems about R\'{e}nyi entropy.Comment: An updated version of author's master thesi

    A Note on the Probability of Rectangles for Correlated Binary Strings

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    Consider two sequences of nn independent and identically distributed fair coin tosses, X=(X1,,Xn)X=(X_1,\ldots,X_n) and Y=(Y1,,Yn)Y=(Y_1,\ldots,Y_n), which are ρ\rho-correlated for each jj, i.e. P[Xj=Yj]=1+ρ2\mathbb{P}[X_j=Y_j] = {1+\rho\over 2}. We study the question of how large (small) the probability P[XA,YB]\mathbb{P}[X \in A, Y\in B] can be among all sets A,B{0,1}nA,B\subset\{0,1\}^n of a given cardinality. For sets A,B=Θ(2n)|A|,|B| = \Theta(2^n) it is well known that the largest (smallest) probability is approximately attained by concentric (anti-concentric) Hamming balls, and this can be proved via the hypercontractive inequality (reverse hypercontractivity). Here we consider the case of A,B=2Θ(n)|A|,|B| = 2^{\Theta(n)}. By applying a recent extension of the hypercontractive inequality of Polyanskiy-Samorodnitsky (J. Functional Analysis, 2019), we show that Hamming balls of the same size approximately maximize P[XA,YB]\mathbb{P}[X \in A, Y\in B] in the regime of ρ1\rho \to 1. We also prove a similar tight lower bound, i.e. show that for ρ0\rho\to 0 the pair of opposite Hamming balls approximately minimizes the probability P[XA,YB]\mathbb{P}[X \in A, Y\in B]

    Quickest Sequence Phase Detection

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    A phase detection sequence is a length-nn cyclic sequence, such that the location of any length-kk contiguous subsequence can be determined from a noisy observation of that subsequence. In this paper, we derive bounds on the minimal possible kk in the limit of nn\to\infty, and describe some sequence constructions. We further consider multiple phase detection sequences, where the location of any length-kk contiguous subsequence of each sequence can be determined simultaneously from a noisy mixture of those subsequences. We study the optimal trade-offs between the lengths of the sequences, and describe some sequence constructions. We compare these phase detection problems to their natural channel coding counterparts, and show a strict separation between the fundamental limits in the multiple sequence case. Both adversarial and probabilistic noise models are addressed.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Faster space-efficient algorithms for Subset Sum, k -Sum, and related problems

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    We present randomized algorithms that solve subset sum and knapsack instances with n items in O∗ (20.86n) time, where the O∗ (∙ ) notation suppresses factors polynomial in the input size, and polynomial space, assuming random read-only access to exponentially many random bits. These results can be extended to solve binary integer programming on n variables with few constraints in a similar running time. We also show that for any constant k ≥ 2, random instances of k-Sum can be solved using O(nk -0.5polylog(n)) time and O(log n) space, without the assumption of random access to random bits.Underlying these results is an algorithm that determines whether two given lists of length n with integers bounded by a polynomial in n share a common value. Assuming random read-only access to random bits, we show that this problem can be solved using O(log n) space significantly faster than the trivial O(n2) time algorithm if no value occurs too often in the same list.</p

    Faster Space-Efficient Algorithms for Subset Sum, k-Sum and Related Problems

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    We present space efficient Monte Carlo algorithms that solve Subset Sum and Knapsack instances with nn items using O(20.86n)O^*(2^{0.86n}) time and polynomial space, where the O()O^*(\cdot) notation suppresses factors polynomial in the input size. Both algorithms assume random read-only access to random bits. Modulo this mild assumption, this resolves a long-standing open problem in exact algorithms for NP-hard problems. These results can be extended to solve Binary Linear Programming on nn variables with few constraints in a similar running time. We also show that for any constant k2k\geq 2, random instances of kk-Sum can be solved using O(nk0.5polylog(n))O(n^{k-0.5}polylog(n)) time and O(logn)O(\log n) space, without the assumption of random access to random bits. Underlying these results is an algorithm that determines whether two given lists of length nn with integers bounded by a polynomial in nn share a common value. Assuming random read-only access to random bits, we show that this problem can be solved using O(logn)O(\log n) space significantly faster than the trivial O(n2)O(n^2) time algorithm if no value occurs too often in the same list

    Sharper Upper Bounds for Unbalanced Uniquely Decodable Code Pairs

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    Two sets of 0-1 vectors of fixed length form a uniquely decodeable code pair if their Cartesian product is of the same size as their sumset, where the addition is pointwise over integers. For the size of the sumset of such a pair, van Tilborg has given an upper bound in the general case. Urbanke and Li, and later Ordentlich and Shayevitz, have given better bounds in the unbalanced case, that is, when either of the two sets is sufficiently large. Improvements to the latter bounds are presented.Peer reviewe

    Multipermutation Codes in the Ulam Metric for Nonvolatile Memories

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    We address the problem of multipermutation code design in the Ulam metric for novel storage applications. Multipermutation codes are suitable for flash memory where cell charges may share the same rank. Changes in the charges of cells manifest themselves as errors whose effects on the retrieved signal may be measured via the Ulam distance. As part of our analysis, we study multipermutation codes in the Hamming metric, known as constant composition codes. We then present bounds on the size of multipermutation codes and their capacity, for both the Ulam and the Hamming metrics. Finally, we present constructions and accompanying decoders for multipermutation codes in the Ulam metric

    Some new developments in image compression

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    This study is divided into two parts. The first part involves an investigation of near-lossless compression of digitized images using the entropy-coded DPCM method with a large number of quantization levels. Through the investigation, a new scheme that combines both lossy and lossless DPCM methods into a common framework is developed. This new scheme uses known results on the design of predictors and quantizers that incorporate properties of human visual perception. In order to enhance the compression performance of the scheme, an adaptively generated source model with multiple contexts is employed for the coding of the quantized prediction errors, rather than a memoryless model as in the conventional DPCM method. Experiments show that the scheme can provide compression in the range from 4 to 11 with a peak SNR of about 50 dB for 8-bit medical images. Also, the use of multiple contexts is found to improve compression performance by about 25% to 35%;The second part of the study is devoted to the problem of lossy image compression using tree-structured vector quantization. As a result of the study, a new design method for codebook generation is developed together with four different implementation algorithms. In the new method, an unbalanced tree-structured vector codebook is designed in a greedy fashion under the constraint of rate-distortion trade-off which can then be used to implement a variable-rate compression system. From experiments, it is found that the new method can achieve a very good rate-distortion performance while being computationally efficient. Also, due to the tree-structure of the codebook, the new method is amenable to progressive transmission applications